
Sunday, September 29, 2024

{ Groceries, Cleaning and Prepping }

September 29, 2024

The window is open and a slight chilly breeze is flowing into the bedroom.  I've looked forward to these mornings, all summer long.  Each day the temperatures rose, my mind would tell me to hang tight, that soon the cool crisp mornings and dewy grass would be gracing my sight.
And here we are 🍂
In about 30 minutes, I need to leave for the gym, but I wanted to come in and start this post, because I know that once I return, it is a bit of a flurry of busyness as I get lunch made, laundry washing, and dinner and dessert prepared for tonight's dinner.  Jasmine and her boyfriend come over every Sunday for Family Dinner, it's a tradition we started after she moved out, and it's a time that we very much enjoy as a family.  We eat, we talk, we catch up on the past week and we play some games.
I am hoping though, that between all these chores, I get some time to sit and crochet a bit more.  I can't begin to tell you how much I have loved getting back into my crochet.  My mind is running wildly with so many things I want to make, but as always, blankets have a special place in my heart.  I currently have 3 crochet blankets being worked.  
Normally, you would expect a person to finish one, then move onto the next, but for some reason, I work best (in crochet at least), when I have a few going at the same time.  I don't always feel like working on a specific one, so I get 3 to pick from.  It works, for me!
Anyway, this post is not about crochet, but rather about sharing my past few days, from grocery shopping to a home tidy up and vegetable and fruit prepping for the week.

September 29, 2024

September 29, 2024
I was using Walmart pickup for a while, I found it easier and quicker to do, than going into the actual store.  But as time has gone on, I have chose to shop in store again.  Why?  Because I find that with Walmart I never know what I'm getting.  They often tell me things are not available, and when I go into the store immediately after the pickup, it's there.  
They substitute things I have not chosen to be substituted, or send me the wrong sizes, or I've been sent 3 of the same thing.  It's a bit of a risk for me when doing my grocery shopping by pickup.  
I'm not saying I won't use it again, because I know I will, but I do enjoy shopping at the base commissary, taking my time, and really looking at the products.  So that is what I did this past week.

September 29, 2024

September 29, 2024
This is the part where I say prices have gone up again, but truly what is the point in repeating something of which we have zero control of?
Food is not something we can go without and there really is only so much cutting back or cutting out you can do.  I am so blessed in the sense that I love cooking, love inventing meals and can make do with what is at hand, but even that becomes a bit frustrating.
Here's an example.  I used to absolutely love meal planning.  I would pull out my cookbooks and get such joy from looking through recipes and trying new ones, but I can't really do that anymore.  We all know that meats especially are the biggest part of the budget, so I try to cook with minimal meats.  That in turn means meals will eventually start getting a bit boring, and I start drawing blanks as to what I am going to make.
That in turn, takes the joy out of something I really enjoying doing.  But alas, we push forward and continue.  Where drawing up a menu would take me one day, now it takes me a couple of days, thinking, rethinking, crossing out, replacing, right up until the morning of grocery shopping.  It's crazy!

September 29, 2024
I am currently making some homemade apple cider vinegar.  It's something I have wanted to try for a long time, and I had quite a few apples that were going bad, so I thought it's now or never.
Will it work?  I am not sure.  I hope it does because homemade is always better than store bought, in my opinion.  It will take about 2 months or 3 for it to be fully ready to use, but I am quite excited to see how it turns out.  I'll obviously keep you updated on the progress!
September 29, 2024

September 29, 2024

After giving the cider vinegar a good stir, I got busy with prepping fruits and vegetables for the week. I know it takes some time and effort to do, but I think the results are worth the hour or so you take to chop and wash and pack everything correctly. 
It will be all neatly packed in the fridge and freezer, for meals during the week.
I also refill the olive oil jar, beans, pasta etc.  Refill the cookie jar and any other pantry staple.  I love seeing jars in the pantry and kitchen shelf, instead of boxes everywhere.

 September 29, 2024

September 29, 2024

Since I do a lot of Mediterranean inspired meals, there is always an abundance of peppers, but they're not always as cheap as I would like, and unfortunately my pepper plant didn't produce much this year.  Definitely need to have a few pepper plants next spring.  
When I go grocery shopping, if I see peppers on sale, I buy them.  I then wash, and chop and place in a ziploc freezer bag to use in meals.  Works wonderfully.
I also always have cilantro and parsley in the freezer.  I wash them when I get home from grocery shopping, chop them roughly, and then place both together into a big tupperware container that stays in the freezer.  I add it it to all my meals, soups, stews, salads etc.  No more parsley and cilantro going bad two days after you've bought them.

September 29, 2024

September 29, 2024

I keep a tupperware with lettuce leaves too, for quick fresh salads.  I wash them, let them dry completely, then layer the leaves between paper towels.  It stays for at least 2 weeks, though ours don't last that long usually, but they're fresh and crisp.  

Another great way to have crisp lettuce for salads always available.

September 29, 2024

September 29, 2024

September 29, 2024

The time I spend in the kitchen is wonderful.  I love taking care of my home and doing the best I can to ensure that our family has fresh, home cooked healthy meals.

I thank myself during the week, when I have everything prepared to go. 

September 29, 2024

The never ending laundry mountain was conquered, washed and folded.  Laundry can become overwhelming at times, but I must say I quite enjoy doing laundry.  I don't enjoy putting it away but every other part of the process, I like.

In the meantime, a new book came in from my paperback book swap.  I have been collecting as many as I can from Julie Klassen.  Just loving this author and her sweet books. 

September 29, 2024

September 29, 2024

That's it.  I've also been crocheting a ton, started the sweetest granny blanket, and also made my first autumn inspired coaster, need to make 3 more to make a set.  I can't wait to show you though, it is a pumpkin patch, with the most adorable little crocheted pumpkins hugging the coffee mug.  

I'll show you tomorrow in my Happy Homemaker Monday!

I'll leave you now with Sir Elliott, sprawled down on the dining table next to my foam pumpkin.  (it is for a project that I am making this week, which I am hoping to share with you all)

Have a blessed rest of weekend!  I am going to sit down, do a little more crochet and maybe even take a quick nap as I'm exhausted from today's workout.

See you tomorrow 🍂


  1. I haven't had crochet time either, but I do have a few projects going. Our bell pepper harvest was a fantastic one this year. It was pretty much the best year ever, but not so for the rest of the garden. The jalapenos finally turned hot, and I froze most of those. I have only purchased one book this summer, but have another on my list. October will be super busy for us, so I'm hoping for crochet and reading time after that. I still need to fall plant our garlic.

  2. My thirteen year old daughter would love to learn how to crochet but that's something I've never done before. I'm thinking it would be fun to learn together. If you have any suggestions on the best way to start for beginners that would be great! I hope you have a great week ahead!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
