
Wednesday, September 25, 2024

{ September Days }


"Ah, September! You are the doorway to the season that awakens my soul." - Peggy Toney Horton
There's a shift in the air, signaling the season to start using up what we have in the garden, to dry the herbs, to can, and to start putting summer to sleep.
There is a lot of wood to be chopped, a chicken coop to winterize, a garden to get ready for fall planting, although I must say I am a bit late in that this year.  I wanted to get things in the ground, but some of my crops are still producing.
A few weeks ago, during the high temperatures and drought we were having, we had to make the decision to move our container garden from the back porch, to the front porch.  Since then, the plants have thrived and really grown, so I guess they're a bit late in their production this year, and I really don't want to kill them all to get the winter garden going.  I'll wait just a little.


One of the first things I did, was to start cutting down our Thai Basil plant.  It is huge.  I cut down quite a bit of it, so I can hang it to dry.

I made a little hanging herb drying station, using a metal wreath ring.  It works just great, and I'm able to hang quite a lot of herbs from it.  I will have to take a picture and show you, because I just realized I didn't get any photos of the finished wreath.
And, I love dried herbs and flowers hanging around the house.  Just love it ♥


Let me show you the other plants real quick.  It thrills me that they're still producing blossoms and vegetables.
My pepper plants especially seem to love the new area, by the big windows.





A basket full of Thai Basil, smells amazing.
As I was cutting the basil and looking over the other plants, I got a sense of pure contentment.  It's hard to stay focused sometimes and truly appreciate the blessing of where you live, your home, and what you have.
But, I can truly say that I love everything about my life.  I am full of joy when I'm in my home, surrounded by my things and puttering around, whether inside or in the garden.  Creating, making, adding little touches here and there, all of those things bring me joy and peace.

The other day I sat thinking how different my blogging life is from when I first started back in 2006.  Back then my children were so young, my Jasmine was just 7 years old and Nick was 3.  Even though my world revolved around them and their needs, I still managed to fully immerse myself in the home and the life that I had always dreamed of.


A home where every nook and cranny has a touch of who I am.  A home that portrays the simplistic way of life that I long to live.  I always say that save for some really uncomfortable things back in the 1800's and earlier, I would have been in absolute heaven living back in those times.
Some of you are probably crinkling your nose at that.  Maybe you're thinking how weird of me to say, but I've always felt a pull back to those times.  Honestly, plonk me in the middle of a small simple home, with the bare necessities, and I'll run with it.

This past week, I've slowed down the rhythm of life and immersed myself in preparation for the colder, longer months.

I've pulled out the Autumn cookbooks for meal planning, rearranged a few things around the house, made lists of things needing to be done, and have been enjoying my crochet, reading, and more Autumn themed tv shows to watch.

The mornings are darker, the air is crisper, and sundown shows up much earlier than a month ago, which means candles are making a comeback.  I do keep candles all year round, but they get used way more during this time of year.



Life keeps moving on, every day the same tasks over and over, which used to drive me a little nuts, but I've since learned to find peace in those moments.  The routine, the monotonous chores.  Even the animals know these by heart.  It's funny seeing them move to certain parts of the house in anticipation for what I'll be doing.  Amazing how smart animals are!

Though September is coming to a close, already, October is right around the corner.  It is usually one of our busier months, we have Pecan trees to harvest this year, wood to be chopped and piled for winter, preparation for Thanksgiving and Christmas and all those things that come with running a little homestead.  

All these things make me smile!

Now, I am off to finish dinner and get the table set.  Tomorrow is another day, and no doubt another busy day awaits. 


  1. Enjoyed reading your post and seeing your garden harvest. Interested in seeing your herb drying wreath. I usually just dry mine in the oven though I don't generally get a ton of them.

  2. Sandra, there is no link to your profile or to email you despite there being a section in the column on the right telling readers to email you.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
