
Friday, September 15, 2006

Friendship Friday!!!

I've been wanting to do something on fridays. I know there's a lot of other features going around, but I don't really participate in them, other than the Five Ingredients Friday hosted by Overwhelmed with Joy.

I wanted to think of something that I could do every friday, a way to honor my friends, so I came up with "Friendship Friday".

Do you have a friend you would like to honor? Maybe they did something special for you, or were there through a rough period in your life. Maybe they helped you move or brought over chicken soup when you were sick, watched your kids for you?

Well here's your chance to honor them. Every friday I'm going to honor one of my friends, either one that I've met through blogging, or my closest friends around me.

If you want to join in, just grab the banner and add your name to Mr. Linky.

So today I'm honoring my best friend which also happens to be my sister in law, Hayley.

Hayley and I went to school together, we've been friends for 18 years, can you believe that??? I remember when my brother started dating her, I was SO thrilled because I thought she was the sweetest girl and would be perfect for him. Sort of like, the good girl with the bad boy scenario.

They've now been married 10 years and still going strong.

Hayley is the kind of person that everyone is drawn to. She's sweet, she's honest, she's understanding and she never judges. She doesn't have expectations or standards on what a friend should be or act like and she's always there.

She helped me through so many tough times in my life. We went through the usual girly things, first boyfriends, chick flicks, sleepovers, laughing, crying, trying to loose weight and just being silly, laughing about the craziest things.

When we get together, everyone knows that we're in our own little world, we will spend hours talking and crying. I still remember one of the funniest things that happened when Hayley was spending the weekend at my house. Go here if you want to read it :)

I can't imagine my life without her. When I left South Africa, it was heartbreaking leaving my family behind, but Hayley is one of the people I miss the most. There's days I'm having a really bad time, and I want so much to have her nearby, she always knows what to say.

So Hayley, sis, I love you more than words could ever say and the pain of missing you is unbearable. I want you to know that I treasure every single minute we spent don't start crying already.....I can't wait to see you next year, to give you a HUGE hug and kiss and to let you know just how much I love you. Thank you for everything, and for being, well, for being YOU.

If you are honoring one of your friends today and want to join in, just grab the banner and then add your name to the list. I would love to come visit you all and read about those important people in your lives. :)


  1. That's beautiful Sandra! A friendship for 18 years! That is truly a blessing from the Lord. Not many people can claim that!

  2. This is a really sweet idea. I'm so glad you have this kind of relationship with Hayley.

  3. That's so awesome!!! How blessed you are to have such a wonderful friend in your life!!

  4. Aw, that's so sweet - and how blessed are you that your best friend became your sister-in-law! Lucky!

  5. what a touching post about your best friend! And how neat that she happened to marry your brother! :)

  6. So sweet. I am going to write about mine now.

  7. What a lovely post! And what a great idea.. posting about friends!! Will plan on participatig one of these weeks!

  8. That is so awesome to have a friend for 18 years. And how neat that she is now your sister in law. Blessings!! Michelle

  9. This I love. This is so sweet. I'm going to do this. But I'm going to do it tomorrow. I've innundated people with three posts today. So I hope you don't mind if I do this but a day late. Please? Pretty please? Because not only do I love the idea itself but I really really love the button you created.

    This is so something I would expect from you Sandra. Your friends are blessed to know you.

  10. This is such a great idea, i ran over to my blog and posted. I really enjoy looking at your blog, would you mind if i linked to you?

  11. Another great idea. How do I get the banner on my blog?
    Hayley sounds like a great girl and what a bonus having her as your sister-in-law. I can't wait to hear about your other friends.

  12. Hayley sounds like a wonderful friend. You both are blessed to have eachother.


  13. I love this idea! Hayley sounds great & she's just as lucky to have you as a friend.
    Love ya, Court♥

  14. You just have the best ideas! What a sweet tribute to her.

  15. This is a great idea....I will do it this week.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
