
Friday, May 11, 2007

Show and Tell Friday!!!

The wonderful Kelli over at "There's no place like home" has started this friday feature, here's what she had to say:

Welcome to Show and Tell Friday!" Do you have a something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, a new antique find, an old love letter. Use your imagination and dig through those old boxes in your closet if you have to! Feel free to share pictures and if there's a story behind your special something, that's even better!
If you would like to join in, all you have to do is post your "Show and Tell" on your blog, copy the post link, come over here and add it to Mr. Linky.

I actually talked about my treasure back in August of last year but it's so close to my heart that I wanted to share it again for those that didn't read that entry.

Most of you know that we are a military family, so when 9/11 happened, within a few short weeks, less than a month I would say, my hubby was packed and sent out to Qatar. At the time, we had no idea where he was going, he was not allowed to tell us for obvious reasons, and the only reason I knew where he was is because I sort of figured it know how the media is, they blab too much and one of the guys from the base we are stationed at, was killed there. I just put two and two together!!!

Anyway, here is my treasure:

My husband left on a sunday night, right after Jasmine fell asleep for the night. I remember holding him tight and crying my eyes out, I knew I would miss him, but you also have that fear of something happening, especially under the circumstances.

The above picture is of 2 letters, one for me and one for Jasmine. I had no idea that he had written these, but they were in his locker at work with direct instructions that if anything were to happen to him, that those letters were to be handed over to me and our daughter, who was only 2 years old at the time.

When after a few months, he returned, he then gave me the letters and I remember clutching them in my hand, not sure if I could even open them. With his approval, I opened the letters and read them, and then bawled like a baby.

I'm not going to post all that they said, but here is an excerpt:

I hope in my heart you are not reading this, because if you are then I did not make it back. You are my life and always have been.

I want you to know that I love you!!! I am sorry that I will not be there for your first boyfriend or your first love, I'm sorry I will miss you going to school, I apologize with all my heart baby.

These letters will be with me forever, they are just a reminder of the sacrifices that our soldiers make, and I for one am thankful and blessed that I didn't have to be given these letters by a chaplain driving up to my house. I was able to read them, sitting next to my husband....but the impact of the letters are one which I'll never forget.

Some day, when Jasmine is old enough, I will give her the letter and let her read it, I can already tell you she'll cry like a baby, she is just like her momma cry for everything :)

Until then they are both kept in a special place and a daily reminder of how lucky we are to have our husband here where there are other families dearly missing their husbands, fathers, brothers. My heart goes out to them.


  1. Sandra, Thank you for coming by to visit with me and the kind comment.

    Thank your husband, you and your family for the sacrifices you all make so that we remain free. We all take so much for granted and don't realize the many sacrifices that the military men and womem and their families make.

    I pray that all may soon come home and hope that's not wishful thinking.

    I am so very thankful that your husband was able to give you the letters himself...I know that you do treasure them.....Thank you for sharing this with us...Please come again any time....Betty

  2. Sandra, thank you for the sacrifices that your family makes.

    Thanks for sharing your story with us, and I am glad that you got to read the letters with your hubby next to you.


  3. How touching. That brought tears to my eyes just reading about it. Thanks for sharing.

  4. WOW Sandra! With even thing happening over here right now that made me tear up. My guy leaves tomorrow.....

  5. Oh my goodness that is so sweet. I can't even imagining having to see my husband go off to war. Since I am new to reading your blog I didn't know you are a military family. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that he (and your family) does for our country and our freedom.

  6. I am sitting here with tears in my eyes. Please give your hubby a big kiss from all of us for the great job the military does for us!

  7. Thanks for sharing those letters with us.
    They brought tears to my eyes.

    I too am very thankful and grateful for all of our soldiers.
    God bless and keep your husband safe.

    Thanks for stopping by my site and commenting. Please feel free to come by anytime.
    I've enjoyed your site. I will return.

  8. These letters brought tears to my eyes, too... I am SO HAPPY that you got to read them under the RIGHT cirmcumstances, and your husband made it back safe and sound!!!!!!!

  9. Oh you made me cry. How touching. That must have taken a lot of courage for him to write! Very special!

  10. That got me crying. I'm so glad your hubby made it back. I am very thankful for soldiers like him for what they do and the family's they have to support them.

  11. Oh Sandra how sweet. I know how you feel my dss was over in Iraq 2 years. He got hurt one time and it took the army a week to let us know where he was ok or not. It was a long week. We are glad he is back at Fort Hood. He made be going to Germany. That is what his last orders say.

  12. Hi Sandra, I came over from Kelli's. I couldn't read this without tears in my eyes. (I cry at everything)
    I am so grateful that you didn't have to read them the way they were intended. It's wonderful that you have him home! My s-i-l is in Iraq now. Our daughter is living with us due to some medical issues, and we're praying for his safe return, too.
    Blessings to you and have a wonderful Mother's Day,

  13. Wow Sandra, that was really special. It took a lot of courage for you to share them I imagine. That is really a part of your heart and your husband's.

    God bless you all, and a special prayer for him as he serves us in whatever capacity.

  14. Oh, those are so special Sandra, I teared up reading the little exerpts. A special thank you to your husband for serving our county.

  15. That brought tears to my eyes! I'm so happy that he came home safely.

    Tell him thank you for his sacrifice and for yours and your daughter's sacrifice.

    May you have a blessed Mother's Day!

  16. I've got tears in my eyes just reading this! I am SO glad that you never had to be given these letters by a chaplain and that God made sure your hubby came back home safely! Happy Mother's Day xo

  17. Precious indeed! I had tears while reading. I have loved ones in Iraq and Afghanistan and Germany at the moment. Please tell your hubby thanks from the Rios family for his sacrifices in helping to keep us safe! Oh and thanks to you too. I know the wives sacrifice mightily as well.
    Happy Mother's Day!

  18. Those are just precious!! Thank you for sharing such a special item with us. I'm so glad he was able to come home and hand them to you in person.

  19. Tears here Sandra. How precious to have those and to be able to read them with your hubby there at your side.

    Those wraps look yummy. I'll have to give them a try.

  20. Just beautiful Sandra - I cried just reading about the letters, I can understand why you bawled.

    I like the sound of the snippet from the book Pursued by the Shepherd in your other post. I can't wait to read it!

    Hugs n' love.

  21. Sandra,
    Thanks for visiting my blog! I came over to yours and was reading through a few of your posts when I got to this one. I just had to comment! Oh my goodness! Tears swelled up in my eyes as I read the little exerpt from your letters! I'm so glad your husband made it safely back to you!

    Thank you for sharing!
    God bless you and your family!


Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment. Please be respectful of each other and my blog. Rude comments will be deleted.

Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
