
Saturday, April 04, 2009

Flubber Time....


I'm always on the lookout for fun kid crafts and this one has now become one of our favorites. It was fun, it wasn't messy like I thought it would be and it was definitely educational.

After school yesterday, we came home and pulled up the link that I shared with you all on Wednesday, here at the Wanna Try That post.



In goes the food coloring. The kids couldn't decide on which color to make it so they ended up using yellow, red, blue and green and ended up with this really cool funky color.



In goes the Borax and water


Right away the chemical reaction of the borax and the glue starts happening and it's SO neat to watch what it does. What fun!




The result was hours and hours of fun, the kids had a blast with the Flubber and have already asked me to make more.




1 8-ounce bottle of glue
2 cups of warm water, divided
food coloring
1 1/2 teaspoon Borax powder
bowls for mixing

Pour the whole bottle of glue into a big bowl then fill the empty bottle with 1 cup of warm water and add that to the glue. Stir it up until it thins out.

Then add several drops of food coloring and mix that in.

In a separate bowl mix the Borax and the second cup of warm water until the Borax dissolves.

Stirring CONSTANTLY, slowly pour the Borax into the bowl of glue. Stir and stir and stir until it forms into a goopy, slimy, mass.

Remember to store it in an airtight container or it will dry out.

Before I leave you, I have to share these photos of my handsome husband in his new DCC (Dedicated Crew Chief) Maintenance Suit.

Doesn't he look great?




  1. We made this last year at the science co-op class I taught. We had races down the playground slide. Our was called slime. Love it!

  2. Just when I decided this was a no goop, no playdought, no yucky zone, you post this cool blog. My boys are going to LOVE LOVE LOVE this. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Sandra the flubber looks like too much fun ;-) Jasmine and Nicholas look like they had a blast..

    I hope Jasmine is doing allright after what happened at school. {{{{Hugs}}}}}

  4. I made this with my kids when they were young - such fun! Curt looks great in his uniform!

  5. I'm definitely going to make this with my kiddos ... after we move !! They will love it !!

    Curt does look nice in his uniform. Although, he looks less than thrilled at getting his photo taken ... :)

  6. Oh that looks like so much fun!! I've always "thought" about trying it but never did it. :) now I'm thinking about it again! LOL!

  7. This looks like so much fun! A gal used to make this every year at our 5 Day Club and I've never been able to get the recipe! Thanks!

    And a big salute to your hubby! ;)

  8. Sophia made flubber at a Women in Engineering Girl Scout workshop - it's fun and an educational activity!

    Curt looks great - don't you love a man in uniform?

  9. what an easy craft! and how cool :)

    A man in uniform always makes me feel all shivery and patriotic and proud. We're so thankful for our men & women in uniform!

  10. Lol I have to make some! I have some borax too.

    Your hubs does indeed look very dashing in his uniform.

    Hugs n' love

    Sarah x

  11. I used to make this with my kids all the time! I love it ! Thanks for the memories :)

  12. My kids loved flubber when we had it. I'm going to make it with the dayhome kids and put it in one of those large plastic eggs for their Easter treat bags.

  13. Congratulations to your hubby!

    I will have to make Flubber for my great grandkids.

    Happy Sunday To You
    Full of God's Blessings

    from Roberta Anne

  14. So what does hubby think of the new uniform? Is this one comfortable? The collar looks like a pain.

    I always cringe when they bring out the new stuff cause the guys always end up unhappy with some aspect of it. Hopefully this one is better!!

  15. What a fun substance and neat progect for the kids to make and then play with. I'll pass this on to the activity director at work.

  16. I forgot to say Curt looks great in that uniform.. We are so proud of all our military and thankful for all the they do.

  17. Oh the Grandkids are going to love me! And DH is going to love your Chili Verde.

  18. That looks like fun! I wonder if it's hard to get out of carpet?

    And your husband looks great! Who doesn't love a man in uniform!

  19. Hi Sandra! Definatly going to have to try the flubber! My kids would LOVE it! I just love your blog you have such wonderful ideas!
    Also congrats to your Hubby!
    Take Care!

  20. definitely gonna be making me some flubber!!! And what a handsome guy!

  21. So glad you got to make it! :) It's so fun :)


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