
Monday, April 06, 2009

Happy Homemaker Monday!

On my bedside table:

The 19th Wife by David Ebershoff - What a great book, I'm loving it.
Crochet wash cloth that I'm making, some magazines and a basket with my lotions and potions. *snicker*

On my TV:
Paranormal State
Dancing with the Stars
Dresden - Disc 1
Dresden - Disc 2

On the menu for tonight:
Pasta e faglioli

On my To Do List:
Sweep and Mop floors
Change kids bed linens
Finish putting laundry away
Commissary for some items

New Recipe I tried last week:
Apple Puff Pancake

In the craft basket:
Crochet Dish and Wash cloths - have to finish one for a giveaway
Finish sewing the fabric Easter eggs

Looking forward to:
Starting my new 30 Day Shred DVD from Jillian Michaels, today. I've read such great reviews and I'm excited to start it.

Homemaking Tip for this week:
Check out Chore Buster, it is a great website where you can:

Enter in people and chores
Specify how hard / undesirable each chore is, and how often it should be done
ChoreBuster automatically generates a fair schedule of chores
Schedule emailed to you daily or weekly - no need to log in

I'm going to be using this for my kids chores, I think it will help a lot.

Favorite Blog Post of the week (mine or other):
My View of Bath by Linds at Rocking Chair Reflections. Loved all the beautiful photos she shared.

Favorite photo from last week:

Love my crochet eggs and the fact that the kids placed them in the refrigerator made them even cuter.

Lesson learned the past few days:
You and your husband are the only people who can look out for your children's welfare, they rely on you to keep them safe. When Jasmine had an incident at school last week, I didn't let it go, I contacted the teacher and made sure the issue was taken care of and the girl involved was punished for what she said.
Listen to your children, that's the lesson I am constantly being reminded of.

On my Prayer List:
Soldiers overseas
My husband and children

Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:

1 Tim. 4:7-8: Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives’ tales; rather train yourself to be godly. For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come (NIV).


  1. Great lesson Sandra! I always enjoy reading your list and your posts in general.
    Have a wonderful Monday!

  2. Hi Sandra,
    I missed last week and I really can't beleive that I'm first this week.
    I agree with your lesson learned and I love your scripture. Godliness it's tough but oh so required as His children.

  3. I love the eggs in the fridge - too cute!

    Glad things were handled at the school - hope it doesn't lead to any further problems. With a comment like that, it could very well be not what the parents are "teaching" the child but how they are *treating* her. Someone who has had that said to them will often carry it on to others - especially if they themselves perceive an attack coming....even if it actually isn't. Hope everything stays "cool" from here on!

  4. Hi Sandra,

    I'm finally joining you all :-D

  5. I'm off to check out chore buster ... it sounds FANTASTIC and I was just talking to Rory the other day about how we need to do something different with our chores in the new house !!

  6. I have a gift for you over at my blog...

  7. Great verse! I love that one. Thank you for hosting this every week.

  8. Thanks for the Chore Buster, I love lists. And your eggs are darling. When I am better I want to try that. Do you use patterns or just wing it?

    Have a Happy Day
    from Roberta Anne--
    The Raggedy Girl

  9. "lotions & potions"...LOL! :D

    Happy Monday and I can't wait to check out Chore Buster! :)


  10. Definitely checking out chore buster! Thanks for the link.

    The crochet eggs in the fridge are sweet!

  11. Wonderful post! I love that picture of the crochet eggs too. Have a wonderful week.

  12. I will check out that chore chart link! My kids need more responsibility! And that pasta fagioli recipe? You will be seeing that on my next week's menu plan! I can't resist!


  13. love the chore buster link-definitely need something around here! Love your new look too- very clean and crisp!

  14. I forgot to say that I love the eggs in the fridge!


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