
Monday, January 23, 2017

{ The moment you have to step back }

I received this book in the mail, just two days ago.  I didn't buy it, I didn't ask anyone to buy it, it didn't bring a return address or even say who it was from, it just showed up delivered from Amazon.

I sat and stared at it for a while, my brain turning and turning trying to figure out who could have sent it, and I came up completely empty handed, I have absolutely no clue.  So if you , whoever you are, are reading my blog right now and sent this beautiful book, just know that I appreciate you so very much and this brought so much joy to my day.  Not to mention, it is so poignant for me right now, that I'm working on Hygge and replenishing my soul.  So again, thank you, from the bottom of my heart :)

As I sat and looked through the pages, a recurring theme played in my mind, and that was "you have got to step back from those things that rob you of the calm in your life.  Those things that bring irritation, and annoyance, those things that in no way, shape or form, contribute to the kind of life and state of mind you want to be in".

Of course my thoughts immediately went to social media and the current situation of the country, how so many things I'm seeing are irritating me to no end, making me want to lower myself to certain levels to be on the playing field.  And then I realized that is NOT who I am and not who I want to ever be.

I try to keep politics or my opinions out of the blog, out of facebook and instagram etc, but the past few days I've found it extremely difficult to say nothing and so I have.  But no more.  It's not worth it, to be honest.

So I'm stepping back.  I'm making a conscious effort to only post positive, happy, day to day things on Facebook.  To not engage, not share, not reply, not debate, not even entertain anything politically related.  For my own sanity, and so that I can continue on this Hyggelig road I'm on.

I feel better just typing that, which tells me I'm on the right path.

Anyway, today was a bit of a slow day for me.  I puttered around the house with my usual chores and even managed to take a small 15 minute nap on the couch with my Marley.  I needed it, we don't get very good sleep lately and I feel like I'm constantly exhausted.  Those few minutes of shut eye, helped a lot.

Tomorrow I plan on doing something for the blog, something a little different and I invite you all to come along with me.  I am going to do a {Spend the day with me}, but it's going to be almost in real time.  I'll post a photo of what I'm doing, along with a little blurb, every hour, on the hour, so I'll keep coming back in and updating the blog throughout the day.

I'm not sure how this will turn out, I'm not sure if it will be something I'll do again or if you guys will even like it, but it's worth a try. 

I guess if you're really interested in what I'm doing throughout the day, you'll have to keep coming in and refreshing the blog :)

Well my friends, I'm going to sit for a bit, work a little more on the mandala, and watch something on TV before heading to bed in about 2 hours.

Have a wonderful blessed night!!!


  1. I'm heading out on my spouses' group field trip tomorrow but I look forward to checking in to see how you spent your day when I get back. What a lovely random act of kindness, someone was thinking of you and wanted to bless you. Enjoy!

  2. What a neat surprise to get in the mail. Sounds like a great little read. I can relate on so many levels as far as what you mean about social media. I have actually cut out all social media other than blogging since November. At first it was hard but it has been so refreshing. I did it for several reasons. I will not say I will never get back on but for now I can tell it totally has added some peace in my life. It has been a good break for me.

    I am looking forward to tomorrow. Have a super day!!!

  3. What a wonderful surprise...😀 Look forward to seeing your new post.....hey I returned your email it must be going to your junk folder....I need your address....


  4. That surprise would have had me in baffled tears, happy tears. The book looks like it will have some real gems in it. Enjoy.

    Your day today ought to be interesting. I'll check back when I can.

    Have a good one whatever you do ~ FlowerLady

  5. I hear you on the social media. I am guilty of it myself. I think the worst thing is that something like FB doesn't allow people to really *discuss* you know? I think if people had one-on-one conversations about the same topics, things wouldn't be as stressful and nasty. I'm trying to be a little more thoughtful, myself. I am definitely happier when I spend less time scrolling, that's for sure!

  6. Oh, that's wonderful. Sometimes God sends the right things (and people) into our lives at the right time. As for all the political stuff, I have to say I have involved myself in a lot of rants and opinions. My Facebook news feed is always filled with posts from those that are on the opposite side of the spectrum and some that share my same views. I jump in because I want to show the other side a different perspective and to also show those on my side they are not alone, but I do get it, it does no good. No one really cares. Then again, I was raised to stand up to what I believe in and how being quiet can be a dangerous thing. I feel stuck as to what to do but as I wrote on my blog yesterday I choose to be more peaceful and quiet. I don't have to post things that really don't matter. I'm happy with the direction we are going and although others aren't they have every right to vent and be frustrated. Our opinions, our differences is what being an American is all about and that is a beautiful thing. But yes, I'm trying really hard to keep my mouth shut ... oh it's so hard ... but I'm trying.

    Enjoy your day!

  7. What a wonderful gift. It's amazing how what we need shows up just when we need it.

  8. What a sweet thing for someone to do!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
