
Sunday, April 08, 2018

{ Not the typical Sunday }


The day started like any other, up early for me, started the dishes and a load of laundry and then sat down on the couch to watch some Vlogs and my Portuguese Soap.

Once the hubby was up, we made breakfast together and then sat down to enjoy it, while chatting about the week ahead and things we have coming up.


And then the typical Sunday became a not so typical Sunday.

I've mentioned here that Jasmine is looking at joining the Air Force. She's sent in her paperwork and is now waiting to find out when she can go and take her ASVAB test and do the physical etc.  But in anticipation for all of that and then God willing her acceptance and going on to Basic training, she has wanted to started exercising and getting in shape.

She doesn't however want to go it alone, and she asked me to please be her workout buddy.

Nick has also asked to start working out, he wants to do weights and he also loves Racquetball.  Curt wants to get back into exercising too, and so the boys decided that they would start going to the gym every weekend, playing Racquetball and doing weights and even running at the track.

I stopped doing Zumba and have since then grown to love me and my body and am not looking into losing weight etc.  With that said though, I will do anything for my family, and if you remember when we were stationed in Arizona, we went to the track every Sunday and worked out as a family.


Today, we all just got ready and headed to the base gym.  We might do some running at the track too, but we had so much fun at the gym, working out as a family.  We were there for 2 and a half hours, I did 6 minutes on he arm bike, which is actually one of the exercises I did in physical therapy for my shoulder tendonitis.  (am only allowed 6 minutes at a time so as not to further injure the shoulder)

Then I did 15 minutes on the exercise bike itself.....THEN I spent 2 hours playing Racquetball.

I played against Curt and then against Nick and and had SO much fun.  See I don't look at it as exercising, as much as having a blast with my family.  The added exercise is just a bonus :)  AND I burned 845 calories just on the Racquetball alone, how neat is that?


It's been decided that this is going to be something we do every weekend.  Jasmine did quite a bit of working out too, the exercise bike, the treadmill and even some weight machines, and Nick joined her in them as well.

Everyone wants to exercise for different reasons, I'm really mainly going along because they asked me to and because I feel that it's important to support my children and husband in whatever they do.

But I've also told Curt that this needs to be a thing we do often, we're not old, but we are getting to our mid 40's and some sort of exercise is very much needed for us both.

So looks like I've been roped back into some sort of exercise.  At the very least I'll be getting my physical therapy done in there :)

It wasn't a typical Sunday at all, but we had so much fun together and it brought back amazing memories from Luke AFB.  We went by the Shoppette for some drinks, and it really reminded us of those days, when the kids were younger and we lived on base.

I'm now hanging out on my bed, catching up on some Youtube videos and relaxing before the busy week starts, and it's a busy one for me this time around, but I'll tell you all about it in my Happy Homemaker Monday tomorrow morning :)


  1. Good for all of you! Sounds like so much fun and a great way to enjoy quality family time. I love those kinds of moments with my family too (playing pickleball in the driveway together in the summer, or kicking around the soccer ball) And so excited and hopeful for Jasmine!! xo

  2. We are in the same boat exercise wise. I am praying Jasmine gets all her prayers answered. I know she will do well whatever path God chooses. Damian is the same way just trying to get into shape for the military.

  3. PS I will tell you it is nothing like the feeling I got when the hubby reenlisted or anything. With the kids it is so different. I think more emotional. It is just a stranger feeling let me know how it goes.


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