
Monday, June 25, 2018

{ Happy Homemaker Monday - 06/25/2018 }

Good morning friends, hope you all had a good weekend.

Mine was good but tiring, I feel like I've been on the run since Friday morning and have yet to really relax, sleep in, enjoy my weekend etc.

I want to start by thanking you all for the continuous prayers for Nick, he is doing SO much better, it warms my heart to see the changes already happening in him.  :)

Saturday we dropped off my Jasmine at the airport, she flew to Michigan to visit her boyfriend and his family for the next few weeks.  I hate having to kiss and hug her goodbye and I always feel like I'm going to start crying.  Oh goodness, momma's life right?     

The weather.....It's been pretty hot still, but thankfully we got a nice storm last night and it's cooled things down a lot.

Right now I am....I am watching some vlogs on the TV, while I type up this post.  Just finished my coffee and I'm still in my pajamas as well, but it's not even 8AM so I'm not worried about needing to rush and change out of them.

Thinking....About what all I need to do this week.  We are more than likely leaving for San Diego.  My poor niece is so miserable at this point.  She is 39 weeks pregnant and is swollen, sore, in a lot of pain and to top it off she has also developed the pregnancy rash called Puppp which is absolutely horrible to deal with.  She is a centimeter and a half dilated and 50% effaced so we are hoping and praying for things to move along this week, so she can find some relief.  Please keep her in your prayers.

Something fun or interesting that happened....Hubby and I have been wanting to go to church for a while, and we moved here to Texas 3 years ago, with the intention of finding a church to join.  You know how it goes though, time flies and then you and end up not doing it.  But I felt such a strong urge to go to church this weekend, and so Sunday the hubby and I went to a church just up the street from us.  They were very friendly, we enjoyed being there, but it's a very small church and not many young people around, and we are mainly looking for a church with a youth group that we can get my son into.  We plan on visiting a few more around here, until we find one we like.

On my reading pile.... The summer list, the review is later than planned because there was a delay in the receiving the books.

On my TV.....Vlogs at the moment, and the World Cup starting at 9am.  Portugal play at 1pm and it's a pretty important game, they need to win to be able to proceed to the next phase.  

On the menu for this week....
Monday - Chili Dogs
Tuesday - Hamburger Helper, Cauliflower with Cheese sauce
Wednesday - Tacos with Spanish Rice
Thursday - Pulled Pork Sandwiches
Friday - Pizza
Saturday -
Sunday -

On my to do list....
Iron and put laundry away
Clean and tidy up house
Start packing for San Diego

In the craft basket....Nothing at the moment.

Looking forward to this week....Hoping to make it to San Diego and have a baby girl to love on and take lots of pictures of.

Looking around the house....I have my essential oil diffuser going at the moment, it smells amazing in here.  I also have the air conditioner turned off (I turn it off every morning and only turn it back on later in the afternoon if it's too hot to handle), the back screen door is open and so is the front door.  The house just needs a bit of tidying as it was a bit of a flurry of chaos getting my daughter off for her trip.

On this day in 2006 - How does that saying go?
On this day in 2007 -
On this day in 2008 -
On this day in 2009 - Slow Cooking Thursday
On this day in 2010 -
 On this day in 2011 - 31 Days of Prayer for my Husband
On this day in 2012 -  Day 27
On this day in 2013 - Moving - Day One
On this day in 2014 -
On this day in 2015 - My Wednesday
On this day in 2016 -
On this day in 2017 - Fairy Gardens


  1. Tacos sound good. Glad it cooled down for you. We are about to have another heat wave this weekend. Worse than the last, so I hope they are wrong. Have a great week.

  2. So glad that your boy is feeling better! I will remember you in my prayers, and help pray that you find a great church to plug into! That would be awesome for your teenager, its hard for them to make friends but its comforting when they make the right ones! Prayers always!

  3. HUGS and prayers all the way around - safe travels for Jasmine while she is away and for you as you go to San Diego for a blessed event, truly sounds like she's ready to pop and will feel better soon. So glad things are better for Nick too.

    Finding a new church is sometimes so difficult. I pray this is an easy journey for you to find a new church family. A good fit will be so important especially for Nick right now.

    Have a wonderful week and stay cool. It's going to be serious triple digits here, but at least there is virtually no humidity!

  4. Glad Nick is doing better! We had our air off for a while last week but I broke and turned it back on Saturday night. Hope you have a great week and find a bit of time to relax.

  5. Glad your son is doing better. Enjoy your time with your niece

  6. SO happy to hear that Nick is doing better Hon! I think the youth group is a great idea! And I'll send prayers for your niece. So exciting and hope she does get relief and healthy sweet baby soon. xoxo

  7. Glad to hear Nick is starting to feel better. Being a teenager is so hard now a days! Prayers for your niece, hope she is feeling better soon! Have a good afternoon.


  8. Very happy to hear that Nick is doing better -- a youth group sounds like a great idea for him. Hoping you find one that's a good fit!

  9. Glad to hear Nick is doing better. Hope you find the perfect fit in a church for your family! Enjoy your trip to San Diego


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
