
Tuesday, September 15, 2020

{ Temperatures cooling down, means Fall is around the corner }


The weather is cooling down, and oh how happy that makes me.  Been waking up with the temps being around 60 degrees and the past week we have been staying in the lower 70's during the day.  I think that for me, that is the perfect temperature, only wish it would stay year round.

As the temperatures drop, my mind goes into Fall/Winter mode.  Moving things around, bringing in little pops of Fall here and there, lighting more candles especially if they are pumpkin anything scented.

The list of chores to be done is growing, things like chopping more wood for the fire, winterizing the house, storing the window air conditioner and so on.


The days are getting shorter, quieter, I'm starting to crave soups and stews, oh and chili too.  Lots of meat and potatoes, and cheese, and of course bacon, cause you know......


The bookshelf has also been kind of reorganized in preparation for Fall/Winter reading.

I don't think I will ever not have a couple of bookshelves completely filled with books.  Nor will I ever really stop buying new ones, even if my To Be Read pile is ever growing.


The thermos bottle is brought out and will be on full display for the next few months.  Fresh poured over coffee is a whole new ball game, and in the cooler months, there is nothing better than having a bottle filled with hot coffee, sitting on the kitchen island.






Life is slowing down, and after the year we've had, I don't think any of us are too upset about it.  There's been too much noise, chaos, craziness, I'm pretty ok with shutting myself in, living simply and moving slowly.

Today, I actually sat down and shelled some pecans that we have from last year.  We still have so many, and our trees are full and will be ready for harvest in October.  Thankfully our family and friends always receive a ton from us.  I also freeze them, make pies and bars, cookies, and I still want to make some pecan milk which I never got around to last year.



We have started preparing the garden for Fall crops.  It will be my first year attempting to plant anything during the Fall and Winter season.  Wish me luck.


The tomatoes are reaching their end of season.  The center of the plants are starting to go brown and dying out but the outer part of the plant is still thriving, growing and producing tomatoes.  I'll leave them in just a little longer and then pull them.

Same with the zucchini, part of plant has died off but there are still quite a few zucchini growing and coming in on the other side of the plant that is still doing well.


We've started building some beds in preparation.  In the ground are already lettuce, green onions, kale, beets and sweet peas.





It is bringing us so much joy, seeing our backyard transforming into our dreams.  It's been a slow progress, a lot of it is due to finances, everything is so expensive to build, so we are still doing what we want, but at a slower pace.  That's ok though, that's how dreams are built.





My soapberry tree is almost ready to be harvested, and making soap is on the list as well.

There will be time spent in the kitchen, soups bubbling on the stove and crisp air streaming in through the windows.

I think you could say that I'm ready for Fall!

On this day in 2006 - Friendship Friday
On this day in 2007 - Nothing important just some bloggity news
On this day in 2008 - The Simple Woman's Book
On this day in 2009
On this day in 2010 - Faithful by Kim Cash Tate
On this day in 2011 - Slow Cooking Thursday
On this day in 2012
On this day in 2013
On this day in 2014 - Happy Homemaker Monday
On this day in 2015 -
On this day in 2016 - 
On this day in 2017 - Fall is right around the corner
On this day in 2018 - A day of pawn shop hopping
On this day in 2019 - A new noodle board


  1. Sandra, I am a fan of pour over coffee, I switched over to pour over coffee in 2009 and ended my hate/hate relationship with automatic drip coffee machines. I have never made a good cup of coffee with any of the ADC machines starting with my first in 1982 😁. But I enjoy the slow process of making a pot of pour over, and it smells and tastes so good. I love your raised beds in your garden. Right now I am starting to wind my small garden down and do some planting of things that hopefully winter over. One of which is a still lovely bee balm. I am hoping to strategically plant some morning glories from seed next spring.

  2. Fall is such a blessed time of the year. I would love to share some of my pumpkin scented wax Sprinkles that I sell with you. If you would like to email me your address. You can send it to my business address which is pzcarol1 at yahoo


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
