
Thursday, August 31, 2006

Wow what an outpour of

wonderful advice. You know I knew that if I had any doubts, I could just put it out there and you all would come to my rescue (so to speak). You can't understand how thrilled and appreciative I am, of all the great comments left about the prayer.

I wish I could answer you all one by one, but that would take forever. I did notice that there seemed to be a general consensus about one thing. "Speak to Him as if He was right there, like a conversation between a parent and child". THIS is what I wasn't doing, and here is where I get real and honest much as I love Him and as much as I understand that He is my Father, there are still times where I don't make the connection. I start talking to Him as if He is a stranger just listening to me vent. How wrong, how extremely wrong of me!!!

Last night I sat in bed and decided to just BE. Not to try and rehearse some sort of perfect prayer, I thought of every word you all had said and took your advice. Well it turns out that the conversation went something like this:

Me - Father, I know I've been struggling with the prayers, and I'm hoping that I can just be myself for once and talk to you openly. I just hope I don't say anything stupid.....and
Lord - Stop, right're doing it again Sandra!
Me - What do you mean, I was just being myself?
Lord - No dear daughter, again, you forget that I just want to talk to YOU, I want to hear about your day, what is on your mind, what is worrying you, there's nothing stupid about that.
Me - Well I just meant that I want to pray without babbling or repeating myself or sounding sort of dumb.
Lord - Just be yourself, I'm right here, no matter what....and I have all the time in the world.
Me - I'm trying to, I'm trying to remember what everyone told me so that I can do it right.
Lord - Again you're trying to rehearse, I don't want rehearsed, I want your inner most thoughts and struggles, just imagine I'm right there next to you.
Me - Oh, Oh I get it, well in that case......
Next thing I knew, I had spent 20 minutes talking to Him, not even realizing that I had spent that much time. The words just flowed from me, I didn't stumble, I didn't babble, I was just me. Little Ol' Me, sitting in the lap of the wonderful and loving Father, and for the first time in years, I felt it. I felt like everything would be ok, no matter the outcome, no matter if I got what I asked for, or if I didn't. Now THAT is pure contentment at it's best.

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God - Philippians 4:6

So again, thank you ALL for the advice and for helping me through this. I know it may not seem a big thing to some of you, but it was really frustrating me the past few days.

Yesterday I went by the thrift store on base. I walked out with some goodies and only spent $7. Yeah, that's the beauty of thrift stores. I could have picked out a few more things, but Nicholas was getting impatient and I guess I could wait until next wednesday when they have the $5 bag sale. I'm going to practice for that, seriously, I'm going to see how much I can cram into a bag LOL

So this is what I found. A vinyl tablecloth for the table (very useful when kids want to draw), 2 big cross stitch books, a bundle of 6 dinosaur books for Jasmine, 2 toys for nicholas, a curtain/valance set that brings two patchwork pillows ($3) and then my last find I couldn't believe. For months now I have seen on TV, the ad for Slim in 6 weeks. I wanted to get it, but couldn't bring myself to justify spending the money on it. Well I found it, the DVD's AND the Slim Training Band. Guess what I'm going to be starting next week??? Yeah, I'm changing my schedule a bit so that I can work in an hour to exercise. Can't wait!!!

Oh and that little pillow that says "This House is Ruled By the Dog", or in our case, it should say DOGS. LOL
Love it, thought of hubby when I first found it and new I had to get it....he lets the pugs get away with everything.

Well it's 7:30am and time to get the kids ready to leave, then I better get started on my to do list. I hope you're all having a beautiful morning. Oh and before I leave, I want you all to go on over to The Flipflopmamma, go on and see how the Lord is working in their lives and how truly amazing He is.

Finish Laundry
Mop kitchen and hallway floors
Make budget for payday
Make menus for next two weeks

God Bless,

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Brrrrrr guess summer really IS almost over.....

I wasn't quite ready for the cooler temperatures, well, not THAT cool I mean. I don't like very hot summers, and I do enjoy the nicer weather that comes with Fall just around the corner.....BUT this morning the weather is 55 degrees and really windy which makes it feel like 35.

You can tell it's nippy, we're all having to wear coats and sweaters to walk to school, hardly do you see a child in shorts or dresses anymore. Yes Sir, Fall is heading our way!!!

With the kids all back at school, it also means that I get into Fall Cleaning Mode. I explained it more in m
y Works for me Wednesday post, just below, go take a look. So yesterday I already went through all the closets and dressers and took out the clothes that don't fit anymore, sadly though, it leaves Nicholas especially, with bare closets. So guess where I'm going this weekend???
Shopping, yes, shopping for shoes and clothes that fit. While I'm at it though, I can't help but go into a Dollar Store, and Thrift Stores....they are my best friends.

You know how they say that Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friends??? Well I believe that Thrift Stores are a Crafter's best friends. Nothing like walking out with tons of stuff, vintage fabrics, books and plenty of ideas for new crafts to make. I get giddy just thinking about it.

So here's what I have planned for today....apparently Mount Laundry is at it again. But I've found a sure way t
o beat it. Before, I would do all my laundry and then let it hang out in the baskets, until I pushed and forced myself to put it away. Or until hubby started asking me where was his shirt, or his socks....then I realized he would just make a mess of the folded laundry in his attempt to find what he was looking for. It meant double work for me, now I had to refold everything yet again.

Now, I wash the laundry, as it comes out of the dryer, I fold what I can get away with without ironing, and set it on the kitchen table. In categories, mind clothes, hubby's, Jasmine's and Nicholas's, towels etc. Pretty much by area, it makes it SO much easier for me.

Then I place it all in the basket and head upstairs, straight into the rooms. Imagine me making my rounds. I stop at Nic's room and put his away, then go on to Jazzy's and so on. NO MORE LAUNDRY WAITING TO BE PUT AWAY, FOR A WEEK!!!

My MIL goes to the doctor tomorrow. It's THE appointment, the one where we find out if the cancer has spread or if hopefully it's contained in just the breast. I ask for your prayers, please, any little prayer is helpful and definitely appreciated by us. I will let you all know how it went and where we stand. She has asked me to thank you all for the prayers, it means the world to her to know that even though she's never met either of you, she's being thought of.

Speaking of prayers.....I've been having a hard time with mine. A while ago, I mentioned how I used to give myself "Performance Anxiety", I tried so hard to say the right thing and pray the RIGHT way (if there's such a thing). It was almost like preparing a speech to the Nation, just that I was trying to impress God. Right there should have been my first sign that I was being ridiculous. But anyway, I would end up either drawing a blank, or babbling and repeating myself over and over. Then I realized that I just need to speak from the heart and that made a world of difference.

Well now it seems that I'm being tested again, because I'm all of a sudden, doubting myself and doubting what I'm praying about. Here's an example. I was trying to pray last night and then suddenly became panicky almost. What am I doing??? Why do I think that I have a right to ask God for anything??? His will is going to be done, who am I to ask Him to even consider changing it to accomodate me??? What do I do, do I pray for His will to be done, even if it's not what I want, or do I specifically ASK for something but then risk having Him think I'm being spoiled and selfish??

So here is where you all come in, I trust you ladies, you are all Christians and so strong in your faith. I am always in awe of the prayers you have, it's like the words just flow from you. I need your help, I need to know how I overcome this sudden anxiety. How do you pray??? Do you ask God for things in specific or in general, or do you just ask Him for His will to be done??? Let me know, for I'm tired of acting like the inexperienced babbler when I am talking to Him....

Well now it's time for me to get ready to head out. I have errands to run, and then have to make a stop at Airman's Attic and the Thrift Store. I'll be sure to share my finds. Have a wonderful blessed day!!!

BTW, if you're interested, I posted a quick and easy Shepherd's Pie Recipe, on my food blog. Go on over and take peek :)

Works for Me Wednesday!!! August 30th

The end of summer brings the anticipation of my favorite season, Fall. But it also brings the much needed "Home Update".

I learnt this tip a few years ago, and since then I stick to it every year and it does make things go smoother.

After the kids start school, it's time to get back in gear and it usually means getting my home and everything to do with it, caught up to date.

Here is what I do:

  • Declutter my outside shed. Put away lawn mower, weed eater, hoses and Barbecue Grills. The first year or two of being married, I left everything out and needless to say, I had to go buy new ones when the next summer came around.
  • Mend clothing that needs to be repaired. As I do the laundry, I set aside anything that's missing a button, or has a little tear or something, then I take one afternoon and mend it all.
  • Call up insurance agents for car, home etc....make sure that I have everything up to date.
  • Call up any credit cards or other debts that are being paid off, get the current balance and make sure I'm up to date on everything.
  • Check all my appliances, make sure they're working correctly and don't need any new parts.
  • Set aside the magazine subscriptions that come in, and go through them, then I only renew the ones that I DO read, instead of getting tons in the mail and paying for stuff I don't even have time to get to, or am no longer interested in.
  • Go through the closets and check which clothes still fit and which don't, then donate them.
  • Pull out the fall clothes, wash them all.
  • Clean up my computer...empty the recycle bin, delete programs no longer used, back up all the info etc.
  • Since I like making my own christmas cards, I start looking for the materials now and slowly start buying them, so I have enough time to finish them all and mail them off in time.
  • Start collecting ideas for Halloween costumes so that I can make them in time.

Obviously, I don't do this all in a day, but within a week I'm usually done with it, and then I can relax and start enjoying the changing of seasons. I can concentrate on my crafts and sewing and knitting etc. Feels a LOT better to be ready for the cooler temperatures :)

It Works for Me, hope it works for some of you too. If you want to play along, head on over to Rocks in my Dryer.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Me, I'm getting exercise, and not because I went looking for it, it sort of found me. Now that it did though, I'm thrilled....hey I'll take anything that makes me loose weight without my body actually hearing the words "Diet and Exercise".

I've told you before, the minute it does, it goes beserk, and then you find me raiding the refrigerator and kitchen cabinets looking for food.

So this is what happened. As it's known, worldwide I'm sure, Jasmine started school last week. Even though she's in second grade, she still wants me to go drop her off and pick her up, whatever, it's fine with me. This means that we walk for 10 minutes to school and then back.....then repeat that in the afternoon. So I figure I'm getting 40 minutes of walking
everyday, but here is where the added exercise comes in. The wagon, my trusty green wagon!!!

The kids LOVE riding in it, so every afternoon when I go pick her up, Nicholas wants to ride in the wagon, which of course I pull. Then on the way back, I have both kids sitting in it. So that's almost 100 lbs in weight that I'm pulling, and then to make it better, I have to pull it through the grass field. HA!!!!

Have you ever tried pushing even a stroller through a nice green grass field??? It's tough I tell you, imagine now I'm pulling a wagon so it's exercising my arm muscles....BUT, I have to really push my legs to move, so I'm almost squatting as I walk. See what I mean???

So hey, next time the kids want a wagon ride somewhere, throw on some sweatpants and a tshirt, grab your water bottle and get ready to EXERCISE!!!

Last night, the dinner was supposed to be Sheppherd's Pie. Well the kids had Pizza in mind, so that's what I ended up making, Homemade Pizza. It was soooooo good. Go on over to my Food Blog and check it out, I even took pictures to entice you.

BTW, if you're looking for my Treasure Tuesday and Tackle it Tuesday entries, they are just below.

Yesterday I was talking to Jasmine about sleeping. It's a common subject in this house because both my kids are terrified of sleeping alone, in their rooms. It's frustrating for us, but I also can't bring myself to get upset about it, I too was a scaredy cat when it came to night time.
What I've started doing for Jasmine, the past 4 nights, is turn on the radio to a nice mellow radio station, and leave it on all night, real softly playing in the background. IT WORKS!!!
This is what I used to do for myself growing up. I think it gives you a sense of not being alone, you hear the voices on the radio, you hear the music and it lulls you to sleep.

Now if I'd just figured this out years ago, I would have been caught up on my sleep.

Seems that Julie over at A Joyful Life, and I, were on the same page, reading each other's thoughts today. While I was writing this post, I got sidetracked and then decided to go read some blogs. Well, low and behold, she posted about something that I was going to share with you all today too. So go on over to her blog and see what it is. :)

I have some laundry to tackle today and my kitchen floor really needs to be mopped. Not that it looks disgusting, but I can't stand the feel of any crumbs or anything sticky, it drives me nuts.

I better get my day started, my blog mobile is warmed and ready to go. Watch out bloggers, I'm heading your way.

Treasure Tuesday!!! August 29nd

Well Ladies, it's that time again, time to gather all our treasures and the stories that go with them, and come share them with everyone in blogland.

Oh and by the way, I see a lot of you using the first treasure tuesday graphic I made....and since then I made two more, I figure this way you can pick which one you want. So here are all three AND my treasure for today.

Prepare yourselves, it's going to be a long post. Sorry, but I feel that I have to tell the whole story so you understand WHY this treasure is so important to me.

It's February 2003, and I am 30 weeks pregnant. My father in law had been sick for a few years and then we got the call. He was in the hospital and the doctors said we need to come in ASAP, he wouldn't make it through the night. Now if you've been reading my blog for a while, you know that I had two miscarriages, and when I finally got pregnant with Nicholas, it was a high risk pregnancy....any little thing, mopping, sweeping etc. would cause me to start bleeding.

At first I seriously considered not going because it meant a 30 hour drive, and I was worried about the baby. After talking with the doctors, they gave me the go ahead but I was given specific instructions to stop and get out and walk every two hours.

We set out on our trip, driving as fast and as much as we could each day, trying to make it there in time. When we were about halfway there, my hubby called home to see how his dad was, only to find out that he had just passed away. He was heartbroken and now I knew I had to put on this brave front and be strong for him, while dealing with my own problems with the pregnancy. Let me tell you that at this time in the trip, I was having contractions, a lot of pain and I could barely walk.

Anyway, we got to his house and for the next two weeks, my husband was grieving, he was also trying to take charge and be there for his mom and younger brother. I kept to myself a lot and didn't bother him with anything, and I remember sometimes laying in bed at night in pain, but he and the family came first, and that's the way it was going to be.

I prayed a lot and asked God for strength to get through this. Not only was I terrified for my baby, but I felt alone....the whole family was amazing with me, but my hubby pulled away, he was distant and he felt that his place was to worry about everyone else, he felt that I was fine and didn't need attention. Don't get me wrong, I don't blame him, I totally understand where he was coming from. My MIL did tell him over and over that he needed to remember to take care of me too.....

It was now Valentine's Day, needless to say no one felt like celebrating. I was in the bedroom, laying down and trying to stay calm because the contractions were extremely painful. I must have been in there for about an hour, when I heard a knock. It was my hubby!!!

He walked in, gave me a kiss and a big hug and then gave me this:

Now it may not seem like a lot to some of you, but to me it meant the world. He apologized for being distant and said that even though his heart was in pieces over his dad, he couldn't make it through it without me, he thanked me for being there and that he knew how hard this was for me and how difficult for the pregnancy, but that he couldn't imagine me not being there....I was the one keeping him sane in all of this.

*Excuse me while I wipe away the tears*. It's become one of my treasures and it just means the world to me.

If you want to play along, go on over to Faith's blog and add your name to the list or go read through everyone's treasures, you won't be disappointed :)

TACKLE IT TUESDAY!!! August 29th

So here we are at another "Tackle it Tuesday". Yes, I totally forgot about it again, not to tackle something, but to actually take pictures. So this weekend, when I redid all the closets, cleaned up shelves etc...I totally forgot to use the camera. Woke up this morning, and realized "Oh no, I have nothing to show"....but then I looked over at my Dryer and couldn't believe the stuff piled on there.

See we live in base housing, so we don't have a laundry room, our washer and dryer hook-ups are in the kitchen....yeah, how beautiful!!!

This weekend hubby was cleaning out all of his tools and apparently used my dryer to dump everything on....although that basket and the purse ARE mine (how did they get there?) *puts head down* LOL

So this is before:

And this is after:

If you've tackled something too, just go on over to Janice and Susan's "5 Minutes for Mom" and add your name to the list. I'll be back next week with something else, I hope, better remember to keep my camera handy next time I tackle a project.

Monday, August 28, 2006


Alright, when I first heard about the Beta Blogger I was excited, I mean I wanted the added features, especially the ability to use tags and categorize everything.

I was hesitant though, I didn't want to switch over and then end up loosing everything, that would have just crushed my poor soul LOL

But I decided to be brave and here I am, I took the plunge a few minutes ago, just switched over and said "whatever happens, happens". I'm glad I'm still here and I'm glad my blog is still showing as before and everything seems to be in place. WHOOPEE!!!

From first glance, it does look a lot more easy to use and with more fun things, but I haven't tried anything new, will be busy messing around with it this afternoon. So if you do come by and think you see something different, that's because you do. Just giving you all a head's up!!!

Well one is finished!!!

I managed to get both of the pillows candlewick done, but didn't have enough time to sew them, ended up with just one finished. I'm thrilled with the outcome though and I love it on my bed. Hopefully I'll get some time later today to sew up the second pillow.

Doesn't it look just pretty??? I tried to incorporate a little bit of color to it, instead of leaving it all white on white. I'm happy with the results and now I can't wait to make more.

My next project, after my pillow??? THESE....aren't they just the most adorable notebooks?
I've been following Tania's work for a while, she's just so crafty and hey, the fact that she's Portuguese and living in Lisbon, that's just the icing on the cake for me :)

Well come on in, don't sit out there in the cool morning air. I don't have Maple Pecan Coffee to offer you, but I do have Irish Cream and it's equally delicious, so you're welcome to a cup or two, heck I'll even let you have three if you wish.

I can tell it's going to be one of those days. You know the ones, the minute something happens you realize that it's just the beginning of the snowball effect.

So every morning, I get up at 5:30am to spend some time with hubby before he heads out to work. It's something I've grown used to and really enjoy. After he leaves I still have an hour before the kids are up, so I use it to do my devotionals, read a bit, start my laundry and breakfast and then do my blog without interruptions.

Hubby had just stepped out the door when I heard a voice upstairs. "Mommy, mommy, I'm scared of being up here alone". It was Nicholas. Seems that Lola the pug went up there to wake him up. So now he is on the couch downstairs with me, barking orders, like a drill sergeant "I want to watch TV, turn it on"..."I want my milk"..."I'm cold get me a blanket"...OK he DID use Please after all those, but it felt like I was running around like a chicken with it's head cut off (maybe not the best visual first thing in the morning). So we'll see how the rest of the day goes, he seems to be in a crabby mood!

Summer is almost over for us, the weather has become nippy and we're lucky to get above 80 degrees during the day, it's cloudy and some would say dreary, but I for one am thrilled. It means Fall is just around the corner and I'm itching to bring out all my autumn decorations and make some new ones too.

Since I'm thinking about Fall, the change of season and the new colors and smells it brings with it....I decided to end my post with a sort of meme. Hey consider yourselves tagged, I would love to see what everyone comes up with.

It's fun to see life this way:


My newest inspiration for a project
My sewing vintage fabrics, library book
A picture that the kids drew for me
The pugs playing in the living room
The country woman magazine sitting on my desk


Irish cream coffee
Toast with butter and strawberry jelly
Shepperd's Pie for dinner
Coconut macaroon sitting on my computer desk
Diet Pepsi


Turning the pages on my new book
Running my fingers over hubby's hair
The feel of my kids faces
Crumbs falling off my toast
My car keys dangling in my hand


Lavender and rosemary from the garden
Clean laundry fresh out of the dryer
Garlic and onion frying on the stove
Freshly mowed lawns
The Air just before a storm


Nicholas playing with Lola
The door opening when hubby gets home from work
Baby birds in my backyard
Washer running a load of laundry
THIS music playing while I work on the computer

Wasn't that fun? I really did enjoy thinking of every sense and what I was seeing and hearing I said above, I'm not tagging anyone specifically because I know there's tons of memes going around and not everyone likes doing them. But if you do try it, let me know so I can go see it OK???

And with that I have to leave, it's time to get the kids up and ready for school. I hope you all have a wonderful day :)

The Name of the Game?!?!?1

Barb at A New Chelsea Morning is asking us all a question, one which I'm sure we've all asked at one point or another. What's in the name of a blog??

Are you like me? Since I created my blog four months ago I've visited hundreds of other blogs. And some of the names are so creative my first thought is, "I wonder why she chose this name. What does it mean to her? Does it say something about her?"
Well I think mine is pretty obvious and at the time I started my blog, I also felt like Barb, I wondered where all the cool eye catching blog names were coming from. I wanted one that would be cute and memorable, but after racking my brain for an hour or so, I just decided to stick with the plain and simple truth. I'm a stay at home mom, and there really is nothing exciting about the title for that, hence "Diary of a Stay at Home Mom".

Yes I know, it's not fancy shmancy and not exciting or memorable, but then again, neither is my life, I'm just a plain and down to earth, mom, wife, military spouse and christian try to come up with a name that incorporates all THAT!!!

I think I achieved what I wanted, people to know that this is a mom blog above all, so if they're moms themselves or even slightly interested in "momdom", hopefully the name will entice to come on in and sit for a bit. There's talk of everything in here, some neat things and some not so neat ones as you can see here.

So there you have it....this is the downright truthful, pure, direct, no lies DIARY OF A STAY AT HOME MOM.

If you want to play along or just want to know how others picked their blog names, just go on over to Barb's blog.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Maple Pecan Coffee?!?!?!

Alright ladies, come on in. I have some Maple Pecan Coffee ready for you, let me tell you, it's delicious. I also have some Beer Bread if anyone would like a piece. I made it yesterday afternoon, from a recipe I found over at Farmgirl Fare.

I've mentioned her before, during one of my blog drives. She lives on a beautiful farm and always has such stunning pictures to share. She also loves cooking and has great recipes in the works, you'd be amazed at the stuff she comes up with.....yummy!!!

So come in, sit down, look you can sit on the porch swing if you wish.....come share this wonderful morning with me, it's only 54 degrees outside so it feels nice and cool. Let me tell you what is going on here at my house.

Yesterday afternoon I went to the library. We had some donations to drop off at Airman's Attic and also some other stuff to take to the Recycle Center, so hubby offered to take the kids AND the pugs (yes they go everywhere) for a short drive, he dropped me off at library so I could have some peace and quiet.

You all know what it's like trying to go anywhere, but especially the library, with young children. Jasmine is pretty good, but Nicholas, well, he's 3 years old AND he's a boy, he thinks everything is a game. I have to constantly tell him to be quiet and not talk so loud, or beg him "please please just get out from under the chairs". It felt good to be able to walk around and absorb all the wonderful book smells and just stand in awe of the amount and variety of books available. Small books, big books, paperback or hardcover, DVD's or Books on, fiction, science, name it. Come on now, tell me, is there anything better than a library????

By the time I walked out, I had 3 chic flicks (Ladies in Lavender, Just Friends, Charlotte Gray) and 10 books, I was as happy as the cat who ate the canary. You should have seen hubby's face though, it was a mixture of shock and amusement followed by laughing and a shake of the head. Yep, he loves me! LOL

I'll have plenty of reading material for the next few weeks, and what's best is that if I don't finish some when the due date is up, I can just go online to my library and recheck them out.

While I was sitting around waiting for my dinner to cook, I managed to do some more on my candlewicking, Grandma's Spring Bouquet Pillow. It's not quite finished yet, I still need to do the outside border, but so far it's looking beautiful. I'm hoping to get some free time today to finish it up and then try to sew them too. I'm just dying to see the finished pillows on my bed :)

I did manage to get everything done on my list yesterday, but I have some more laundry today, and then hubby and I are going to tackle our downstairs hallway closet.

It's become a drop off for everything that is in the house. I would like to keep just his Chemical Gear in there, yep, you heard me, if you're in the military you know exactly what I'm talking about.
When I hear the words "I need my chem gear today", I cringe. I know that within a few minutes there will be tons of duffel bags pulled out, masks, gloves, weird moon-walking-like boots and all sorts of other weird things.

So yeah, it's going to be a fun project to tackle....hey I might just use it for my "Tackle it Tuesday". :)

And with that my friends, it's time to go back inside. I did enjoy visiting with you, but now I need to get ready to head on over to your houses, it's MY turn to sit on your comfy chairs and hear about YOUR day.

Saturday, August 26, 2006


You know.......the mom's of little boys ranks???
The one where you walk into the bathroom one day, to find the walls nicely decorated for you??? And I don't mean with crayons, no, that would be too normal, I mean know....the.....oh come on don't make me say it, look I'll just tell you what I saw and you can use your imagination ok?

So it's friday afternoon, Nicholas says he has to go potty, he runs in there like usual. I come walking in after a minute or two, and he is pointing it at the bathroom walls next to the toilet and you know......painting the walls?!?!?!
Then I heard a blood curdling scream and I jumped, only to realize that the scream actually came from somewhere deep inside me. I think I scared him too cause he finished up real quick and ran out of the bathroom.

There, I've said it......I've now joined the ranks of the many of you out there who know exactly what I'm talking about. Why couldn't I be picked to join the "Cool Moms Club"??? Only my luck that I get picked for this!!! So now, he is not allowed to go near the bathroom alone, hopefully I can nip this habit soon.

I have pictures to share with you this morning, some asked for the candlewicking pattern, so I'm giving you that and I'm also showing you how mine is coming along. I also posted another recipe on my food blog, it's for Feijoada (Portuguese Chilli sort of) and it's really good, so if you like beans and bacon, sausage sure to take a peek :)

Here's the pattern for you all, I also made sure it included the instructions AND I am also giving you the directions for the most common stitches, so now you have NO excuse as to why you can't try some candlewicking, and hey, with holidays just around the corner, wouldn't it be fun to make some as gifts???

Yesterday afternoon, I started my second pillow, I picked one of the new patterns, it's a beautiful basket called "Granny's Spring Bouquet", I only had about 20 minutes to work on it, but I'm liking the outcome so far, can't wait to finish it today and then get this one and the last one washed, ironed and sewn.....I should have them ready to show you all tomorrow!!!

I have quite a bit planned for today, got a backyard needing some attention, the grass is getting high and I'm scared one of the kids will get lost out there (well not really, I'm just kiddin lol), my car also needs to get a tire aired up, I have some carpets screaming for attention, so I'm bringing out the trusty Steamer, love that thing.......gotta figure out what to fix for dinner, bake some bread, clean out my refrigerator and then work on my candlewicking.

I'm hoping to get some time tonight to read. I'm really enjoying "31 Days Toward Intimacy with God" by Joni Eareckson Tada, she has a lot of good books. What an amazing lady, and if you've never heard of her, you might want to go here and read her story, or even better, get her book entitled "Joni" which I'm also in the middle of's outstanding!!!

From "31 Days Toward Intimacy with God":

He Already Seeks You!!!

God is an intruder. He encroaches, presumes, invades, and infringes. He crashes the party. Tears aside curtains. Throws open locked doors. Hits the light switch in dark rooms. Pulls the fire alarm in stuffy, sacrosant hallways.
Wow, isn't that the truth??? But you know I welcome the intrusion in my life, as a matter of fact He is the only one that I allow to intrude at any time, wherever I am. Doesn't He have every right to intrude? I AM devoted to Him, I belong to Him so you can't really call it intruding.

"You can throw the whole weight of your anxieties upon him, for you are his personal concern" 1 Peter 5:7
He has intruded in my life, sometimes with small things, the things that we tend to overlook and not even realize until much later that he indeed did, and then there's times that he intrudes with a BANG.....those HUGE wake up calls. It just reminds me that He is never too busy for me, or too worried about someone else, or sitting around just watching me mess up......He is interested in MY life, in what I'm doing, He is involved in my every day things, no matter how small.
But it also shows me that He wants intimacy with me, probably more ardently than I seek it with Him, and that saddens me but it also pushes me to try harder, to make the extra effort to reach Him and to show Him that I can be just as involved in all things Godly, as He is involved with all things earthly.

Can't wait to read the following Chapter, this book has helped me realize many things and I'm so eager to learn many more.

But now as you can see, my Blog Mobile is running and I have friends waiting for visits, so I'm driving off, throwing my cares to the wind and heading your way, yes you over there, and you too, oh and you in the corner there. Well not just them, I have ALL of you to drive by so no time to diddle daddle.....

Friday, August 25, 2006

IT'S FRIDAY ?!?!?!!?

What is it with time lately? Am I the only one noticing that it's flying by?

I remember being a kid and frustrated that the days would just drag on, I mean really, the hours seemed like days to me. That could have been because I was a kid though, and bored a lot LOL

But whatever, hey it's friday and that is nice, it means I can sleep in tomorrow and not have to worry about getting kids to school on time.

Just got back from dropping off Jasmine at school. If there's one thing that I truly appreciate when school starts, is the fact that I can get out of the house at 8am, take a nice 10 minute walk and enjoy the sunshine and the crisp air. I think we all take walks for granted, we've grown used to driving everywhere, even at the grocery store we look for the spot closests to the doors. Why?!?!?! Have we really become that lazy???

I put off driving as much as I can, and unless I REALLY need to, like when it's too far or if I'm getting groceries etc, otherwise I walk wherever I'm going. It feels wonderful!!!

I got my new candlewicking patterns in the mail yesterday, so I'm excited to get those started....they're called Grandma's Baskets and they are adorable. My mind is already racing with the possibilites of what I can make, coverlets, pillows, curtains??? Yes, Yes and YES!!! Oh and if either of you are interested, let me know and I'll post the 3 patterns.

I'm having a bit of a BLAH day, have a pounding headache and that cold that I told you about, well, it went away and now it seems to be crawling around me again. At least it's the weekend so if I do get sick, hubby will be home to help me.

That leaves me with not much to say, trying to use my brain to come up with some clever or funny entry today, is just not really going to happen, so why push it right???

So I'm going to participate in something I have never done before....but I do see others doing it all the time (that sounds so bad)....maybe I should say, "I see others playing along on fridays". There much better!!!
It's the Friday's here goes, and if I enjoy it, who knows I may just start playing every week :)


If you could have a free subscription to any magazine, which one would you like to have?

I would have to say Taste of Home, I LOVE cooking and I love TOH Magazine, but they can be quite pricey and especially when you start buying all the different ones they have, so it would be nice to get it for free.


Describe your living room (furnishings, colors, etc.)

Well if you live on an Air Force Base, you will know that the color is an ugly egg shell, how sweet....and this is what it looks like, I'm not good at describing things so I thought I better show you....


What does the shape of a circle make you think of?

A plate of food??? See I'm bad, I love food too much, it seems it consumes my every thought.


Name 3 things in your life that you consider to be absolute necessities.

I would have to say God, my family and my make up....yep I can't leave the house without wearing some, I'm just trying to be nice, I wouldn't want to traumatize anyone for life. That's all I'm saying :)


What was the last really funny movie you watched?

I would have to say Office Space. It's one of my favorite movies and no matter how many times I watch it, I laugh like a fool, it's just hilarious :)

And that my dear blogging friends, is all my brain will allow for today. If I had my way, I would be crawling back into bed right now and sleeping the day away, but that is in my wonderful rose colored dreams, in reality, I'm going to clean the bathrooms and the kitchen, do some laundry and then make sure I have what I need for tonight's dinner.....Chicken Ring!!! I'll post the recipe soon...Oh and don't forget to check below for my "Everyday Things" post AND check my food blog for the "Five Ingredients Friday" recipe :)

Have a great day everyone :)

EVERYDAY THINGS!!! August 25th

"...For I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances." Philippians 4:11

"If you want any one thing too much it's likely to disappoint. The healthy way is to learn to like the everyday things, like
soft beds and buttermilk..."-- Augustus McCrae-"Lonesome Dove"

So here we are again, another friday and time to think of those Everyday Things that we take for granted but that bring us contentment.

Welcome to Everyday Things. This weekly feature is designed to encourage all of us to embrace contentment and to appreciate the everyday things which we often take for granted.
Today I'm thankful and content for my morning time with my husband. We both get up at 5:30 am and while he gets ready for work, we share a cup of coffee.

I could stay asleep until much later, but I choose not to, it gives us time to talk, catch up on the day before and just enjoy each other's company without having kids asking for something, the phone ringing, the dogs barking or someone knocking on the door.

It's not much time, about 30 minutes, but it makes a world of difference and sets the tone for the rest of the day :)

If you want to play along, just hop on over to Julie and add your name to the list :)

Thursday, August 24, 2006

There's a chill in the air

Woke up this morning and I felt..........cold!!! Hmmmm, that's not right, the afternoons are crazy hot, over 100 degrees, but then towards the middle of the night it starts getting nippy. But you know, there's the smell of fall in the air..............beautiful fall!!!

Picked up Jazzy from school yesterday, and I can always tell what kind of day she had, by her look. If she walks out annoyed then it was not I'm standing there waiting and she runs out and gives me a hug and says "It was SO much fun mommy, I love my teacher and I love the kids in my class, and guess what?!?!! NO ONE got in trouble". (hahahah)

It was like music to my ears. So I'm happy to report that she is extremely happy with everything. Of course here in a few months, the situation may change, BUT for now it's all good!!!

I was tagged for a meme, so that is posted below, if anyone is interested....oh and if you missed it yesterday, head on over to my food blog. The Kielbasa Bundles were a huge hit, hubby couldn't get enough of if you're a Kielbasa Family like us, they're perfect!!!

Some of you had asked me where I get the cute graphics I post, well, I find them on the internet, OR I make them myself using Paintshop Pro. It's a lot of fun being able to make whatever graphic you're in the mood for and right now I'm actually making some for the Treasure Tuesday feature. I made the one that I use, a long time ago, so I think it's time for some change. I'll post them all here and anyone is more than welcome to use them at any time.

While browsing through the blogs this morning, I came across a link provided by Adventures in Babywearing....if you do NOTHING else today, you have GOT to go here and watch. I literally jumped off my chair and had tears in my eyes. No No No, it's not one of those scary stupid internet jokes, it's totally different, and it's so powerful, it gave me chills.
Go on, I'll wait right here and then you come on back and tell me what you thought.......

The message in that video is so powerful isn't it??? When I first watched it, I had the volume turned down and it STILL affected me. Am I really ready??? Am I saved??? Do I know for certain that the Lord has a place for me in Heaven???
It's certainly given me a lot to think about!!!

It's time to get the kids ready, take Jasmine to school etc....all that fun stuff!!! Better get moving....but I left some hot coffee ready for you all, go ahead and help yourselves :)

I've been Meme'd...uhhh I mean tagged....

So the wonderful lady Barb, over at A New Chelsea Morning, tagged me for the meme. It's about kids, our kids, and obviously being the proud mother hen that I am, I take any chance I can to brag talk about my kiddos.

As you all know, I have two kids. I have the Princess Jasmine who is 7 going on 18 years old....and then there's Little Man Nicholas who is 3 years old.
They are the apples of my eye, the air that I breathe, the sunshine in my cloudy days, and so forth, you pretty much get the picture of how much I adore these little beings.

The meme calls for us to list 3 things about each of our kids. At first I was a bit intimidated, what kind of things? What they look like? What they eat? How they act? Typical, I want things to be perfect so I worry about everything.

So without giving much more thought (to save my sanity), here we go, I'm starting with Jasmine or Jazzy as we all call her.

Jasmine, age 7:

1. Jasmine is an extremely sensitive and loving child. She easily gets her feelings hurt and at times we've even thought of her as a full on "Drama Queen". She is the most lovable child, she treats everyone with respect and will usually be the first to welcome the new kid to classroom.

2. She's very intelligent and bright and by the time she finished first grade, she was reading at a third grade level. She loves math, she loves writing, but most of all, she is artistic. Give her some paper and pen and she will draw for hours. She has an inquisitive mind which keeps me on my toes, there's just questions that mommy finds hard to answer, but for Jasmine, everything has a why and how, and by God she's going to find out what it is.

3. She's a wonderful big sister and loves her brother to death. It's not the first time that she asks if she can give her brother a bath (while I'm there obviously), and then proceeds to wash him with his special ducky washcloth, making noises, tickling him and just loving him to pieces. The love I see shared between them is such a beautiful thing.

Nicholas, age 3:

1. He is our miracle baby. After trying to conceive for 2 years and going through 2 miscarriages and a very high risk and tough pregnancy with him, he came along.
I was in preterm labor many times with his pregnancy and at one point his heart rate dropped dramatically which cause panic in the doctors.....when he was born, they realized that he had the cord totally wrapped around his body, I guess this was his way of holding on tight and saying "I'M NOT LEAVING YOU". What a blessing!!!

2. He's full of life and joy, and the anticipation in his eyes at trying something new, or discovering that ladybug crawling on the tree, is just beyond words. He's extremely smart and from an early age, has been talking in full sentences and pronouncing words perfectly. He soaks in all the information around him and has an extremely bright mind, especially when it comes to computers. He often asks to play online at or before we even get there, he has the computer turned on, the browser open, and the headphones ready to go. Watching him interact with a computer is a shock and a joy all it's own.

3. He's the total opposite of Jasmine when it comes to food and drink. He LIVES for milk, and that is usually what you will see him drinking, he could care less for juices or even sodas...YAY!!!
His sister loves candy and he really doesn't care much for it, offer him a piece of candy and he will say "No thank you, can I have some cheese" wonderful is that???

And there you have it, my two wonderful children. I'm going to have to tag Courtney because she has three amazing kiddos, Melany who also has 3 amazing boys, Kelli who is like my hero when it comes to homemaking and has such wonderful kids too and finally last but not least, Becky who is an adoptive mom, and you just HAVE to go over and see Chloe :)

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


The First Day of School and I'm not even cranky or in a bad mood, I was up at 5:45am and ready to start the day. There's one thing I've learnt, that the earlier I get up, the more time I have to get things done, do my devotionals and read the Bible, and all this without interruptions.

So this morning, was our first day of school, Jasmine was up and ready to go. She LOVES school and though I have to admit that she usually is pretty good about getting up early, when we get to the last month or so before the summer break, she starts whining and complaining. I figure I have a few good months of cooperation until that happens again.

Here she is ready to go, she picked what she wanted to wear, and THAT was THAT (hear that whip crack?) her own words:

I want to look pretty for my first day, I think wearing white will make the whole classroom bright and shiny.
Let me tell you, I DON'T like sending her anywhere in white, especially since I know that during recess you can usually find her running around, climbing the monkey bars or playing tag with some boys. BUT, she can't run or walk much, for that matter, due to the little flashlight accident. She won't be able to do anything during recess and so she says she is "pretty sure" she will stay clean (we'll see lol).

Know what the start of school also teaches me??? That I'm really unfit and that I got too lazy during the summer. Monday and Tuesday afternoon, we walked up to the school to see the lists and then to meet the teacher etc....I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I was sweating up a storm, I was as red as a lobster and I just wanted to lay down, right there and then, it's like I couldn't move another inch without my legs screaming "Stop, stop, we give up, just stop the torture". It's SAD!!!!!

I've got a house to clean, some recipes to post and laundry to put away. Now that things are back to a normal schedule, it's time to get my house back in shape. I miss Jasmine though, it's always heartbreaking for me saying goodbye that first day, I must be the wussiest mom in the planet.

I think we all take for granted just how fast their childhood years go by. I sometimes feel like I've just had her and now she's starting second grade....where did the time go??? And most importantly, how do I let go of the control and allow her to grow without me constantly monitoring her every move? It's just something else to add to my list of things to "Hand over to God"...that list seems to be growing daily, now if I could just give it to Him instead of holding on....see, there we go with the holding on to something.

Hubby is working 12 hour shifts, so we don't see him much at all, it's almost like he's deployed overseas, but we see him walk by the house about 5 minutes a day. In a way, at times, it's harder than when he's physically gone know, you see him, you want to hug him or kiss him or talk and you just can't. Torture I say!!! The kids feel it the worst though, Jasmine misses playing with daddy and Nicholas wants daddy to chase him around the house.

Hey I offered to do these things, but apparently I'm not part of their "club", and I don't follow the rules to the letter. Something about games they play and me not knowing how to, move along mommy, you just don't understand. Oh well, there's some crafting waiting for me anyway LOL

Well here's my to do list for today.....someone once asked me if posting my list made it easier, and it really does. Here's what I found out, if I post my to do's for that day, I feel like I have to get them done because now it's public, EVERYONE and their mother has seen it and now they're going to be expecting me to do it....I can't very well come back the next day and say that I didn't accomplish it all. I guess posting the list on the blog makes me accountable and makes me feel like I really need to do it. Whatever, if it motivates me to get things done, then it's perfect for me.

  1. Vacuum living room
  2. Clean downstairs bathroom
  3. Bake cookies for Jasmine's after school snack
  4. Clean out my refrigerator (I have to thank Kristina for that, she motivated me lol)
  5. Post my recipe for tonight's dinner "Kielbasa Bundles"
  6. Pay Bills
  7. Remember to mail off paperbackswap book
I have about two hours before picking up Jasmine, so I think I may be able to get this all done. Nicholas is happily playing "Miss Spider" on the other computer and pretty soon it's lunch time too, so I better skidaddle on out of here. Have a great day!!!

    Works for Me Wednesday!!! August 23rd

    I didn't get to participate in the "Works for Me Wednesday" last week, so I'm glad to be back :)

    I think the tip I have today will be one that a lot of us can relate to.

    Summer time in my house, usually means ice cream, or actually more in the line of popsicles. Anything from Crayon shaped to Dora to Heroes, there's just so many to pick from. The kids love them and hey, even I get in there sometimes, especially when it's really really hot outside.

    BUT there's a downside to it.....the popsicle sticks. No matter how many times I tell them to throw them in the trash, I still end up finding everywhere, under the couch cushions, on the floor, behind their beds....yeah BEHIND THEIR BEDS.....why they were in their rooms to begin with, is another issue altogether.

    Anyway, I was walking around one day, cleaning the house, and I must have collected at least 10, so I thought "you know there has to be something I can make with these". Then I remembered a long long time ago, I mean years ago, I had seen a craft using these sticks to create a little "Recipe Window". AHA!!!!!

    So yesterday I sat down and made one real quick.....and now I'm going to show you how easy and how cute they look, and then I'm going to show you the many ways I've found to use them. With school starting today, there's always permission slips, reminders, teacher notes etc...and this will be the PERFECT way to keep them all organized on my fridge door.

    Here's what they look like alone. You take 5 popsicle sticks and hot glue them together, then take one of those small ready-made wood cutouts (the one I used was from an old door sign), I'm going to buy some little apples, or hearts or something for the glue those to the front of the sticks.....and then glue some magnets to the back. I used some magnets I already had laying around, but for the others I make today, I'm going to use some magnetic strip.

    Here's how it works as a recipe holder:

    Or to hold photos:

    Or important school papers:

    Or even mail:

    So you see, the uses are endless, and what better way to get rid of all the popsicle sticks laying around the house. AND here's the best that the kids know I'm making these and collecting the sticks....when they're done eating, they go wash them and then bring them to me. NO MORE finding popsicle sticks all over the house :)

    Works for Me!!!

    If you want to play along with the "Works for Me Wednesday", just head on over to Shannon's "Rocks in my Dryer".

    Tuesday, August 22, 2006

    School News and a Meme!!!

    Yesterday I told you we would find out who Jasmine's teacher is. Well I'm soooooo thrilled to announce that it's the teacher we requested. Jasmine's first grade teacher recommended her.

    What's even better is that her best friend from her class last year, is also in the same class this year....and another 4 boys from her first grade class which she just adored, plus another girl from her kindergarten year. She's ecstatic and I have to say that a HUGE weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I think I can breathe better LOL

    So we are all set for school to start tomorrow morning. I can't believe how fast the summer flew by. My hopes and prayers are that all our kids have a great school year :)

    A couple of you asked me if I made the pillow that I posted yesterday, and unfortunately, no I didn't. I have made a few similar, and actually made the pillow for the wedding bands for my brother and SIL's wedding. It came out beautifully :)

    If you're interested in my "Tackle it Tuesday" or my "Treasure Tuesday" posts, they are just below.

    I don't have much planned for today, here shortly we have to go by the commissary to pick up WIC. Then later this afternoon, I'm taking the kids to the park just behind the school because then at 4:30pm we have the Open House/Meet the Teacher night.

    Let me just warn you all that I may be real cranky tomorrow, I've gotten spoiled by sleeping in (if you call 8am sleeping in, that is) and it's been hard trying to get back on schedule....maybe if I didn't keep turning off the alarm and actually TRIED to get up...but hey, that's neither here nor there right?
    So be forewarned, tomorrow may be tough LOL

    One thing I'm anxious for, is the return to normalcy. I love my kids and I love being with them, but there's nothing like when school starts and everything just falls back into a routine.....I'm a stickler for it, there's a time for breakfast, lunch, dinner, playtime, crafting, cleaning etc etc etc. When summer comes around, all that goes out the window, we don't have set meals, we eat whenever and whatever, we go to bed when we're tired (which could be midnight), and we get up when we want to....sounds great doesn't it??? But for some reason, it really messes with my body and my mind.

    But anyway, enough babble about me. Moving on to the MEME I was tagged for. Thank you Leah :)
    I am going to enjoy this one, mainly because it has to do with love love love books :)

    1) A book that changed my life:

    After going through my two miscarriages, I was desperately seeking answers and trying to overcome my grief. Needless to say, I was in a very bad place in my life. I came upon a book called "I'll Hold you In Heaven" by Jack W. Hayford. One quote in particular stuck out "Dreams that become unfulfilled...anticipated joy that was suddenly quenched." It's a christian book and it uses scripture to explain how our children are in heaven, it really offered a lot of comfort at such a crucial time in my life.

    2) A book I've read more than once:

    I have to say that I don't really like reading books more than once, I don't know why. There are very few that I've read more than once, but the only one that sticks out in my mind, would have to be "You're Late Again Lord? The impatient woman's guide to God's timing" by Karon Phillips Goodman.

    3) A book I'd take to a desert island:

    Only one?!?!? That's not a fair question to ask a book lover....I don't even think I could ever just select one, but I'll give it a try. I would say the Bible, I think that is the ONE book that has everything in one, romance, action, guidance....what more could you want?

    4) A book that made me laugh:

    The Shopaholic Series by Sophie Kinsella. She is hilarious and has you laughing from beginning to end.

    5) A book that made me cry:

    "Night" by Elie Wiesel. I think I cried throughout the whole book, it was one which brought such heart wrenching feelings, and on more than one occasion I wanted to set it down, but I forced myself to read it and I'm glad I did. It's one of my favorite books!!!

    6) A book I wish had been written:

    I think the story of my life, my childhood through divorced parents, my constant struggle to get closer to God, meeting the man of my dreams only to find that he was NOT christian, the hardships we survived to be together, my moving to another country and leaving my family and everything behind and my two miscarriages, the last one having to grieve through alone when hubby was deployed. I don't know, I think someone out there might have been interested in reading it!!

    7) A book that should never have been written:

    This is hard for me, I love books and can't imagine any that should never have been written...although I would have to say, books that could in any way harm others.

    8) A book I'm currently reading:

    "Brave Hearts under Red Skies" by Col. O' Leary.

    Whether you are part of the military family or just love America, you'll be challenged and changed by the stories of those who came before you--of those who faced faith-shaking storms similar to the ones we face today. Through these stories, you'll see that God is waiting to give you strength--He is waiting to give you a brave heart under your own red skies.

    9) A book I'm planning to read:

    " by Joni Eareckson Tada.

    In a split second on a hot July afternoon, a diving accident transformed the life of Joni Eareckson Tada forever. She went from being an active young woman to facing every day in a wheelchair. In this unforgettable autobiography, Joni reveals each step of her struggle to accept her disability and discover the meaning of her life. The hard-earned truths she discovers and the special ways God reveals his love are testimonies to faith’s triumph over hardship and suffering.
    10) Five people I'll send these questions on to:

    Well I would LOVE to have some blogging friends answer these....

    Courtney - Waiting on my Soldier
    Morning Glory - Seeds from my Garden
    Christina - All that Blog
    Stacy - Exceedingly Mundane
    Michelle - Big Blueberry Eyes
    Mom of 2 - Ramblings of a Stay at Home Mom

    And there you have it, I think this post is long enough, hope I didn't bore any of you to sleep, I'm sorry if I did.

    I have some laundry to iron and the kitchen floor to mop, so I'm leaving you all, just promise to close the door when you're ready to leave ok?

    God Bless,