Tuesday, June 17, 2014
{ Home Sweet Home }
I woke up this morning to beautiful sunshine streaming through the kitchen windows, and there really is nothing more glorious than early morning light, is there?
The first night we moved in was Friday, but we didn't have internet set up here, so I couldn't get online or give anyone an update.
It was quite strange, I think I was just so tired and sleeping didn't come easily the first night. Then I thought I heard all sorts of noises and my crazy brain was thinking "oh no, is this house haunted?" Hahahaha
Amazing what an exhausted brain will do to you.
But that was just the first night, I've slept amazingly well since then, and no, no strange noises at all.
One of the things I am most loving about this house, aside from it reminding me of a farm house or an Amish house, is the fact that the windows allow for an insanely amount of wonderful light to come right in.
Right??? I don't know if it's the set up or the white or what, but it just immediately brings to mind an Amish house. If only that were true, I would be one happy girl.
Well minus the dish addition which you would never find in an Amish home.
I've been slowly unpacking. We have moved most of the things into their places, but there are still a few boxes in the garage, and those will be unpacked slowly as we go. There is no need to rush or overdo it.
And there are my girls enjoying the back yard. You should have seen them the first day, running around like crazy out there. Oh and guess what??? We have two pugs right behind us and the owners turn out to be an older couple, who the husband actually worked with MY husband back when we were stationed at this base.
My word, what a small world isn't it?
Sunday for Father's Day, we didn't really do anything. My husband and I never really buy each other gifts or go all out for this day, we believe that it should be celebrated every day of the year and not just one specific occasion.
But Jasmine wanted to make something for daddy, so she made him those yummy brownies above. All by herself. My girl loves baking, and that thrills me.
Later that night I sat up in bed and relaxed, worked a little more on my crochet blanket and watched some TV. Oh and Karen had asked me for the pattern for the blanket, you can find it here. Super simple and really fast to make.
While I was doing that, my daughter came up to lay with me and watch some shows, and she even brought us brownies, all nice and warmed up with a scoop of Neopolitan ice cream. YUM!!
Now back to the house. This is the Hallway window upstairs and I absolutely adore it. Isn't it beautiful? Don't mind the screws next to the flower vase, my husband was hanging up his military stuff.
Yesterday it rained all day long, it was quite a dark day, but I enjoyed it. We needed the rain and it felt good. I just love the smell of rain don't you?
Now let me show you one of the walls in the living room. It's not finished yet, as I'm sure you can see by the random items on the shelves, things that really don't belong there, but you can get a pretty good idea of what it will look like.
I'm debating whether I want to keep the video cabinets as they are, or paint them white to match the other shelves. Decisions, decisions, what do you think?
A little peek at the kitchen.....
My white shelf has finally made it's way into the house, and I think it's a pretty cute place to hang my aprons.
So, the house is coming along nicely and slowly, but that is ok. I have something I am planning for a wall in the kitchen, but I will show you that when it's done.
The living room also isn't finished, I'm having a bit of a hard time deciding where certain things will go, and I also have an idea for the wall above the TV, but I need to get some things together first.
As I finish this post up, my husband has gone to the old house to pick up the turtle, yes poor thing was still there, and to also grab a few last minute things.
This weekend we will go in and give it a good clean, it's pretty clean already but I want to wipe down the walls and the blinds etc.
As for today, like I said, I'm not doing any moving myself, I have lower back pain and can't lift anything else. I'm waiting for the repair man to come in and fix my refrigerator, it's defrosting and leaking from the freezer to the bottom area. Not sure what time he'll be here, but once my husband returns, we do need to head to base for some grocery shopping and for him to do his job at the commissary real quick.
Dinner tonight will be some Cheese Tortellini with tomato sauce and some garlic bread, nice and simple but yummy too.
I do hope I haven't bored you with all my rambling on about the house and the neighborhood and whatever I'm keeping myself busy with.
Oh, before I forget, I have a few reviews coming up and a Lucky Leaf Giveaway too, so keep an eye out for that.
I better get moving, having a wonderful rest of Tuesday and I'll be back tomorrow with more chit chat :)
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Hi Sandra!
So fun to see more peeks into the new place. It looks so light and bright...any my vote is for painting the shelves white. That house does have an Amish feel and begs for white & bright - just like your aprons on the shelf, LOVE!!
Rest up your back and can't wait to see more in the future.
God Bless. ;)
love hearing about the move and how you are going to set things up..
i love white shelves, i guess thats just me..but its fresh, clean looking...
have a beautiful day in your new home..hope you will be quiet happy there for a long time..
Thanks for posting the link to the video for the corner to corner blanket. Looks super simple but so pretty. I will start mine tonight!
Thanks for sharing the pattern link for the blanket. It sounds like the new home is coming along. I your photograph with the canning jar and flowers. Beautiful.
oh, it is coming along lovely!!! :) I like the "amish"ness of the outside too. :)
We are looking at a potential rental house tomorrow, hopefully. In a way, I can't wait to find a house and move in and make it "home"! :)
It looks lovely! Always enjoy your photo heavy posts!! :) I love white shelving... so i think it would look great! But that being said, they look fine now as well. :)
Thanks for the update ~ enjoyed seeing your house as you make it a home. Looks great!
Love a lot of natural light in a home. Looks like you're settling in nicely to your new home!
Your house looks like it's all coming together nicely! A window in the hallway? That's so neat. I would love that. I love the pictures and hearing about your neighborhood and life.
I seriously love your house. And your sense of style when it comes to decorating. Love, love, love. Come decorate my house!
Love it so far! Can't wait to see more as you get things arranged. I'm lookin forward to a new house. If the one I really like is still available when we move I will be so excited. Haven't seen it in person yet, just the listing pictures.
Hi Sandra - I've been out of town and am just now catching up with my "blogging buddies." So glad you are getting all moved in and settled. What a great house! I hope you and your family can enjoy it for a long time! Have a wonderful weekend. I am looking forward to more pictures of your new place. I love it!
There are so many good things happening around you. Particularly on your house, ever since you started to transform it to the home you've always wanted. Though your refrigerator problem is quite inconvenient. I just hope the repair man found the cause of the leak and apply the proper solution. Take care!
Lashon Cheatham @ All About Air
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