Monday, July 29, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday - 07/29/2024


Good morning sweet ladies, hope you all had a wonderful weekend!
I just saw hubby off to work, got my breakfast and am settling in to get this post up.  It's a beautiful morning here in Texas, the sun is shining, there is a slight breeze and the temperatures are just perfect....for the moment at least.

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend, and am wishing you a very blessed week ahead.

*** The Weather *** 
The temperatures have been perfect but unfortunately they are short lived and we are headed back to triple digits.  Can Fall just come in real quick?  Like tomorrow? 

*** Right now I am ***
Working on this post, sitting in bed and listening to Julie Green's teaching.    
*** Thinking and pondering *** 
Nothing specific, just a running checklist of what I have to do today and the rest of the week. 
*** How I am feeling *** 
I'm feeling pretty good.  Didn't get as much sleep as I would have liked to, felt like I kept waking up, so I'm a little tired this morning, but nothing that will interfere with my day. 
*** On the breakfast plate *** 
Cup of coffee with 2% milk and Weetabix.  
*** On the lunch plate *** 
Either a yogurt with granola and blueberries, or a salad. 
*** On the dinner plate *** 
Korean Bulgogi with Basmati rice (cauliflower rice for me)
*** On the menu *** 
Starting the new meal plan today and hopefully grocery shopping tomorrow morning. 

Korean Bulgogi with Basmati rice (cauliflower rice for me)   
Roast chicken legs, Wholewheat Garlic Spaghetti, Sauteed Purple cabbage
*** What I am wearing *** 
Nightgown at the moment, then a summer dress.  
*** On my reading pile *** 
1 Samuel in the Bible.  I think I'm going to restart the Bible again after I'm done with this book.  
Wild Savage Stars by Kristina Perez - book 2 after Sweet Black Waves

*** On my TV this week *** 
Not a lot, aside from a YouTube video here or there, I'm reading more than watching anything. 
Youtube - usual homemaking, quiet, slow living videos, but also been watching some book hauls and book reviews.
*** Looking around the house *** 
The sun is shining through the windows and bathing everything in golden light.  I love morning light it is beautiful and magical.
*** To do list *** 
Bible and Devotional time 
Water plants outside
Mail off book for Paperbackswap
*** From the camera *** 
I just love this picture of me in the kitchen.  Barefoot, standing at the sink, just me in my happy place. 

July 27, 2024
*** Devotional, Prayers, Bible Verses *** 
John 2 1:11
Philippians 4:19
Jeremiah 29:11
Just a few scriptures to get in your heart today, scriptures that will strengthen your faith and keep you focuses and grounded. 

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Just me ♥

July 27, 2024

Barefoot in the kitchen.....minus the pregnant part, of course!

Remember that old saying about women being barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen?  Many women took offense and probably still do.  I never did, but then again I've always been different in my way of thinking, I have always wanted to be a mom and wife from the moment I can remember.

At five years old, my favorite game to play was pretending to have my own family and home.

While my brothers played outside with their friends, I would sit inside with all my dolls.  I would separate my room into different areas, pretending the entire room was my house.  I gave my dolls baths, I prepared meals, I put them down to bed, pretended to clean and so on.

My brothers thought I was weird, my great grandma thought I was sweet, my parents would chuckle at the innocence, knowing full well as grown adults with a family to raise, that it wasn't as easy and magical as I made it out to be in my childlike mind.

Still, that was my dream and my entire life was led thinking of the moment that I would get married, have children and my own home.

July 27, 2024

In my pretend play, I would always put on a cute dress for the day.  Oh and an apron, because I always saw my great grandma wearing one, well my grandmother too but I spent more time with my great grandma and she was by far the biggest influence in my life.

She would put on her apron in the morning and then start her day.  Her apron pockets would eventually be filled with all sorts of random things by the time we got to dinner.  She just collected things as she went about her homemaking, Could be an item that was in the wrong spot and needing to be placed back in it's rightful place, or a Kleenex, or a coin, just whatever.  

I would often sit at the kitchen table expectantly waiting for her to start emptying the pockets, just out of curiosity.  We would both laugh at the random things coming out of her apron, almost like a magicians hat pulling bunnies and colorful streamers.  She would then say "this is why you wear an apron, not just to keep your clothes clean, but in order to have a place to keep things in."  And I would laugh, and then she would laugh. 

July 27, 2024

This afternoon my husband, brother in law and son, went to the movies.  They met up with our daughter and her boyfriend at the theater, and they all watched the new Deadpool and Wolverine movie.  Not something I like so I chose to stay.

It's very rare that I am completely alone, there is always someone here, usually my brother in law who works from home, so to have the whole house to myself for 3 hours was unusual, to say the least.  

As I pottered around, my great grandmother came to mind.  I don't know why, but sometimes she just pops right in, fills my mind with memories and then pops back out, which leaves me sad because she's no longer here, but joyful at the same time for the blessing that God gave me, as her great granddaughter.  

She was a wonderful woman, a woman who didn't have an easy life, but made the best of it.  I did talk about her before, and I'm pretty sure I even shared a bit of her difficult childhood, I'll have to look and see and if not, I may just share it in upcoming post because she truly is an inspiration.

July 27, 2024

July 27, 2024

July 27, 2024

I got busy with small tasks around the house, there wasn't anything truly much to do as I had already cleaned the house top to bottom, yesterday.  But, just the little things like putting something back in it's place, fluffing a couch pillow, closing a drawer that was left slightly open, things like that.

I folded laundry (that is never ending is it?), and set aside a pile that I need to iron today, including Curt's work shirts and pants.  Many don't even iron in this day and age, but it's one of the homemaking chores that I hold onto for dear life.  It's so weird, there's no real explanation for why I enjoy it so much, but I just do.

July 27, 2024

July 27, 2024

July 27, 2024

While the boys were away at the movies, I also prepared dinner.  I made some ribs and threw in some leftover burgers that I had in the freezer and needed to cook.  Also made some rice and roasted veggies.

It was a good hearty meal for them to enjoy when they returned from the movies.  While dinner was finishing off in the oven, I did something I do every night, which is to get the coffee machine ready for the next morning.  I find it makes things easier when it brews the coffee right as our alarm goes off, it saves me time while I'm getting Curt's lunch ready.

July 27, 2024

July 27, 2024

I also changed out the wax melts on my warmer.  This was my first time using this specific scent from Walmart and I really like it.  It's called Feeling Cozy!

Then I sat down to eat my dinner, all by myself.  

I am not one to eat alone, never was.  I sometimes see people eating alone in restaurants and always feel so bad, and I know it's ridiculous because many people actually enjoying eating by themselves and have no problem doing it.  I just don't like it, and maybe it's because I grew up in a huge Portuguese family where mealtimes meant 15 people sitting around the table.

There was always a lot of food, a lot of talking, laughing, loud speaking with animated hands and a sense of family like no other.  At the head of the table was always the matriarch, my great grandmother Ema.  She prepared the meals for everyone, never complaining, never asking why her or why no one helps.  She enjoyed doing it on her own, and though she would sometimes ask for help for small things, she just preferred to take charge and get it done.

July 27, 2024

July 27, 2024

Sitting alone at the dinner table felt strange, and it made me reflect on old times.  How things change as you get older, how family members pass on, get married, move across the ocean or across states, and how the dinner table gets smaller and smaller.  

It's just a fact of life, but it's also the reason why we always eat at the table.  I've never let my children eat in front of the TV and I'm not saying that it's wrong for others, I'm speaking for myself and my experiences and my family.

We've always made it a point of having meals at the table.  It's a way to keep the family together, talking, bonded and aware of each other's lives and feelings.  It's also a way to hold on to traditions and to keep the table from being completely bare, as one generation takes over from the other.

July 27, 2024

July 27, 2024

The boys returned home from their movie, at their dinner and then we played a game of Five Crowns.

I once again cleaned up the dishes and put the kitchen to bed for the night.  And as I stood there, barefeet in the kitchen, doing what needed to be done, I once again thought about my great grandmother.  It's as if she was standing beside me.  I could almost picture her in my mind's eye, standing to the side, in her apron, a smile on her face and her arms crossed over her chest.
She nods in approval of the homemaker I have become and I feel such immense pride rise inside me.  She taught me well, and I hope that I can continue her legacy through my daughter and eventual grandchildren.
For now, this amazing woman will live inside my heart and soul, and the lessons she taught me will always be a part of my everyday life.

July 27, 2024

Obrigada Bio, por tudo que me ensinaste, e o amor que me deste desde crianca.  Sou a mulher que sou hoje gracas a ti.  Amo te ♥

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Clean house, clear mind, combating the daily chores

July 24, 2024

Good morning everyone, come on in and spend another day with me.  To some these posts may seem a little monotonous, dragging, boring, the same thing over and over.  To me, they just portray my real life and what my days look like, a life devoted to God, to my family and home, and a homemaker who is not afraid to be who she is.

But there are days where even the happiest of homemakers, feels a little defeated.  Maybe you're not feeling well physically or mentally, maybe you didn't sleep well and feel a bit tired, or maybe it's just one of those days where you can't pinpoint what the issue is, but in your soul, you feel defeated, unmotivated and often unwilling to deal with anything or anyone.

I have my days like that, and on those days, I push through.  I don't allow myself to dwell on things for too long, I think it's important to address the issue, but it's pointless to keep dwelling on it.

Today was one of those days, I wasn't unwell physically or mentally, but I didn't feel it.  I just wasn't feeling it!  You understand I'm sure.

July 24, 2024

On days like that, I grab my Bible before I even get up from bed, because I know that it's going to be a battle within me to get through the day.

Reading the Bible strengthens my faith and gives me the strength I need to face the day.  I read my Bible every day, and pray, but some days we need a little extra help from above, and that is where God comes in.  That motivation, that strength, that grace to get up and get the homemaking chores done come through these moments.

July 24, 2024

July 24, 2024

I don't often pray on my knees, but some days I feel compelled to lay it all before the Lord and leave it at His feet.  Yesterday was one of those days, I did my usual prayers and then gave it all to God and let Him speak, let Him guide me.
Once my prayers were done, I got busy with my day.  All those chores that I really didn't feel like doing, but I knew I had to whether I felt like it or not.  I don't want to procrastinate.
Do you know what procrastination is?  It's doing the things we would rather do, than doing the things we know we need to do.  I think we're all guilty of that at times, and it doesn't make us bad people, or horrible homemakers, it just makes us human.

July 24, 2024

July 24, 2024

I know it's hard to sometimes find the motivation or joy to get through the daily tasks that seem to accumulate throughout the day.  No matter how many times we wash dishes, there's always more in the sink.  No matter how many times we clean the floors there's always crumbs, vacuum the carpets and there's always pet hair, dust the furniture and two days later it's as if it never came close to a dust cloth.

Those tasks that seem mundane and never ending.

But as women of faith we have strength and courage, and motivation that comes from our Lord above.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me - Philippians 4:13

July 24, 2024

July 24, 2024

Our homes are our haven, and the numerous chores before us can seem daunting, but they really are to be looked at as acts of love, which we should do with a grateful and happy heart.  If you're feeling unmotivated, tired, grumpy, or overwhelmed, take a moment to sit and pray.  

Our strength comes from the Lord above, and when we got to Him and ask, He gives willingly.

We don't always have to clean our homes with a ton of energy or a the biggest smile on our faces, we don't even have to do it quickly.  It's ok to have a slower day, to do what needs to be done even in a reflective mood.  Just remember always to think of it as worshiping, as doing your job as a woman of God.

Those dishes that you wash, enjoy the moment, enjoy the warm water, revel in the bubbles made by the soap, take in the fresh scent as each dish it cleaned and imagine you're cleansing away the dirty parts of your soul.  The things you shouldn't have said or done, the thoughts that are not Godly, the unmotivation and the procrastination sitting heavily on your shoulders.

July 24, 2024

July 24, 2024

Put on some music or a podcast, or watch a documentary as you move about the house, sometimes just having that background noise helps a lot.  Be grateful for the home you have, the fact that you can be safe, have food in the fridge and a roof over your head.  The more we are grateful the more we are blessed, I truly believe that.

Blessings come in all shapes and forms, they don't have to be defined by big things, huge shows from God, because He is in everything, in every detail, even the minute little things we tend to overlook.

Also remember to take time to sit, to relax, to rest a bit.  Everything is part of your day, not just the chores and tasks at hand, but the time you take to enjoy a hobby, to sit on the couch, to play with your pets or water your plants. 

July 24, 2024

July 24, 2024

July 24, 2024

July 24, 2024

July 24, 2024

For me, reading is one of those joys that I thoroughly enjoy, so on days like today, I especially take time off to sit with a book and let my mind rest.  

You'll be surprised how just half an hour to replenish your soul, will change your day.  We are able to get back on to business not feeling as defeated as we were before.

Today I had to post some books as well, and reply to some requests too which included having to print labels and wrap books to get them ready for mailing.  It's not what I felt like doing, it's an extra task that was added to what already seemed like an impossible day for me, but I just pushed that feeling aside and did what I needed.

July 24, 2024

July 24, 2024

July 24, 2024

As the day came to a close, dinner was eaten, dishes were washed again, kitchen was tidied up and before I could retire for the day, I remembered that I had one last load of clothes in the dryer.  I truly wrinkled my nose at the thought, and if you look at my face in these pictures, you can see how not in the mood I really was.

But once again, I said a quick prayer and asked God to just push me through this last chore of the day.  He did, and I got the laundry out and folded and put away.

Once I had my shower and changed into my comfy pajamas, I climbed into bed with a thankful heart, because even though my mind may not have been in it this day, I still got done what I needed to and went to bed feeling accomplished.

Tomorrow is another day.  Whether I wake up in a good mood, or not, it will not deter me from being the homemaker that I am and my family needs and appreciates.

Clean house, clear mind and a victory over the daily chores!

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Bookshelf organizing

July 22, 2024

July is coming to an end, even though it feels like we just celebrated the new year.   
The weather is hot, the summer days are upon us, our gardens are thriving and producing, and we inch closer and closer to cooler days and what may now be my best time of year.  Fall!

I used to be a summer girl, actually, spring more than summer and I guess I still am in a way, but over the years I have fallen in love with the cooler weather, the darker shorter days, and cozier moments spent indoors.  

Since the weather has been so hot lately, I have chosen to spend most of my days inside.  And lately, having my reading mojo back, it means you can usually find me curled up with a book, in a corner chair, with a cup of tea.  Books have started filling my heart and my every spare moment.  I dream about books, I read a ton, I add more to my shelves and I've been taking immense pleasure in organizing the shelves and displaying my beautiful collections.

July 22, 2024

Have some plants that I need to move to this pot by the front door, in the meantime....
I received a package from Amazon with some items I needed, and as always my safety inspectors are on the case.  They have to sniff it all, check around and in the box, to make sure that it's safe for us.  I love these two ♥

Protein Powder, my Weetabix and a new strap for my Galaxy watch.

July 22, 2024

July 22, 2024

Homemaking has been the top of my list.  I get everything I need to do first thing in the morning, then the rest of my day is more laid back.  I can read, or run errands or go to appointments, or even watch a show, in between the other day to day chores that we have to attend to every day.
When we first moved into this house, I couldn't stand the color of this wall in the living room.  I am not a fan of mint green, especially for a wall color, so it used to bug me.  But as the years have gone by, I have learned to embrace it and just go with it.  Eventually I would love to paint it a darker sage green and remove the carpets, put in wood floors and so on.  It is all on God's timing though, when we have the finances available for it, then it will be done.

July 22, 2024

Just like the paneling in den/dining room area.  I would have already removed it or painted over it, but hubby likes it and I've just learned to live with it and humor him for now.  I have been able to convince him to eventually paint it, and he said ok, so that's a start.

I will say though, the paneling and the leather couches and the way I have it decorated at the moment, makes for a very cozy and warm room, and anyone who comes into our home always comments on how much they love the cozy vibes.  That's a huge compliment for me.  I am not a decorator, I don't even think I have a specific theme other than cozy, cabin, country, I don't know.  I am definitely not a modern looking home decorated fan.  Nothing against it, but it's not my vibe, so to speak.

July 22, 2024

This is my current read.  Sweet Black Waves by Kristina Perez.  I don't know if I've just been lucky with my book chases the past two weeks, but my goodness, every single book I have picked up to read has been so good, I can't put it down.

July 22, 2024

Below you can see my TBR (To Be Read) shelf.  I picked some books that were calling to me, and created a TBR shelf, as I finish one, I just move it to a different shelf and grab the next one.

There are four Alison Weir books which I am very much looking forward to

The Last White Rose
The Lady in the Tower
The Lost Tudor Princess 
The Wars of the Roses

Children of Ragnarok by Cinda Williams Chima
Woven in Moonlight by Isabel Ibanez - Book 1 of the Woven in Moonlight Duology
Written in the Stars by Isabel Ibanez - Book 2 of the Woven in Moonlight Duology

July 22, 2024

The next shelf just holds my older books and this beautiful copy of Jane Austen illustrated life, as well as some older vintage books, my Jane Austen novels, Little House on the Prairie and Little Women.

July 22, 2024

July 22, 2024

And lastly, I decided to do a shelf that shows a standout collection of what has become one of my favorite authors, Nancy E. Turner.  I've mentioned her here many times, the first book These is my Words was one of the best books I've ever read, and I immediately picked up the others in the series Sarah's Quilt and The Star Garden.  

The other two books are also by Nancy E. Turner and were equally just as good.  Light changes Everything and The water and the Blood.  Worth a read if you've never read her books.

Now I am off to clean windows, which need doing because Kaia's nose is always up against them.  It's a never ending job I tell you.

Also need to go check on the chickens and make sure it's not too hot for them, and then I have to get my workout in and make sure I have my 10 000 steps, before it's time to start dinner and the night routine.  I am a little tired today so very much looking forward to bedtime.  
Some days are just like this, you're tired, you drag around, then thankfully lay your head on that pillow and hope to get enough sleep before the next day.  And it never seems enough for me, at least.

Anyway, enough blabbing, have a wonderful rest of your Tuesday, friends!

Monday, July 22, 2024

{ Happy Homemaker Monday - 07/22/2024 }

Happy Homemaker Monday
Good morning sweet ladies, come on in.  I have some hot coffee waiting for you all, or tea if you prefer. 

I am just sipping on my second cup of coffee and having my breakfast which today consists of scrambled egg whites and a piece of multigrain toast.  
It is just after 7am although it seems earlier because it's cloudy and dark outside.  I'm ok with that, if you know me, you know I love a dreary cloudy rainy day.  
My last post was on Thursday, I didn't get one up Friday or the weekend, because I was just so busy.  I think some weeks may be like that, but we will see.  I do have posts scheduled for this week, which make me happy because I really am trying to be more consistent with my posting.
Anyway, let's get right on with our post.  Have a wonderful Monday friends ♥  
*** The Weather *** 
We've had the best week, our temperatures dropped into the 80s and 90s and we even had some rain.  That's my kind of weather.  I don't like too hot or too cold.  Looks like we have another good week ahead before heading back into the impossibly hot weather.  I'm ready for Fall, aren't you?

*** Right now I am ***
Sitting in bed, listening to a video on the TV and working on this post.      
*** Thinking and pondering *** 
I have nothing specific going on in my brain, which I guess it's a good thing.  Hahahah  
*** How I am feeling *** 
Thankfully the allergies have calmed down a little.  I'm feeling a little tired this morning, had a good workout at the gym yesterday and am definitely feeling it today.  I'm just hoping to get going with my day and hopefully get a boost of energy. 
*** On the breakfast plate *** 
Cup of coffee with 2% milk and a little scoop of Vanilla protein powder.  Scrambled egg whites and a piece of multigrain toast with a little smear of Irish grass fed butter. 
*** On the lunch plate *** 
Salad, that's all I feel like today.  I over indulged this weekend, had family over for dinner on Saturday and had some dessert with them.  Time to get reset this week.  I usually will indulge in a sweet or something over the weekend, then go back to clean eating the rest of the week.  I honestly thing that moderation is key and we need everything in our diets, just being mindful not to over eat. 
*** On the dinner plate *** 
Ikea Meatballs, Mashed Potatoes, Mixed Veggies  
*** On the menu *** 
Just a reminder, anytime you see potatoes, rice or pasta, I don't eat it.  I usually either have just the salad or veggies, or I substitute with cauliflower rice, sweet potato or brown pasta, although even the brown pasta I don't tend to eat it.  I've gone off most carbs, don't feel a yearning for them, don't really much care for them anymore.

Ikea Meatballs, Mashed Potatoes, Mixed Veggies  
Tilapia Fish Tacos, Mexican Rice, beans
Pork chops, Garlic Spaghetti, Squash Casserole
Summer Beef Casserole with couscous, Salad
Homemade Pizza
Eat whatever you want
Ham, Potato Casserole, Green Beans, Lemon Pie (brother in law's birthday)
*** What I am wearing *** 
Still in my nightgown, will change into a summer dress after, then into workout clothes later this afternoon. 
*** On my reading pile *** 
Have started 1 Samuel in the Bible, not sure why but felt that I needed to read it.
Read 3 books last week, my word, I'm finally out of my reading funk.  
Started Sweet Black Waves by Kristina Perez.

*** On my TV this week *** 
Not a lot, aside from a YouTube video here or there, I'm reading more than watching anything. 
Youtube - usual homemaking, quiet, slow living videos, but also been watching some book hauls and book reviews.
*** Looking around the house *** 
It is dark, so the house looks all cozy and warm.  Yesterday, my husband hung some LED lights all around the trims of our living room, dining room and hallway.  This house is pretty dark, especially the hallway and the dining room (dining room is wood paneling).  It looks much better with these soft lights. 
*** To do list *** 
Housework Bible and Devotional time Workout Reading 
*** From the camera *** 
The one thing I do love about summer, are the flowers in all their glory.  They just bring so much joy to a home. These hang on my front porch.

*** Devotional, Prayers, Bible Verses *** 
Don't have a specific verse or prayer, but wanted to ask you, have you been reading your Bible? Do you read it daily, do you lean into the scriptures and allow God to work in your life?  If you don't, please consider starting.  It really does help the day flow better.  Also, when you pray, pray daily for Grace for that day, it does make a difference.