I was talking about domestic bliss yesterday, and one of the chores that I absolutely love doing, is hanging clothes out to dry.
The simple action of taking the wet laundry, fresh out of the washer, and hanging them up, one by one, watching them blow in the breeze, always brings a smile to my face.
When I was growing up, in South Africa, we had a circular clothesline, and I often would ask my stepmother if I could go hang the clothes out. Then I would equally find joy in bringing them all in, once they were dry. I guess, if I think about it, that may have been the beginning of my love for family, and homemaking.
Where other girls my age, were more interested in dolls, or make up, or doing other things, my focus was always on playing pretend family.

I would pretend I had a home, and would turn my room into my tiny little house. Each corner was a room, kitchen, living area and bathroom. My dolls were my children, and I carefully took care of them, giving them baths, feeding them, and putting them to bed.
I felt this immense pride in doing those things, and couldn't wait to grow up, get married, have children and repeat those chores, but for real this time.
I do believe that God gives us all a task, to live out while here on earth, and mine has always been to be the caregiver, the caretaker of the family and home.

Some may look at this and think it would be far quicker and easier, to just throw the laundry in the dryer, and I guess some days that is true. But one of the reasons I look forward to Spring and Summer, is to be able to make full use of my clothesline.
We've had a few different clotheslines, different ways, different designs, but they didn't seem to work out how I wanted, and this current one, just works best. So for the near future, that is where it will be.

But I thought it would be fun to go back in my blog, and find my posts with clothesline pictures. There were quite a few, surprisingly, even to me.
So, I'll you with some clothesline shots....