Jasmine came home from school yesterday crying her eyes out, when I sat down to talk to her and find out what the problem was she told me her best friend said she didn't want to be her friend anymore...........ok...........I know it's upsetting but it's part of life and something we all go through, but through my comforting her she just seemed to get more and more upset and finally told me that another girl from third grade had come and taken her best friend from her and right after her friend told her this, this other girl told Jasmine that if she ever came near her friend again she would "KILL HER". I'm sorry but WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?
Apparently this has been going on for weeks, this girl has been terrorizing Jasmine, threatening to punch her and give her "a black eye" and yesterday just upped the terror to saying she would kill her. I don't take things like this lightly and when your 8 year old child is crying unconsolably and saying over and over "this is the worst day of my life".........SOMETHING needs to be done.
Even worse is that there were other kids around who witnessed it and went straight to the teacher to tell her what had happened, only to be told "she gets a freebie"
Curt and I were livid and within 10 minutes he had gone to the school, told them what had been happening and removed Jasmine from the school.
Here was a child who absolutely loves school and would often get mad if she was sick and couldn't go, and now she's begging to be homeschooled and not be forced to go back. It's really heartbreaking and as a parenting it's hard to deal with the fact that you send your children off in the morning and thinking everything is fine, only to find out they've been treated this way. It disgusts me and infuriates me.
We have instilled very strong values and morals in Jasmine and she knows how to be with other kids, she knows that bullying is unacceptable and knows to be fair and nice to everyone around her. So to hear a child like this say to you "I don't deserve to be treated this way" tears at my heart strings.
Curt talked to the principal this morning and the girl has been dealt with, she tried to deny saying it but there were witnesses and the vice principal himself says he doesn't believe that she didn't say it, so she's been suspended for a day and told that if she ever threatens or talks to Jasmine or anyone else in that way she will be expelled NO.QUESTIONS.ASKED.
So she's back to school on monday, the want her to return and will talk to her and the others and get this sorted out completely. I just ask that you keep her in your prayers, she's still really upset and shaken and this really got to her, she's being brave and willing to return to school but she's scared and worried and she knows that if it ever happens again she will be removed for good and will be homeschooled.
Here's my issue..........we all know that kids can be mean and brutal at times but for an 8 year old to go around threatening to kill people, that is NOT normal and with things nowadays in schools this should not be taken lightly. Please, if you have little ones and they tell you they're not liking school or other kids don't want to play with them.....TALK and TALK some more, if I hadn't pushed Jasmine yesterday we never would have found out that this had been going on for a couple weeks now.
On to other things, Susanne tagged me for the middle name meme and I thought I hadn't done it yet, but turns out I did a couple weeks ago, so I'm giving you the link to it, right here.
Curt had the week off and it was great having him home, I'm going to miss him when he returns to work next week, but such is life right???
I'm almost done with my first book in the Reading Challenge, I'm truly enjoying the Tucker Mills Trilogy from Lori Wick, I have yet to find one of her books that I don't like.
I had so much to tell you all and I just seem to be drawing a blank so I'm going to leave it at this, if I try to fill it up with stuff it will just come off as nonsense LOL
Hope you all have a great friday!