Good morning friends, how are you all doing?
Oh my goodness, it's been exactly a week since I've updated my blog, and it wasn't even a real update because it was my Happy Homemaker post. I so wish I kept up with my blog more, like I used to years ago, but to be honest, all the new blogs, the politics in the blogs and the constant competition about who has more comments and followers and does the best posts....just totally turned me off.
Blogging used to be about like minded women sharing their day, now it's all about who makes more money and I can't tell you how irritated it makes me when I see those "How to blog" or "What you should and shouldn't blog about " and "the RIGHT way to make a blog post". Like seriously?
Anyway, I need to try and get back into the groove, I feel like I'm missing out on sharing a lot of our daily lives and my kids lives etc. I have so much of that documented until about 4 years ago and then it started dwindling and it's just gone downhill from there. Time to clean this up and go back to making memories.
Right, let's get on with our Happy Homemaker Monday for this morning.

The weather outside is::::
61 degrees right now and a light rain. We had rain yesterday and it seems we are having another rainy day today. The rest of the week will be in the 60's which I'm so ready for.
On the breakfast plate this morning::::
As always just a cup of coffee at the moment, but around 8am I'll go get something to eat. Probably the last two slices of the Pumpkin Spice Bread which I get every year around this time. Love it toasted with a nice slather of butter. Yum!
As I look outside my window:::
The rain is coming down and it's pretty dark still.
Right now I am::::
Still in my night gown, sitting on the couch, typing up this post and watching some vlogs as well.
As I look around the house::::
Not too bad, the kids spent most of the weekend in their bedrooms so there isn't too much to tidy up out in the living room areas. Except for the kitchen, like really, what on earth do my kids do in there? When I leave for bed every night, the dishes are done, the counters are clean and everything is neat and tidy. When I get up every morning around 5:30, there are glasses everywhere, open cabinet doors, empty packets of ramen noodles on the counter, dirty dishes on the island or in the sink. Good grief.
On today's to do list::::
Laundry....Wash all my bedding. .
Kitchen....Usual clean up in there..
Post office to mail my friend's Owls
Happening this week::::
Today I need to run to Walmart to get some envelopes for mailing off stuff.
Run to post office to mail the owls.
Nothing else really planned the rest of the week, aside than.....guess what???? My husband has a job!!!! Thank you all so much for the prayers, they were heard. He got a call from the same company he worked for asking him to come back for another instructor position on base. He is SO happy to get another chance at doing what he absolutely loves. So, Wednesday is his first official day back at work :)
Currently reading::::
The Women (Old west time life series). Still reading this one and absolutely loving it. I have another lined up for after this one, which is called something like Wonders of the Pioneer Trail or something similar, can't quite remember the name and don't have it nearby.
On the TV today::::
The Crown (almost done with this one) - if you love period dramas, you have got to watch this one on Netflix. It is about Queen Elizabeth II and how she came to reign and all the going ons with her marriage, becoming a Queen etc. FANTASTIC!!!
The Voice Portugal
General Hospital
Dark Angel
On the menu this week::::
Monday - Beer battered fish filets, tomato rice
Tuesday - Beef tips, mash, gravy
Wednesday - Hamburger Helper, Salad
Thursday - Arroz a Valenciana (Portuguese rice with smoked sausage and chicken)
Friday - Amish Country Casserole
Saturday - Oklahoma City (will be eating with family)
Sunday - Chili Dogs
What I am creating at the moment::::
I've been absolutely obsessed with my latest crochet project, and if you follow me on Instagram or Facebook you will have seen it by now. It is the Sophie's Universe and I've managed to do the work of 4 weeks in 4 days, I'm that obsessed with it. It's a beautiful pattern, it's so much fun to do and I can't wait to see it all come together.
I'm using a 5mm crochet hook, and Red Heart Super Saver because it's what I had on hand. The colors are Aran, Oatmeal, Minty and Pretty in Pink
New recipe I tried or want to try this week::::
The Indian Fry Bread Tacos were a hit. I'll try to get the recipe up today.
Favorite photo from the camera::::
Prayers, Inspirational Quotes or Devotionals::::
PLEASE, don't add links to this list that are not part of the Happy Homemaker Monday. I've asked numerous times, and I'm frankly quite tired of having to remove links to other posts that shouldn't be in this list. Please be respectful of my request!
Oh Sandra!! I am thrilled to hear that your husband got a job!!! Thank the Lord!!
Hugs, ~Mrs.J~
So happy to hear the good news about your husband and his job! I know firsthand how worrisome those government contracts are.
I need to get back to joining you with this. It's been so long. I have also not been blogging as often as I'd like. I do agree with you that blogging is not what it used to be. I like blogging about my day and such but now it seems the only things people blog about is "How to ..." or critisizing of others. It's annoying. I try to keep anything controversal from my page but today I did write a little bit about my opinions with this election. I guess some people can't help themselves during this very crucial time. What's become most annoying is Facebook. I keep telling myself to get off of there. It's just a lot of hate, name calling and bashing. So annoying. Anyway, I will try to get back into HHM soon. I miss it. Hope you have a great week!
Congrats to your husband on his new job! My teenager is a night snacker as well and I often hear him in the kitchen late at night on the weekends (never doing the dishes though ;) ) Hope you have a wonderful week!
I loved The Crown! I hope they hurry up and come out with the next season.
I love your blog just the way it is. I've been reading here for years.One of my favorites!
So good to read a newsy post from you. I've missed your posting about your life and family. I am so happy to read that your husband has a job. What an answer to prayer.
If we let what others are saying about what should or shouldn't be done with our blogs, we will get depressed. Just be yourself. My followers have pretty much stayed the same in number for the past few years. I'm not 'trendy', I don't live in a big nice home, I'm living on a limited income. But I enjoy blogging and friends made are priceless.
I love that piece you are crocheting. WOW!
Happy Fall dear Sandra ~ FlowerLady
Hey Sandra... I just dont see the link up. ??
Congrats to your husband's new job. I'm looking forward to that recipe. I have a lot of your recipes bookmarked for my family! Andrea
So happy for you and your husband! Hope your week is great and enjoy your last day home with him!
You are the second person to recommend, "The Crown". I must watch it!
So, so glad your hubby is employed again, doing what he loves. :) I know the burden of unemployment and you all handled it with faith and grace
I hear you on the blog competitions ... I've all but given up on my Ordinary Hausfrau blog :( but I have started a new one (you liked my facebook page - thank you!) at, so I can focus on what makes ME happy! If anyone else joins me, that's a bonus. LOL :)
I am so happy for your hubby and you to of course. I have that crochet pattern myself but never have worked on it. Maybe some day. I understand your frustrations with how some blogs are and those thinking you MUST blog in a certain way. Silliness! LOL!
Congratulations to your husband on the job!
I've been thinking about watching The Crown, and you just convinced me to get started.
Have a good week!
Oh yay!! I'm so happy for you guys that your Hubby got a new job. ;) Thank you Lord for prayers answered (was there ever a doubt?) Lol
And I can see how you'd be obsessed with that pattern. It's SO beautiful!!
Thanks for sharing your Monday's with me dear Friend. Love that.
(link up was later and then I forgot to come back yesterday).
Blessings! xoxo
So happy for you and your husband! Have a great week!
I get what you are saying about blogs now a days, That is why I read yours and blogs like it-I love reading and sharing about day to day life. and things that really matter... Now if I could just keep up on the HHM lol congrats on your hubby's job.
I was hoping to see a link up this week.. but alas I still dont see one.
I'm so glad I'm not the only one with "night visitors"... seriously, what do they do? It's like a party has gone on when I'm sleeping....
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