Good morning sweet ladies, welcome back to my blog. ♥
It is a beautiful Monday morning here in Texas, a bit windy but it's bringing in the most gorgeous of breezes through the house.
I had another busy week last week, lots of family get togethers, a one year old birthday party, my sister in law's birthday, some overnight guests (Curt's aunt and cousin), breakfast with our daughter and her boyfriend. Just lots going on and I ended up not getting a minute to post anything else. But it's ok, I've given myself grace through this process of returning to blogging more consistently.
Ended up not having much of a weekend at all, we were out at different functions both Saturday and Sunday, so today, I have a home needing a lot of attention, laundry, meal planning, budget, and all sorts of craziness going on. But, that's ok, I actually really love Mondays. I know it sounds insane to say that, but I do.
Anyway, enough rambling, let's get on with our post. Have a blessed week my friends!
*** The Weather ***
It's been pretty hot and with it have come all the mosquitoes and flies. Honestly, I really really can't stand either. Humid
and we hit triple digits this weekend, already. It's going to be a hot
summer. We are expecting some rain this week which will hopefully cool
things down.
Monday - Windy with clouds, 94
Tuesday - Partly cloudy, 93
Wednesday - Partly cloudy, 91
Thursday - AM showers, 90
Friday- Partly cloudy, 91
Saturday - Partly cloudy, 94
Sunday - Mostly sunny, 97
*** Right now I am ***
Working on this post, and listening to Julie Green on the TV.
*** Thinking and pondering ***
On how to get rid of all the flies in the house, they're driving me crazy. If you have any tried and true methods, PLEASE, leave it down below.
*** How I am feeling ***
I'm doing really good. I am now down to 132 pounds, which is well below my goal of 135, but I can still stand to lose a few more pounds. Still eating well and feeling very good in my new skin. Although, I have been dealing with seasonal allergies again, I was doing so good but the winds and the pollen have been so bad in our area, plus the fur babies are both shedding as we go into summer. Not a good combination.
*** On the breakfast plate ***
Cup of coffee with 2% milk, oatmeal. I am on an oatmeal kick and have really been enjoying it in the morning, plus it keeps me full for many hours. *** On the lunch plate ***
Chickpea Tuna salad
*** On the dinner plate ***
Grilled Nando's Chicken, Steamed Broccoli, Greek Potato Salad
*** On the menu ***
Will begin working on the new meal plan, today.Monday
Grilled Nando's Chicken, Steamed Broccoli, Greek Potato Salad
Chourico and Beef Chickpea Stew, Butter Bean Salad
Hot and Spicy Lasagna, Garlic Bread, Salad
*** What I am wearing ***
Still in my pajamas, will throw on some leggings and a tank top soon. I like to dress for my workouts so I can get them out of the way.
*** On my reading pile ***
Book of Esther
The Lady in the Tower by Alison Weir
*** On my TV this week ***
- Brazilian and Portuguese Homemaking Vlogs, Slow Living and Quiet
Turkish shows - Ruzgarli Tepe, Erkenci Kus
Sic Portugal TV - Senhora do Mar
Paramount - Star Trek Discovery
*** Looking around the house ***
As I mentioned above, after a busy weekend and overnight guests, I need to get it back in order. But, I must say even when it's needing attention, I just love my home. It warms my heart that everyone who comes over, always leaves saying they felt so warm and welcome. The word I most hear from them is "cozy". Love that!
*** To do list ***
Blog post for tomorrow
Bible and Devotional time
Dust, vacuum and tidy
Meal plan and budget
*** From the camera ***
My kitchen is my absolute favorite part of the house. I spend so many hours in there, not just preparing meals but pottering around here and there. Just love being in that room.
*** Devotional, Prayers, Bible Verses ***
I still need to be rescued from me because as long as sin remains, I'll be drawn to desire, think, say and do what God sees as evil. - New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp
Good morning Sandra! So sorry to hear the flies and mosquitoes as well as your allergies are bugging you so much! I've been using this ZEVO flying bug trap that works wonder on flying insects here. I'll leave the link at the end of my comment. Congratulations on eating better and feeling better too! Have a fun week even if you have to catch up from your busy weekend.
BTW this linky won't actually go to an "ENTER" - it justs freezes after the done button. My link for today is https://chasingmylife.com/2024/06/17/happy-homemaker-monday-recipe-links-week-25-of-2024-blog-366-169/
BTW the name is a ZEVO flying insect trap and I get it on amazon.
My link for today is
Hi Sandra, what a nice kitchen you have!
Too bad about the mosquitoes and flies, I can't stand them either.
In my case it's ants... I'm still looking for where they're coming in...
Greetings and have a nice week.
Yuck to any kind of insect
Had a hard time posting my link too... had to retry a few times.
We are to be having a heat-wave too... no fun.
Have a great week
Mosquitoes and flies are one of the negatives of summer,
luckily the positives are so many that they finally make us happy!
It's great that you had so much to do over the weekend!!
Busy weeks are exhausting weeks often in q good way, your days seem not and hot, me I get dressed as soon as get up each morning.
we ended up buying some bug plug-ins off Amazon. They have a blue light and some sticky paper inside. The bugs are attracted to the blue light and stick to the paper. We were having a serious gnat issue a few weeks ago and just having 2-3 of these plugged in around the house, took care of them.
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