Good morning everyone, hope you're having a great start to your day.
It is Friday, and I for one am so happy. For one reason because it's the start of the weekend, and also because Curt and I plan on doing a little date tomorrow morning. You know those kind of dates that you start appreciating when you're older?
In our youth a movie and a dinner was what we considered a good date, but the past few years, in our fourties, we realized that the kind of date we enjoy is a Saturday morning, thrift store browsing, book shopping, hitting up either Lowe's or Home Depot, and a little lunch before heading home and relaxing the rest of the day.
It may sound a bit boring to some of you, maybe the younger ladies, but I think for us ladies around my age and older, it's exactly the kind of moments with our husbands that we appreciate.
Before I start talking to you, I must say that I'm proud of myself this week, for keeping my camera glued to my side, taking pictures, and making a conscious effort to blog every day. It has felt so good, it's like meeting an old friend.
Thank you also for the kind comments on my last post about old fashioned blogging, I knew you all would understand what I mean. Kristina from A Pioneer Woman mentioned that she is most likely ending her blog she doesn't want to be boring, and doesn't get many comments.
I completely understand what she is saying, and I used to feel this way too, but I was reminded by no doubt God, that I'm not blogging for anyone other than myself. That this is my little corner to jot down my memories, to keep a record online of my life and that although comments are wonderful and I certainly love receiving yours, they are not a must have for my blogging. The minute I changed that way of thinking, I felt such pressure off of me to blog, to continue just writing as if I'm journaling. It honestly frees you up.
Now do you want to see what I did yesterday? Come on with me, I promise I will even give you a cup of coffee or tea. However I don't have any cake or sweets, because I haven't been eating them, although talking about it now makes me want some. Oh no LOL
I wanted to show you my garden real quick. We opted for container gardening this year, save for a few things like potatoes, rosemary, basil and mint which are in the ground, but everything else is in containers. I wasn't sure how that would work, and I've always envisioned my gardens in the ground, as I've done for years now, but hubby convinced me this year to try it this way, and I'm very glad that I did.
Everything is thriving and I've harvested a few a couple of times, and as you can see they are growing again. I have quite a bit of chili peppers this year because I use them a lot and also want to can some for later in the year.
The only plants that I have had no luck with this year, have been my tomatoes. I have 5 tomato plants and none have grown, given me any tomatoes. I thought it was just me but I've seen multiple people complaining about the same, so I am stumped. Not sure what happened. Oh well, maybe next year.
I pottered around the house, doing what needed to be done, but also taking a few moments between washing laundry, or waiting for my instant pot to finish cooking, to read a few pages in my book.

The book I need to mail off was wrapped, and I have to remember to get it out by the 14th so that I get my book credit. A little frustrated at the moment, because even though I placed it in my mailbox yesterday, the mailman didn't take it and it's still sitting there. If it is not taken by the end of the day, I'll have to physically drop it off tomorrow morning when we're in town.
I know, it's not the end of the world but it's a little annoying especially since I tried to get it out as quick as possible, after the request came in.
Also cooked up my chickpeas for the next week or two. I buy the dry chickpeas and then cook them, divide them into ziploc bags and freeze them. I just remove a bag as I need it and it saves me a ton of time during the week.
Now, let me show you a little tip. I shared it I think last year on my Instagram stories and it was one of the tips that got the most reactions from my followers over there.
It's something that is so simple but oh my gosh, I wish I had known this years ago, it would have saved me from frustrating when dealing with Tupperware that is stained with any kind of tomato sauce. You make a yummy tomato sauce based meal, you save it in the Tupperware and then it's stained orange for the rest of it's life.
This trick will stop that from happening and it really does work. I learned it through a Brazilian older lady that I saw on Youtube. You will love it.
Basically, you are going to take your Tupperware, and it's best to do this right after you remove the food, don't let it sit for too long, although I have had success even with those stubborn stains.
Pour a little hot water into the bottom, add some dishwashing liquid, and then add a small paper towel. Close the lid tightly, then shake, shake, SHAKE it. I usually just shake it hard for about 30 seconds or so. That's it. Open it up, toss the paper towel and be amazed. It's crazy, really!
Try it and let me know what you think.
Ok, now just quickly wanted to share this super easy recipe that makes a perfect breakfast or lunch, and it uses up leftover roasted vegetables.
Just take your leftover veggies, or cut up some vegetables if you don't have leftovers. In a casserole baking dish, add salt, pepper, whatever else spices you want, then add in some eggs. It will depend on the amount of vegetables you have, I only added 4 eggs to mine.
Give it a good stir, pop some shredded cheese on top, and bake at 375 for about 20 minutes or until the egg is cooked and toasty and brown.
That is it. It's healthy, it's delicious and like I already said, it's a great breakfast or lunch.
How yummy does that look right?
Anyway, that was my Thursday, I didn't get to workout yesterday, wasn't feeling 100%. I started feeling like I was developing a UTI, so immediately started drinking cranberry juice and upped my water intake too, although I already drinking seas of water. I did my walking, didn't even hit my 10k steps, only made it to 7000, but that's ok.
I feel so much better today, and the UTI is practically gone. So I will be back to working out today, thankfully, I actually missed it and feel so weird not doing it.
This post is much longer than I anticipated, so if you've managed to make it all the way here, thank you for hanging in there. My word, I can talk when I get going.
Right, I'm gonna end this post, but just quickly, the pictures I just posted above, are of what I am currently reading in my bible. I felt like I needed to reread the book of Revelation. Some people dislike it, some fear it, some love it. I am in the love it camp, though I won't lie and say that some of the things don't freak me out or make me a big anxious, but I think overall the message is not to cause fear, but rather to inspire and to motivate us to walk closer to God knowing that at the end of this craziness that we call world and life, we will be in Heaven with our loved ones.
Now, with that said, I feel like even though I'm already on verse 18 and there are only 22 verses in Revelation, I am stuck. I can't leave, and just have this overwhelming feeling of needing to dive deeper, to understand better and to stay in this book until I feel that I can move on.
I am currently looking for a good Bible study on Revelation, so if you know of one, or have studied it yourself, PLEASE leave it down below.
I will look for a good one when we are downtown tomorrow, but in the meantime I am going to finish reading in the Bible, then I'm going to start again from verse 1, but this time I will read it, then read the commentary by J. Vernon McGee which my wonderful late mother in law Pat gave us for Christmas, many years ago. It is the whole commentary for the entire Bible so it's a great study resource.
I honestly can't wait to dive deeper and understand a bit more. There are just things that don't add up to me, especially timelines and so on.
Alright, now I've babbled enough. It's time to jump off here, get some steps in, do my workout really quickly, then finish reading Revelation and probably take a little break. I need to lay down, I've got a horrid sinus headache brought on from the terrible allergies going around right now.
I hope you all have a wonderful Friday. I will show you what I get on my outing tomorrow, so come back for that.
Have a blessed one friends,
I blog for myself. Sure it's fun to have followers but mostly it's to clear my mind and have a 'journal' of some type.
Tomato sauce in tupperware... just set the tupperware out in the sun (washed or unwashed) and leave it out as long as it takes... the sun will make it all go away... works on fabric too
Thanks for the tip about the tupperware! I have so many that are now a delightful orange colour.
Your cat is just beautiful, very fluffy like our Coco.
It's fun to be blogging again, a bit nostalgic in a way. I'm glad you're posting more regularly as well, it's like the old days. So many have totally deleted their blogs now.
I do like the journalling aspect of blogging, I have been keeping a written journal and putting all my photos in dated files, etc., but as I mentioned on my recent post I do get nervous that I'll put all this effort in and then Google could just decide to stop supporting Blogger!
Anyway, your photos are as beautiful as ever. Have a lovely day
I love your blog. A local church which I watch on youtube has been preaching on Revelation. www.youtube.com/@yarmouthwesleyanchurch5083 Pastor AJ Plazier is a very good preacher, and perhaps this will be of help to you.
The book 'Blessed' by Nancy Guthrie is highly recommended!!
Enjoyed the post. I read through the Bible chronologically a few years ago. I didn't like not reading any NT at the time, so I began to add some NT reading in along with my chronological reading of the OT. Turns out that Daniel ended up coinciding with Revelations in my reading. I liked that and felt it turned out to be so good. The last chapter really stopped me to reread several times. I am currently reading chronologically again and listening to the Bible Recap on podcast after each daily reading.
Sandra, I am loving these posts in the old fashioned style of blogging. I won't write much here, but am going to my own blog to participate in your blogging link-up. See ya there!
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