After my recent blog posts, I have felt an overwhelming need to reconnect with bloggers of past times. That sounds so dramatic, maybe it's because I've been reading a lot lately, I don't know, but I think you understand what I mean.
That feeling that you want to go back in time and find all the old blogs you used to read, reconnect with the wonderful women (though luckily enough for me, many of them are still here following me).
I was thinking last night, how can we find these old fashioned blogs, who are they, what have they been up to, and how do we find a way to not only reconnect but maybe send some new followers around. There has to be a way to achieve this, and as with everything else in my life, when I come to a crossroads I turn to my best friend, God. I pray on it and then listen for His response.
And that response came shortly after "Why are you over complicating things? just do a post saying hi, who you are, and leave some questions for others to join in.". *light bulb moment right there*
So, this is it, this is the post, this is me saying hi, and inviting you all to join in, do a post on your own blog so that we can all go over and read, and let's continue to motivate each other to stick to our guns, to hold fast, to keep homemaking alive. Are you in?
1) How long have I been blogging and why did I start this blog?
I started blogging in 2006, and what initially drew me to it was the fun and friendships that were forged through women of like minds. Homemakers sharing their lives, showing us what they were crafting and cooking and motivating others, offering kind words and laughs and wisdom. Blogging has changed so much since I first started and I can't say that I like the new blog world, I much prefer the old way.
2) How did I choose the name of my blog?
I started blogging in 2006, and what initially drew me to it was the fun and friendships that were forged through women of like minds. Homemakers sharing their lives, showing us what they were crafting and cooking and motivating others, offering kind words and laughs and wisdom. Blogging has changed so much since I first started and I can't say that I like the new blog world, I much prefer the old way.
2) How did I choose the name of my blog?
This was hard, I was stuck for the longest time, not knowing what to name the blog. After pondering back and forth, I thought to myself "just keep it simple, you're writing an online diary.". And so Diary of a Stay at Home Mom came forth.
3) What is my blog about?
A little of everything. Before my husband retired from the military I shared a lot about it, so my blog pre 2012 is very much focused on deployments, military base living, homeschooling and so on. But always the main focus has been family, recipes, gardening, crochet, period dramas, books and simple living. Mostly, it's just a journal about my daily life as a Christian wife and mom.
4) Tell us a little about yourself and your family.
My husband is a retired Air Force Tech Sergeant, and is now an instructor on base. So we may be not active duty anymore, but definitely still connected to the United States Air Force. We have two children, Jasmine who is 25 and no longer lives at home, and Nicholas who is 21.
A little of everything. Before my husband retired from the military I shared a lot about it, so my blog pre 2012 is very much focused on deployments, military base living, homeschooling and so on. But always the main focus has been family, recipes, gardening, crochet, period dramas, books and simple living. Mostly, it's just a journal about my daily life as a Christian wife and mom.
4) Tell us a little about yourself and your family.
My husband is a retired Air Force Tech Sergeant, and is now an instructor on base. So we may be not active duty anymore, but definitely still connected to the United States Air Force. We have two children, Jasmine who is 25 and no longer lives at home, and Nicholas who is 21.
I am Portuguese and have been in the USA for 26 years and recently became a citizen, which was a dream of mine for a very long time.
5) A few of my favorite things (collections, things that make me happy, etc.).
Cookbooks. I collect them, I love them, I read them all the time and I have learned so much from them. I also collect items from Cath Kidston, her color combinations and the home items just make me smile. Oh and yarn, you can never have too much yarn right? Or books? Or Candles? Or OLD books? Come to think of it, I may collect a lot of things.
6) What do you like to do in your spare time (hobbies, crafts, etc..)?
Crochet is my love. If I'm not puttering around the house, I am usually sitting with my crochet hooks and yarn and making things for my home. Reading is another love of mine and sometimes I find time to sit and sew something too. My grandmother was a seamstress and she taught me so much, I am blessed for having learned that skill when I was a little girl.
Cookbooks. I collect them, I love them, I read them all the time and I have learned so much from them. I also collect items from Cath Kidston, her color combinations and the home items just make me smile. Oh and yarn, you can never have too much yarn right? Or books? Or Candles? Or OLD books? Come to think of it, I may collect a lot of things.
6) What do you like to do in your spare time (hobbies, crafts, etc..)?
Crochet is my love. If I'm not puttering around the house, I am usually sitting with my crochet hooks and yarn and making things for my home. Reading is another love of mine and sometimes I find time to sit and sew something too. My grandmother was a seamstress and she taught me so much, I am blessed for having learned that skill when I was a little girl.
7) What does your dream house look like? (Describe and/or include photo)
I've always wanted to live in an England Cottage. I know, it's kind of silly since I have never even been to England, but I would like nothing more than to live in a white cottage with a thatched roof, pink tulips growing out of window planters and surrounded by green grass. Simple white walls inside, quilts on the beds, a fireplace in the living room, crochet blankets draped over comfy chairs...and a big kitchen with beams on the ceiling and flowers on the window sill. A girl can dream.
8) If you could visit anywhere, anytime, where would it be and why?
England, Ireland, Scotland and Greece. Those have been my top destinations since I was a child. I also would love to visit Egypt but I fear going over there, so that one may just stay a dream.
9) Would you share with us a favorite homemaking/organizing tip or recipe, etc..?
I would love to share this chocolate cake recipe, Mix in a Pan Chocolate Cake. I love it because you can make it in a small pan which is perfect for our family of 4, and I don't have to worry about a lot of leftover cake.
10) Tell us something about yourself that we might not already know from reading your blog. (something unusual, etc..)
I think everyone knows me pretty well, but I'm not sure if many people know that I can't swim. LOL And that I really don't like driving, if I could get away with never doing it, I would be fine. I also hate speaking on the phone, I prefer text messages.
11) Tell us a way God has blessed you and/or your family.
Let me count the ways. We have definitely had our problems and have faced some very hard times, through sickness and health, through wars and family deaths and two miscarriages. God has continued to bless us daily and we wouldn't be where we are today without Him in our lives. We believe that God brought us together.
God has most definitely had His hand upon our lives, in many ways, too many to count.
12) Share any words of wisdom and/or a favorite quote you'd like to leave with us.
Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful. ~William Morris
My favorite verse is 1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you.
I encourage you to join in, take these questions and do a post on your own blog, letting us know a little more about you and your blog, then come back here and add your post to the linky. I would love to see as many of you as possible, sharing and hopefully finding new like minded friends here in blogland.
Hello Sandra, my answers are on my Blog. Thanks for the opportunity.
What a great idea. I'll have a go :)
That was fun! It's been years since I participated in your HHM, which I'll have to get back into. Thanks for doing this!
Sandra, this was fun! I'm looking forward to reading everyone's blog. Thanks for hosting!
I LOVED reading this and will join in later tonight! We've been on this road together for so long - it'll be fun to see how much things have changed along the way. :D
Thank you for doing this! I enjoyed your post and can't wait to meet some new bloggers! That cottage sounds beautiful! I have always loved following your blog! Thank you so much for your heart to bring people together! you have no idea how much I need that!
oops I wanted to post on HHM and posted my link here instead. you can delete if you want. It was inspiring reading this post... and I want an English cottage too even though I have never been to England.
I would have loved to participate in this challenge, but unfortunately Mister Linky doesn't allow me access to the list.
Coming over from KrisandLarry - Added our questions answers too! <3
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