Wednesday, February 01, 2023

{ Blog 365 #32 - New Bible Study }

I recently started a bible study, which I mentioned here last month.  But, I decided to join in on another one that just began yesterday, and will run through the month of February.

It is in Portuguese, from a Brazilian lady I follow on Instagram.  
You're probably wondering why I would start another one, and I've asked myself that question, but the one I was doing previously on Ecclesiastes, I can just set aside and pick up at any time.  This new one is running daily through the month of February, and I really want to join in.


It is called Meu Diario com journal with God!

The point is to create a habit of picking up our Bibles every day, reading, learning and working on our relationship with the Lord.  Each day, we are given a Verse to read in the Bible.  She doesn't give us the actual verse written out, just the verse itself, for example, today's first verse was Matthew 6:33.

That is what we are given, so we HAVE to go and read the verse to know what it says.  Then we are given a reflection, and some questions for the day.  


I personally love the idea that we have to search out the verse ourselves and physically open our Bibles.  Far too many bible studies give us the whole cake, so to speak.  

She really wants to encourage us to search out each verse, and then write them down in our notebooks, along with that day's date, any thoughts we have on what we read, and the responses to the questions.

It gets us to focus, to engage and to also write it down, instead of typing it on a computer or phone.

Back to the basics, so to speak.


The whole Bible study is in Portuguese, which also helps me to maintain my first language.  I can't remember the last time that I wrote in Portuguese, so it's wonderful.
If you want to follow along you can check out A Menina da Casa, on Instagram.  I will probably share some of it during the month, might be another daily post, and I may actually share the daily verse each day, and that will give you something to read up on as well.
Anyway, just wanted to share what I'm doing.  I'm very excited about this study.  I do try to read my Bible every day, but I admit that I've slacked a bit the past month, so this is the perfect way to get me back on track.
God works in mysterious ways, and I find that when I start to stray a little, He pulls me back through different means, and sometimes it is like this, a random post on Instagram that caught my attention.
What a blessing!


Jean said...

Your bible and journal are so pretty! How wonderful also to be able to do it in your first language.

Pamela said...

That sounds like a wonderful study, Sandra, and how wonderful for you to maintain your first language in this way. I look forward to hearing more about it.