Monday, April 22, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday - 04/22/2024

Good morning everyone, welcome back to my little blog.
It is 7am and Curt has just left for work.  And so our new week begins.  I've been a little out of it this past week, just been dealing with an ear infection and it's kind of knocked me on my behind.  Oh how we take our health for granted, don't we?  When something is off we then realize just how much we take it for granted.
I am about 99% better now, thankfully.
Anyway, I have a full day of cleaning and basically resetting for the week, ahead.  I know many of you may not agree, but I love Mondays, I don't know why.
So, with that said, let's get going.  Have a wonderful blessed week friends.

*** The Weather *** 
We have had so much rain this year already.  I love it, not just because I love rain, but I just love how everything is so green.  There is more rain in the forecast for this week, but also warm temperatures.   
Monday - Sunny, 73
Tuesday - Mostly sunny, 84
Wednesday - Cloudy, 80
Thursday - Cloudy, 82
Friday- AM Thunderstorms, 88
Saturday - Thunderstorms, 83
Sunday - Partly cloudy, 83
*** Right now I am *** 
Watching one of my favorite Brazilian vloggers on tv, while typing up this post. 
*** Thinking and pondering *** 
I have so many thoughts in my mind, just the usual list of to dos, things I want to start, things I want to finish.  
And then I have these constant thoughts about how much I want to get back into my blog, and how I miss the days where blogging was a part of me, where I woke up knowing that I needed to record my day, to be able to share it later.
I keep trying to get back on it, and keep falling off the wagon.  I don't know why.  But in a way I feel that I'm busier now that my children are adults, than I was when they were toddlers.  Does that even make any sense?  I don't get it.  I really need to evaluate my time and sort it out and get back to doing what I love.    
*** How I am feeling ***
I will be on my cycle this week, if that tells you how I'm feeling at the moment.  Hahaha 
*** On the breakfast plate *** 
I have had my coffee, will have some oatmeal in about an hour.  
*** On the lunch plate *** 
Not sure, might have some salad or a smoothie, or some yogurt with blueberries and walnuts.    
*** On the dinner plate ***
Stuffed Eggplant, Tomato and Cucumber Salad. 
*** On the menu *** 
It is that time again, to start working on the new meal plan, which will start on Thursday when I go grocery shopping.

Stuffed Eggplant, Tomato and Cucumber Salad
Moroccan Fish, Quinoa and steamed broccoli   
Chili Mac, Garlic Bread, Greek Salad

*** What I am wearing *** 
Summer nightgown, not sure what I'll put on after.    

*** On my reading pile *** 
Book of Exodus in the Bible 
Finishing The Return of the Gods by Jonathan Cahn
Venetia by Georgette Heyer

*** On my TV this week ***
Youtube - Brazilian and Portuguese Homemaking Vlogs, Slow Living and Quiet Vlogs 
Turkish shows - Ruzgarli Tepe, Gelin, Kara Agac Destani
Sic Portugal TV - Senhora do Mar
Paramount - Star Trek Discovery, with my hubby

*** Looking around the house *** 
Just the usual pick up needs done. 
*** To do list *** 
Usual homemaking - dishes, laundry
Bible and Devotional time
Reading time
Crochet time
Meal planning and grocery list
*** From the camera *** 
I was looking through my photos and came across this one from 2014, when we lived in Idaho.  A bird had made a nest in one of our Lilac bushes, and it was close enough to our deck that I could just lean over and see the babies.  How adorable is this? 
*** What I am crocheting or sewing ***
I finally finished Part 4, and almost ran out of yarn, so had to go buy more this weekend.  But, I have started Part 5, which are the Nordic Snowflakes.  

*** Devotional, Prayers, Bible Verses *** 
If God intended for all the days of your life to be easy, they would be.  No, in grace, He intends for your days to be His tools of refinement.  - New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp


Luludou said...

That picture of baby birds is precious! Glad your earache seems to be doing better. Have a great week

Katerinas Blog said...

Baby birds are wonderful the beginning of life and the need for food.
I love what you are crocheting.
Yes, blogging is a very creative occupation for me too!
Have a beautiful week🌷!

Elisha said...

I'm glad that you're feeling a bit better. I completely understand your comment about being busier now then when the kids were toddlers. I've thought about this often and, for me, the difference is that when they were little I was, for the most part, in control of the schedule and how much/what we did. Now that they are older and involved in activities I'm more "at the mercy" of someone else's schedule.

Anyways, I hope you have a wonderful week and continue to feel better.

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

So happy to hear you're feeling better dear Sandra! That is the sweetest pic of the baby birds long ago - perfect pic to sum up Spring. Please send some of that rain up north. We could sure use it! That blanket is just the coolest pattern I've seen. I love it so much - I think it's because I come from such Scandinavian country up here in WI/MN.
Blessings. xo