Friday, February 21, 2025

{ Friday's Letter's - 02/22/25 }

Dear Neck and headaches....Thank you, thank you and a another thank you.  I am finally free of your constant nagging, and it feels glorious!    
Dear PMS....I know you're important to our bodies, but for goodness sake, can you ease up on the insatiable hunger?  I want to eat everything in sight, everything and the kitchen sink if necessary.  My word.  I do not diet during the week before my period because I am so hungry and I find that it's best to just allow my body to take in what it wants.  The week after, I go right back to be good again.     
Dear books....You have always been and will always be my first love.  I have such an affinity for you.  It's something that was placed within me as a child and has only grown through the years.  You take me on adventures, you make me smile, you make me laugh, sometimes you make me sad, but it's all good.  Thank you for always being there.     

Dear weather....I've just about had it with your nonsense.  Can you please pick a temperature and go with it?  This back and forth is ridiculous.  96 one day and 8 the other with a wind chill of -17.  I just want spring, I'm not even asking for summer and the super hot temperatures, I want spring and green things everywhere and mild wonderful weather.  Help a girl out will ya? 
Dear coffee....You continue to be my favorite.  Cold weather, hot weather, morning, night, it doesn't matter, I love you and will always love you.      

1 comment:

Sarah said...

PMS was the worst for me, I really feel for you. I did a Friday's Letters this week too :) and I was totally yearning for Spring. January and February are such cold, grey months, I want daffodils and sunshine! Hope you have a lovely weekend x