Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Never Alone!


Have you ever just sat back and realized that you are not alone? EVER?

Yes I know that sometimes things happen and we feel like we are, just us alone against the whole world but I think it's due to the fact that we get so completely caught up in what is going around us at the time, the heartache or the grief, the sadness or the loneliness and we tend to forget that no matter where we are or what we're doing, we're not alone.....NEVER!

It's such a wonderful feeling because even here on the internet where there's millions and millions of webpages and blogs and people, you still manage to realize that you have a circle of friends, amazing friends, friends with no faces, just a voice on the phone or a line written on the computer screen. But they're the ones that are there for you when you're having a bad day, they're the ones that offer a kind word of support or advice, they're the ones that can say "I've been there, done that, and this is what worked for me".

Because in the middle of this craziness that we call life, there is the constant warmth and love from those we call friends. They don't need to be there in person, they don't need to be someone you've known your whole life or have met face to face.

So I want to thank you, all of you, all my readers and friends that I've made since I began this blogging journey back in 2006. A timid, shy, scared blogger, typing those first few words and wondering who would even care about my daily life, whether I fixed pasta or steak for dinner, who would want to know how to even make those dishes or who would care when someone in my family needed prayers. Boy was I wrong and I'm so glad that nowadays I can say that I'm blessed, not just for the family I have, for the wonderful husband and children, my parents and grandparents and siblings and nieces and nephews or the delicious meals that sustain us....but for YOU. You and You and You in the back and You in the corner, for those that have stuck by me from day one and for the new great readers I get to meet on a daily basis. Thank you for always being there and reminding me that I'm Never Alone.

This song is for all those I love, family and friends alike and yes that includes my blogging friends and readers.

So here is a new award I created for my readers.....Never Alone Award....pass it on to as many as you wish, I'm not going to tell you to pick 5 or 10 or whatever. You give it to those that you feel are deserving, those that stand out, those that never waivered in their friendship, those who have made a difference in your life.

If you wish, go ahead and pass on the song too, who says we can only hand out little cute buttons right?

Jim Brickman & Lady Antebellum - Never Alone (Version 2)


Jen said...

You are a great blog friend. This is a wonderful insight. Thank you so much for sharing. Have a great day!

Cheri said...

So true and even more importantly we're never alone because if you have accepted Jesus in your heart-He's always with us too!!

Krista said...

I totally agree! It amazes me the friends that I've met while blogging, and how much they care about my life!

Michelle said...

What a lovely award :) I agree that friends don't have to be there in person.I too didn't know what to expect when I started blogging.

Bonnie said...

Ditto to what the others have said !! Thanks for the award and that song is amazing !!!

Lulu said...

awwwwwww, what a beautiful post and so true..
you rock!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for saying all that to us behind the scenes friends.. you're very right, that we do make a lot of very nice friends on the net and they are just as good and better then some of them that live next door. We are truly blessed.

Mari said...

Thanks Sandra. I've been blessed by so many bloggy friends too- including you!

Anonymous said...

Very good testimony :)

Renee said...

What a beautiful post and wonderful song! I agree with all the above. I have been so blessed by you and other bloggy friends. Thanks you for sharing your life with us!

Amy said...

Oh you are so sweet, Sandra! I love your heart and all your housie and daily doings... love it! I was thinking about all the blogs that I love and why, and I think it brings a comfort to know that there are other's in this world that are so much like me...in the same season in life, doing the exact same thing :) It's so wonderful that we can come to a safe place and encourage one another on...yay!

HUgs.. Amy

Michelle said...

You are too sweet Sandra! What a beautiful post and a thoughtful reason to come up with an award!

threesidesofcrazy said...

What a sweet way to thank those in your life. Congratulations on your award over at Heidi's.

Lara said...

Beautiful post Sandra. And I love the award as well. I'm going to pass it to other people. Thank you.

Lynn and Jim said...

I've been following your blog for a few months now and love each and every post. Keep it up!


Mozi Esme said...

Sweet award!