Friday, April 09, 2010

{ Hodgepodge of Thoughts....and a giveaway }

I'm loving today, I don't know why but I'm just feeling extremely content, maybe it's the weather which is beautiful and sunny and a little windy.

I'm sitting here with my windows open, the back door open wide and as the curtains sway back and forth in the wind, I hear the sprinkler out back and the birds chirping and the random car driving by once in a while. It's quiet, it's peaceful and it's making me smile.

So the reason for my post title is because I have a few things to chat about and a few (lot) of pictures to post and I figured, I should really warn you before hand so you don't think I've done lost my mind skipping from subject to subject. Though that is really what I am good at *giggle*

First off I want to give an update on the Postcard Exchange, I've received so many wonderful postcards from all over the States and even Japan. Thank you all so much, I hope you've received mine too. I don't want to wait too much longer to do the giveaway, so please, if you signed up for the exchange, get our postcards mailed out soon, I'm putting a deadline on this, April 15th and then I'll do the giveaway.





You won't believe how excited my kids get when a new postcard arrives, so again thank you to all those who have taken the time to send me a beautiful postcard from your wonderful States.

The allergies are still kicking my behind, I literally find myself scratching my eyes especially at night is awful. I'm just not letting it bring me down, gotta keep putting one foot in front of the other and keep going right?

So while I've been dealing with the unwell feeling and by the way, thank you all for the well wishes, it means a lot....I've just been puttering around the house.

Ironing, tell me how many of you cringed when you read that word? LOL I for one love ironing, I find it very relaxing and calming.


This little hummingbird decoration hangs next to my hummingbird feeder, and this past week this poor little thing has gotten quite the workout. The winds have been brutal.


I love sprinklers, I love hearing the water and I love smelling the wet grass, to me it just means Spring and Summer.


I planted a few flowers in the front yard a few weeks ago and they're starting to grow.


My lemon tree, as always, is overflowing with juicy lemons, but this time I don't know why but they are some of the biggest and juiciest I've seen in a while. You cut into one and the juice literally splatters out. YUM!

We've been popping these into a glass of cold water, iced tea and coke. I'll always love the fact that I can just go out back and grab a fresh lemon from the tree.


Last night's dinner, a super easy and quick pork dish that I just threw together, it was so good. I'll have the recipe posted on Full Bellies, Happy Kids later this afternoon.


And finally, oh my.

I love going to the mail box on a Friday morning and finding a book waiting for me. This one I've been DYING to get my hands on for a while so I'm even more excited that it's here.


Home Cooking with Trisha Yearwood.

Let me tell you something, I don't often tell you to go out and buy a certain book, but this one, yeah, listen....put down whatever you're doing and go get it.


It doesn't matter if it's through Amazon, or if you have to go to the book store or Walmart or the BX, just GO.GET.IT.


Matter of fact, I'll tell you what.

Just because I'm nice like that *snicker* no, really, because I love all my readers and I know that you would love to add this book to your collection....I'll give you a copy of the book just for stopping by and saying hi.


You can tell your friends about it too if you want, or not, if you get a lot of people in then the chances of you winning are slimmer right? LOL

Maybe keep it just to my readers here on my blog.


So drop me a comment, just say hi and I'll enter you in the giveaway, you have until April 15th, then I'll draw a winner.

Contest is open to US and Canada only. Good Luck!


I'm off, gotta go pick up my kiddos at school and then sit back with my wonderful new book while dinner is slowly cooking away in the oven. Barbecue Pork Ribs, oh yes I did, how perfect that I had ribs out for tonight and I just happened to get this book today?

I'll let you know how it turns out.


Mary said...

That book looks awesome! I like all the new pictures.

Laura said...

Ohh, I think I may need to pick up a copy myself if I dont win! Looks great!!

Linzi said...

Those pictures look yummy!

Heather said...

Looks good to me! That baked spaghetti looks like a winner for sure!


win said...

Yumssss....Veggie Pie looks so good

Sarah R said...

I have a thing for cookbooks too!!


Sandra said...

That book is beautiful sitting in a stand on the counter top. I had one but gave it away to my daughter and really miss it.

On a personal note....My Dr's advice on dealing with allergies...keep windows closed and ac on when pollen is high and wash your hair before going to bed. Pollen collects in hair.

LaVera said...

Love cookbooks! :)

Sheila said...

Love your blogs. I almost bought this book but didn't. I went back a few days later to get it and it was sold out and I haven't seen it since. It had such good recipes and stories in it. Have a great weekend.

Lynn said...

Sandra, I love collecting cookbooks, and this one looks like one that I really would love to have!! Please enter my name in your drawing!

Thank you!
Have a wonderful weekend!


Erin Short said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE to cook!! I would love this cookbook!

Katrina said...

That cookbook looks great!

I keep meaning to get a postcard, but everytime I am at the store I completely forget! I am going to try and get one tonight!

Anonymous said...

Cookbooks are great!!!!
Baked Spaghetti looks so good :)

Krista said...

Hi there Sandra :) I've been reading your blog for the last two or three years - you've finally managed to pull me out of lurker mode. I love to cook and I would love to own this cookbook. Thanks for the giveaway. :)

Kerri said...

These recipes look awesome! I would love to try and cook a couple of them.

Mari said...

I'm glad you got my postcard. I got yours!
You are making me hungry with all this good looking food!

Becky (So Very Blessed) said... got my attention! I'm addicted to recipes. I can never get enough and those few pages you showed us look gooooood! Home cooking is the best! I don't comment very often, but I love reading your blog(s). :)

Anonymous said...

Can you come and iron the pile of shirts I need to iron of my husbands? It's is my least favorite job!

I would love this cookbook and hope I win.

Enjoy your spring weather (which is really like my summer weather :))

Conny said...

I'd love to have this cookbook! what a great give away! :)
The only thing better would be if I could send you the 20 shirts of my husband's that I need to iron & you could send them back to me IRONED! :) LOL

Moms In Need Of Mercy said...

count me in!

Nanette E. said...

Saw Trisha on The View.......really want to get the book for the Hot Corn Dip that Whoopi and Joy were raving over!!! YUM!

Heart2Heart said...


This book sounds heavenly and I always enjoy new ideas of how to cook food. Some days you just lose your creativity if you know what I mean. Can't wait to hear how your ribs turn out. Please enter me in your giveaway!

Make sure you stop by my blog for a chance to enter in both book giveaways as one ends tomorrow.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat

Wendi said...

I saw Trisha on The View recently. I only caught bits and pieces of the interview. Everyone on the show was raving about the food that was prepared for the show.

Have a great weekend!

Carla said...

This book looks amazing, especially that Apple Cake.

This is my first time being to your actual blog in a while, I subscribe and read in Google reader, so there is usually no reason for me to. But your new banner looks terrific! :)

Amy H. said...

It's so funny that you posted about the new Trisha Yearwood cookbook because I just ordered it on Amazon before I even read you post! My sweet sister hired a babysitter to watch my toddler for me while I visited her, and I actually had a chance to go to Barnes and Noble and browse, uninterupted. I saw this book, but didn't want to pay full price so I ordered it when I got home. Can't wait to get it! Thanks for your post.

Anonymous said...

Oh, yum! Could get good use of that.
-Kimberly in NC
knchock at yahoo dot com

Lunch Lady said...

Mmm. Bacon!

Jillina said...

Those recipes look so yummy!!

We couldn't use that because we're cutting wheat out of our diet a lot--but man it looks mouthwatering!


mamaluci said...

Sandra~ Even your randomness is refreshing. Keep them coming. I just got a new cookbook and would love to add another to my collection. Be blessed

Christina said...

Glad you are feeling so content. Hope your allergies stay under control.

I have been wondering how this cook book was after I saw Trisha on The View about a year ago. It looks fabulous. Count me in. Is this her only cook book or her second one?

Anonymous said...

Hello Sandra, Omgoodness, the pics of your delish lemons gets me every time.... mmmm. makes my mouth water!! So the book, looks lovely.. oh and I'm popping in to say Hi to you.. and sure do hope your allergies soon clear up and don't cause you to much more grief.. Have a great Sunday.. I hope to.. Sue

Mahek said...

I am new to your blog , but i love it so much that i am going to read it right from the beginning i love to read what you write your thoughts are clear and genuine.
I have added you in my links

Anonymous said...

Loved your post today, glad you're feeling content. I'll continue to pray for your allergies you poor thing, it must be awful.

And those lemons! Amazing. I love your humming bird decoration, so pretty. x

Anonymous said...

Love your Blogs. Love hearing all that is going on in your life.. one question.. I'm just curious.. do you iron all your laundry? I do like to iron but don't do it often.. my sister irons her sheets and I think that is fabulous.. not sure I could do it though..

If I don't win.. I'm going to ask my husband to get this cookbook for me for my birthday.. also Pioneer Woman's.. I don't have that one yet.

By the way.. your daughter looks just like you.. so pretty!

janice said...

The book looks wonderful.

Kirstin said... just made me seriously hungry! I saw my postcard!!!! How fun. It's tempting to do this too, but I don't think I get enough readers to get enough.

Susanne said...

Oooo, I've been wanting that cookbook. How generous of you to give one away! I'd love to be entered.

That picture of the lemons got my mouth just watering. Yummy.

I love sprinklers too. The sound and the smell are just so relaxing to me.

Hope those allergies disappear soon.

Anonymous said...

hey Sandra! That cookbook looks awesome. Im a sucker for a good cookbook. lol actually a good book of any kind:O)

p.s. I dont know how to make it so my name is not anonymous:(

Beverly said...

I have her first cookbook and love it! I can't wait to try the recipes from this book. Thanks so much for including me in your giveaway!!!

Beverly said...

I forgot to leave you my email address. It's Thanks.

Melody said...

I have that cookbook on my wish list . . . I LOVE Trisha and have enjoyed her music for years.

Anonymous said...

I just love that contented feeling. I tend to feel that way in the spring more than other times of year. Ahhh, warmer weather is coming.

Enjoy your new cookbook


Kelli said...

hey, Sandra! That does look like a great book, I would love to win it!

Allie Z said...

This looks like a great book! Count me in to win!!


Tracy said...

That book looks amazingly yummy and inspiring! I wish I live over there so I could enter...unless you're happy for me to enter and you can mail it to my SIL ;)

In any case I was taken by the sprinkler. Taken by it, because I haven't seen a sprinkler going in ... I don't know, 10 years maybe? There is just no way anyone down my end of the country would dare use one. I suspect if you tried, you'd be dobbed in. Secondly, I have terribly fond memories of running through the sprinkler on scorching hot summer days, as a very little girl.

Amy said...

Oh Sandra! I've peeked at this cookbook several times at my local B&N bookstore wanting to take it home! I'd love to win this!!! I'm coming back from hiatus of blogging and plan several give-aways of my own. Be sure to watch my blog!

Sara said...

I would LOVe this cookbook! I read some of the recipes in this months Redbook magazine and they sure whet my appetite! Sara