Dear Wind....I love everything that God creates and I know everything has a purpose, but for you, I have only found the purpose of throwing my hair in a million directions, and kicking up my allergies something fierce. So, could you maybe just wind it down a little? Like a little or even leave altogether?
Dear Hunger....You are something fierce to deal with when it's that time of the month. Where do you even get off making me eat everything in sight, like I'm starved? For goodness sakes, calm down!
Dear Gym....I used to dislike you and could never understand why people flocked to you daily, or even a couple times a week. The seemed to happy to go there. Now I get it. I understand, I feel what they do and I look forward to you every Saturday and Sunday. I love you, I love working out, I love being amongst people who feel the way I do, and I love how you push me physically and mentally. You are awesome!
Dear Spring....Please hurry up! I have a few vegetables started already and I'm just itching to get everything planted and my garden sorted out. I know I may seem impatient, but I guess I just can't wait for you to come around.
Dear Christian Fiction Books....You make me so happy. I love your good family centered, sweet stories. They make it easy for me to read and in a way, help me become a better reader. Thank you!
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