Monday, February 24, 2025

{ Happy Homemaker Monday - 02/24/2025 }

Good morning everyone, welcome to our last Happy Homemaker Monday of February 2025.  I'll be making a new image for March in anticipation of Spring.  How was your weekend?  I hope you're all doing well, healthy, happy and ready for the week ahead.  
We had a very cold week and thankfully are past that, and heading to some pretty warm days.  I'm over the freeze, it's ridiculous.  I need warm days, so that I can get my plants and garden going.  I think it's one of my favorite times of year, when you start planning the garden and start growing everything.
Right, now let's see what is going on around our homes.

Have a wonderful blessed week my friends ♥ 

The weather in my neck of the woods:::
So cold, but thankfully we are done, for now, or at least I'm hoping we are done for good.  We have some gorgeous 70s temperatures coming up and I intend to enjoy those to the fullest.  

Monday - Sunny 77
Tuesday - Sunny, 77
Wednesday - Partly cloudy, 68
Thursday - Sunny, 70
Friday - Mostly sunny, 77
Saturday - Partly cloudy, 75
Sunday - Partly cloudy, 73

As I look outside my window:::
The sun is just starting to rise.  The sky is a beautiful shade of pink, orange and blue.  

Right now I am:::
Sitting in bed.  Kaia and Elliott have gone back to sleep, after I tucked them in their blankets.  Yes, I am that fur mommy that tucks her babies in for their naps.  Hahahah  
I am working on this post while watching a video on youtube.     
Something fun to share (a blog, a video, a tip):::
One of my favorite channels on YouTube is Ambient Mode.  I usually pop a video on the television while I clean the house and am busy with something.  I love having that ambience in the background.  
Thinking and pondering:::
I was talking to my stepmom yesterday, about the old days, my childhood, the fun family things we did together, and how much I miss it sometimes.  I love my life now, wouldn't trade it for anything in this world, but sometimes I miss the old days.
It's good to reminisce, but it does make you sad and nostalgic and even brings tears to your eyes.  The trick is to not dwell and stay stuck in those memories because it will undoubtedly make you depressed.  Like I was saying to her, I love the old days and love the new days, and am just incredibly thankful to God for everything in my life.  It's easy to be thankful during the good times but we often forget to thank Him even for the bad ones.   

On my bedside table:::
My empty cup of coffee (just took the last COLD sip, yuck)My phone, a bottle of water, some kleenex, my nivea lotion and my current book.    

On my tv:::
Last night's When Calls the Heart
Homemaking vlogs
Book vlogs

Listening to:::
Television in the background with a book video right now. 
The filter in the turtle tank, sounds like a waterfall.
The tinitus in my right ear (usually I don't even notice it, but if it's especially quiet then yes, the static sound is quiet loud)

On the menu for this week:::
It's that time again for a new meal plan, which I'll be working on this week.  I will be going back to mostly Mediterranean meals.  I got a bit off track the past few weeks and need to cut back again.  

Monday - Slow Cooker Cowboy Casserole, Tomato and Cucumber Salad
Tuesday - Ham Carbonara, Garlic Bread, Salad  
Wednesday - Lebanese Kafta, Rice Pilaf, Lentil Salad
Thursday - Eggplant and Ground Turkey Casserole, Sauteed Cabbage
Friday -

On my to do list:::
Change Bed linens
Set up indoor greenhouse
Daily Bible reading and daily decree
Water plants
Daily home pickup and chores 
Meal plan and grocery list

Happening this week:::
Monday - Set up greenhouse
Tuesday - Meal plan and grocery list
Wednesday - Put in for Walmart pickup
Thursday - Walmart pickup and base commissary for groceries
Friday - Start planting
What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating:::
Nordic Afghan
Reading nook

My simple pleasure:::
Having my daughter and her boyfriend over every Sunday, for dinner and family games.  

Lesson learned the past week:::
That even though I allowed myself to eat whatever I wanted the past 2 weeks or so, my body does not do well with the old me and the old way of eating.  With that said, today I am starting back on minimal sugar and minimal carbs.      

Looking around the house:::

The house is very quiet at the moment, which makes me happy.  I love the look and sound of an early morning house, where the sun is just starting to rise, and slowly waking up the sleepy home.  It's like watching everything come to life before your eyes.
From the camera:::
Books, books and more books.  I don't know why I love them so much or why they bring such joy to my heart, but they do.   

Prayer List:::
My stepmom - she is still very much in the grieving process for my uncle and there are good days and bad days.  

Bible verse, Devotional::: 
For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” - Galatians 5:14


Adriaantje said...

"i love the old days and love the new days, and am just incredibly thankful to God for everything in my life. It's easy to be thankful in the good times, but we often forget to thank Him, even for the bad."
Indeed that's exactly how it is, we live past that so quickly...
Cozy, weekends with daughter and boyfriend!
Warm greetings

Luludou said...

Yep it's nice to remember the old days but we got to make new memories for later too and enjoy as we go ;) Love books too, need to find a solid bookcase. Enjoy your week

Sarah said...

I love listening to birds singing, the sounds of the sea, and other ambient music while I'm pottering about as well. I have tinitus too, it's a low rumbling sound, sometimes I think there is a helicopter flying nearby haha.

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

I love books too, and this year I am getting more read than I have in the last 2 years.

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Hello dear Friend! I know your heart is still hurting -but you hit the nail on the head. Live in gratitude of it all. What was and what is in His name - it's all wonderful and glorifying, isn't it? I'm dreaming on Spring and all things gardening too!! Can't wait. And a stack of books is pure poetry to my eyes and soul too. Blessings to you and hugs dear Sandra. xoxo

Jean said...

Your pile of books is such a pretty photo. I'm also glad that it's warming up and thinking of the garden. Hpe you have a wonderful week ahead!

Joanna Unbehaun said...

I'm so glad your weather is warming up! I can't help garden dreaming either.