Good morning everyone, happy Monday. I am not sure if I'm quite ready for this week to start, but only for the fact that it means Spring Break is over and we're back at it. On the other hand though, it means one week closer to moving and being reunited with the hubby, so yay to that.
The weather outside is::::
38 degrees right now and a little nippy, but it's supposed to get to 71 degrees by this afternoon, so that will be nice. The rest of the week looks pretty much the same so I'm going to enjoy it as much as I can.
On the breakfast plate this morning::::
Just coffee for the moment and I'm not sure how much I'll eat today, my stomach doesn't feel too right so I may go very easy on the meals for myself.
As I look outside my window:::
Beautiful blue skies and a really bright sun. There's quite a few cars going by on their way to work, one of the neighbors is mowing their lawn, and there is a sprinkler also going on a house just down the street.
Right now I am::::
Typing up this post, sitting here on the couch and enjoying my coffee while still in my pjs. I'm a little cold so I have a blanket over my legs too....oh and the usual snoring Lola next to me.
As I look around the house::::
The sun is shining and streaming in through the front door window. I love this time of the day, everything looks so warm and cozy and sleepy. I was just looking at my gloves/hats/scarves basket in the corner and thinking I need to pack it away for the move, don't really need any of that anymore.
On today's to do list::::
Menu planning and grocery list
Currently reading::::
Running Fire for a book review.
On the TV today::::
Did you see the new series coming out based on the Lizzie Borden movie/story that just aired a few months ago? I'm so excited for this one. The Lizzie Borden Chronicles stars Christina Ricci and will air April 5th on Lifetime.
There's also a follow up to Flowers in the Attic, which was also really good. This one is called If there be Thorns and also airs April 5th on Lifetime.
On Sky Living there is a new 3 part series which I'm also quite excited about since I love paranormal stuff. The Enfield Haunting is based on real events that took place in a home in 1977. There isn't a definite date yet, but it's coming soon.
My Portuguese Soaps - A Unica Mulher, Mar Salgado, Mulheres
The Following - all caught up, new one is tonight and I can't wait
Secrets and Lies - watching this one today
The Haunting of - haven't caught up
Ghost Adventures - haven't caught up
Supernatural - haven't caught up
On the menu this week::::
Working on a menu plan today so nothing yet for this week. Today we'll be having leftovers to clear out the fridge. Tomorrow I need to go grocery shopping.
What I am creating at the moment::::
Just stacks of moving boxes....I guess you could say I'm quite busy playing Tetris hahahay
Favorite photo from the camera::::
Prayers, Inspirational Quotes or Devotionals::::
We know that we live in him and he in us, because he has given us of his Spirit.
1 John 4:13
PLEASE, don't add links to this list that are not part of the Happy Homemaker Monday. I've asked numerous times, and I'm frankly quite tired of having to remove links to other posts that shouldn't be in this list. Please be respectful of my request!
Monday, March 30, 2015
Monday, March 23, 2015
Happy Homemaker Monday - 03/23-2015
Good morning everyone, how was your weekend?
I've had a great, quiet, relaxing one. This week will probably be a relaxing one too as it's spring break for the kids. Jasmine will need to catch up though, she's fallen quite a bit behind, but truthfully I can't blame her as the work load for high school is just incredible.
Anyway, let's get on with our Happy Homemaker Monday.
The weather outside is::::
Looks like it rained last night, I didn't even hear it. We're supposed to get more rain today and tomorrow, so I'm looking forward to that, especially knowing that I don't need to leave the house for anything :)
On the breakfast plate this morning::::
Coffee with the Caramel Macchiato Creamer and two pieces of toast with Irish Butter.
As I look outside my window:::
Cloudy, dreary, but wonderful. I do love a good rainy day.
Right now I am::::
Trying to multitask, typing up this post, checking email, looking over the kid's schooling.
As I look around the house::::
I was sitting here this morning actually looking around and thinking that I will miss this little house. When we first rented it, I was so excited because it looks like a farmhouse, and I love the living room and the fireplace. I envisioned many years spent here with my family, and to think that I have to leave it and find another house soon, makes me kind of sad.
On today's to do list::::
Currently reading::::
Just got in another book for review, it's called "Running Fire". Need to get into that one soon. Also still have the other one about Pasta making coming in.
On the TV today::::
So I actually sat down yesterday and compiled a list of what shows I'm either currently watching, need to catch up on, or want to watch......needless to say the list was quite long. Haha
My Portuguese Soaps
The Following
Secrets and Lies
My Haunted House
The Haunting of
Ghost Adventures
On the menu this week::::
Monday - Chicken Fajitas
Tuesday - Tomato and Onion sausages, Rice
Wednesday - Fish Sticks, Potato Salad
Thursday - Homemade Mac and Cheese with Bacon
Friday - Homemade Cheesy Pizza
Saturday - Cheese and Ham Quesadillas
Sunday - Spaghetti
What I am creating at the moment::::
Absolutely nothing
Favorite photo from the camera::::
Prayers, Inspirational Quotes or Devotionals::::
We know that we live in him and he in us, because he has given us of his Spirit.
1 John 4:13
PLEASE, don't add links to this list that are not part of the Happy Homemaker Monday. I've asked numerous times, and I'm frankly quite tired of having to remove links to other posts that shouldn't be in this list. Please be respectful of my request!
I've had a great, quiet, relaxing one. This week will probably be a relaxing one too as it's spring break for the kids. Jasmine will need to catch up though, she's fallen quite a bit behind, but truthfully I can't blame her as the work load for high school is just incredible.
Anyway, let's get on with our Happy Homemaker Monday.
The weather outside is::::
Looks like it rained last night, I didn't even hear it. We're supposed to get more rain today and tomorrow, so I'm looking forward to that, especially knowing that I don't need to leave the house for anything :)
On the breakfast plate this morning::::
Coffee with the Caramel Macchiato Creamer and two pieces of toast with Irish Butter.
As I look outside my window:::
Cloudy, dreary, but wonderful. I do love a good rainy day.
Right now I am::::
Trying to multitask, typing up this post, checking email, looking over the kid's schooling.
As I look around the house::::
I was sitting here this morning actually looking around and thinking that I will miss this little house. When we first rented it, I was so excited because it looks like a farmhouse, and I love the living room and the fireplace. I envisioned many years spent here with my family, and to think that I have to leave it and find another house soon, makes me kind of sad.
On today's to do list::::
Currently reading::::
Just got in another book for review, it's called "Running Fire". Need to get into that one soon. Also still have the other one about Pasta making coming in.
On the TV today::::
So I actually sat down yesterday and compiled a list of what shows I'm either currently watching, need to catch up on, or want to watch......needless to say the list was quite long. Haha
My Portuguese Soaps
The Following
Secrets and Lies
My Haunted House
The Haunting of
Ghost Adventures
On the menu this week::::
Monday - Chicken Fajitas
Tuesday - Tomato and Onion sausages, Rice
Wednesday - Fish Sticks, Potato Salad
Thursday - Homemade Mac and Cheese with Bacon
Friday - Homemade Cheesy Pizza
Saturday - Cheese and Ham Quesadillas
Sunday - Spaghetti
What I am creating at the moment::::
Absolutely nothing
Favorite photo from the camera::::
Prayers, Inspirational Quotes or Devotionals::::
We know that we live in him and he in us, because he has given us of his Spirit.
1 John 4:13
PLEASE, don't add links to this list that are not part of the Happy Homemaker Monday. I've asked numerous times, and I'm frankly quite tired of having to remove links to other posts that shouldn't be in this list. Please be respectful of my request!
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Hello.....anyone still out there?
I'm almost scared to step back into this blogging thing, it's been quite a while for me hasn't it?
Well a while when it comes to composing an actual coherent updated post about my life. I do continue to throw out the Happy Homemaker Mondays every week and there have been a few reviews here and there.
I have no doubt that you enjoy those, but I also know, from hearing from many of you through Instagram, email and facebook, that you've been missing an actual me post here on the blog.
So, here I am. Hi, how are you? Did you miss me?
I can tell you that I've missed my blog tremendously but unfortunately life hasn't really allowed me to do much in the form of posting. I find that I don't even really come to my blog unless I have a very specific reason for doing so. It's been that crazy for me.
But I'm not here to talk about that, I'm here with tons of pictures, and to chat a little with you all.
My mornings are, I think, at this moment, the only parts of my day that have remained the same throughout these months. They still consist of my obligatory cup of coffee and a very small breakfast. This morning though I indulged in some Irish Soda Bread with butter and some delicious Orange Marmalade. Yum!!!
I've been surrounded by boxes and packing material, and lists, lots and lots of lists. I used to be one of those girls who didn't much care for lists. Actually, let me rephrase that, I liked, no loved lists, but found them to useless for me because no matter how many I made, I never followed through.
Maybe I should call myself a list maker and not so much a list follower.
With the move though I've had to resort to making and following them. This is how I pack. I go from room to room, pack a box, assign it a number and write down a corresponding number and description on a piece of paper. It helps me know what I have and where it goes when I get to the new house.
Works for me.
Piles of boxes are becoming permanent fixtures in my home. Oh and these egg boxes are fantastic for packing, they're big enough to hold what I need but also small enough for me to manage on my own. Hubby brought those over from the commissary when he was working for them, and right before he left. He got me quite a nice stash in the garage. Yay!
Laundry still fills up quite a bit of my day. At least in some sense or other, I'm dealing with clothes. Oh I bet you wish I had come back now and told you that I figure out life's secret to never having to do laundry again, don't you?
Unfortunately, I haven't. I'm in the same boat as you all, still plugging through the mounds of laundry.
As I get ready to move, I'm also making sure that I take care of the house and have it ready for when I leave. Paintings are coming down off walls, nail holes are being filled and walls are being touched up and repainted if needed. Yes, lots of work but as I do it now I still have 2 months to go and it will make everything less stressful. At least that is what I'm going for, we'll speak again right before I leave and see if that is still the case.
One thing I'm also having to do a lot of lately, is carpet cleaning. Thankfully I have a carpet cleaner but the solutions sold in the stores are quite pricey, so I use my homemade one. It works really well and it's pretty cheap considering I'm using items I already have in my house.
See??? Clothes in some form or the other. This time I did pull out the spring/summer stuff and am already packing away the winter clothes.
Not only because it's getting warmer here but also getting it ready for the move.
And speaking of warmer weather, it looks like we're heading straight into Spring and I couldn't be happier.
I've been opening the windows every morning and letting the fresh air and the sunshine come right on in. There's just something about watching the curtains blowing in the breeze.
My yard is coming alive, with the trees blooming.
Don't you just love that?
Look at my rose bushes, they are bursting with life right now. Beautiful green shoots are coming out of the ugly winter brown ones. I can't wait to see these roses come to life again.
These past few weeks have flown by at turbo speed, which in a way is good for me because hubby has already been gone over a month and I hate having to think of another 2 and half without him.
The kids miss him dearly, I miss him dearly, and the pugs miss him dearly too.
Miss Lola is still as naughty as ever, and has gotten into trouble a few times. She has this bad habit of getting into things and looking for food, I sometimes think that if anyone who didn't know us happened upon her, they would think she starves. Brat that she is.
Speaking of getting into things, a few weeks ago she got into a bag of chocolate. I almost died with fright. You know how dangerous chocolate is for dogs. About 3 days later, she had a seizure. She's been fine since then, but I've noticed that she can't have any chocolate or bacon flavored dog treats of any kind because they cause her to have seizures. Must be something in there.
Miss Bella is getting very old. Her back legs are starting to give her a lot of trouble walking and sometimes we find her just sitting on the middle of the floor. It's not a laughing matter, but you have to admit she looks adorable and I can't help but chuckle a little when I see her like that.
So yes, life has been busy and crazy, but still full of good moments to reflect back on.
We've got another huge move coming up, it's going to be a big change again and I'm not too thrilled with that, but I am at the point in my life where I'm sick of moving and I crave a place where we can put down some roots and give our children some stability before they move out on their own.
It's one thing that I've always wished I could do, and something that I kind of envied from those who were not military.
Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't trade the years we spent as a military family, for anything in this world, the joys, the rewards and the experience we had is nothing like we will ever forget.
Unfortunately along with so many other sacrifices, one we've had to make is that we've never been able to have a home of our own, one where the kids could remember being born and brought home to, growing up in and being part of a community.
No matter where our lives may be taking us in the next few months, one thing is very certain for Curt and I, we are putting down roots in Texas and that is where we will remain. Our days of lugging our belongings around are coming to an end. Thank goodness.
Anyway, I think I've babbled on long enough and if you've made it this far without falling asleep, I have to thank you. Sorry for such a long post, I guess I should get back into daily blogging so I don't go so long between posts and then come in and talk your ears off.
Hope you're all doing well, I often thing of each and every one of you, wonder where you are, how you and your families are doing and what you've been up to. Do know that even if I haven't been around, I do pray for you all and keep you in my thoughts.
Jamberry Nails Giveaway Winner
Thank you all who left a comment and entered for a chance to win.
I used to draw a winner, and the number that came up was:
Congratulations Erin, I will be contacting you shortly!
I used to draw a winner, and the number that came up was:
Erin G, and she picked Spring Break.
Congratulations Erin, I will be contacting you shortly!
Monday, March 16, 2015
Happy Homemaker Monday - 03/16/2015
Happy Monday!!!
Can't quite believe it's already the start of another week, I honestly feel like I just woke up and it was Saturday morning.
How have you all been? Oh I've missed chatting with you and visiting your blogs and catching up, and I wish things could be different at the moment, but I'm still struggling to keep afloat and find my way through these crazy months. At least I'm still here and kicking right?
Right. Let's get on with our Happy Homemaker Monday!
The weather outside is::::
It is 51 degrees right now, cloudy and a slight chance of rain. We've gotten rain the past 3 days actually, which makes me happy of course.
On the breakfast plate this morning::::
Coffee with the Caramel Macchiato Creamer. Nothing to eat yet, I have to go to base this morning with Jasmine for haircuts and she asked if we could get some McDonald's breakfast because we haven't had it in a while, so that's what we'll have.
As I look outside my window:::
Very cloudy and dreary, but Spring is definitely on the way. My trees all have beautiful little green shoots and some blooms already. How exciting.
Right now I am::::
Typing up this post, drinking my coffee and listening to Lola snore next to me.
As I look around the house::::
The kitchen needs some TLC, I didn't get around to cleaning it yesterday and so there are dishes in the sink and random items on the counter from the kids.
On today's to do list::::
Pay bills
Currently reading::::
Nothing at the moment, but do have two books coming in for review. One I'm so excited about, it is a Pasta making cookbook and I love making my own pasta, so really looking forward to getting my hands on that book.
On the TV today::::
My Portuguese Soaps
The Following
Secrets and Lies
My Haunted House
The Haunting of
Ghost Adventures
On the menu this week::::
Monday - Chicken Egg Rolls, Fried Rice
Tuesday - Cheese Enchiladas, Salad
Wednesday - Tuna Salad
Thursday - Guacamole Chicken Torta Sandwiches
Friday - Pancakes
Saturday - Chicken Fajitas
Sunday - Pizza
What I am creating at the moment::::
Absolutely nothing
Favorite photo from the camera::::
Prayers, Inspirational Quotes or Devotionals::::
My heart says of you, "Seek his face!" Your face, LORD, I will seek.
Psalm 27:8
PLEASE, don't add links to this list that are not part of the Happy Homemaker Monday. I've asked numerous times, and I'm frankly quite tired of having to remove links to other posts that shouldn't be in this list. Please be respectful of my request!
Can't quite believe it's already the start of another week, I honestly feel like I just woke up and it was Saturday morning.
How have you all been? Oh I've missed chatting with you and visiting your blogs and catching up, and I wish things could be different at the moment, but I'm still struggling to keep afloat and find my way through these crazy months. At least I'm still here and kicking right?
Right. Let's get on with our Happy Homemaker Monday!
The weather outside is::::
It is 51 degrees right now, cloudy and a slight chance of rain. We've gotten rain the past 3 days actually, which makes me happy of course.
On the breakfast plate this morning::::
Coffee with the Caramel Macchiato Creamer. Nothing to eat yet, I have to go to base this morning with Jasmine for haircuts and she asked if we could get some McDonald's breakfast because we haven't had it in a while, so that's what we'll have.
As I look outside my window:::
Very cloudy and dreary, but Spring is definitely on the way. My trees all have beautiful little green shoots and some blooms already. How exciting.
Right now I am::::
Typing up this post, drinking my coffee and listening to Lola snore next to me.
As I look around the house::::
The kitchen needs some TLC, I didn't get around to cleaning it yesterday and so there are dishes in the sink and random items on the counter from the kids.
On today's to do list::::
Pay bills
Currently reading::::
Nothing at the moment, but do have two books coming in for review. One I'm so excited about, it is a Pasta making cookbook and I love making my own pasta, so really looking forward to getting my hands on that book.
On the TV today::::
My Portuguese Soaps
The Following
Secrets and Lies
My Haunted House
The Haunting of
Ghost Adventures
On the menu this week::::
Monday - Chicken Egg Rolls, Fried Rice
Tuesday - Cheese Enchiladas, Salad
Wednesday - Tuna Salad
Thursday - Guacamole Chicken Torta Sandwiches
Friday - Pancakes
Saturday - Chicken Fajitas
Sunday - Pizza
What I am creating at the moment::::
Absolutely nothing
Favorite photo from the camera::::
Prayers, Inspirational Quotes or Devotionals::::
My heart says of you, "Seek his face!" Your face, LORD, I will seek.
Psalm 27:8
PLEASE, don't add links to this list that are not part of the Happy Homemaker Monday. I've asked numerous times, and I'm frankly quite tired of having to remove links to other posts that shouldn't be in this list. Please be respectful of my request!
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Spiral Light Candle Review
Good morning my friends, I have such a cool review for you today. I think something that will appeal to all the ladies and would make a wonderful addition to your homes.
I'm talking about Spiral Light Candles.
A few weeks ago I was asked to review the Spiral Candle. Now I have never heard of the product until that moment and was quite intrigued.
When I received the box and opened it, the first thing that hit me was the amazing scent. Oh goodness, it wafted through the entire kitchen and even the kids asked what it was.
Cranberry Mango and oh my word does that smell divine. Not a combination I would have thought to put together, and usually I steer away from fruity smells, they're not my favorite, but this one is amazing.
Here's the candle when first lit up. The concept of these candles is so neat, unlike anything I had seen before.
I let it burn for a few nights, and when it wasn't burning it was almost like an air freshener, it is THAT fragrant.
Once the candle burns all the way to the bottom, it creates a pool and there is a second wick in there for you to burn. So you're technically getting two candles for one, how cool is that???
The great thing about the spiral wick is that it extinguishes itself to prevent spilling, and it leaves just a solid pillar candle.
The kids and I were fascinated watching the candle when it was burning, it is so unlike any other candle I had ever used.
Here you can see the candle in action so you'll get a better idea of what I'm referring to.
Now I've only tried the Cranberry Mango, which is the one that was sent to me, but I am really excited to try the other scents, and there are so many wonderful sounding ones to pick from. Just head on over to Spiral Light Candles and browse through their huge selection.
Spiral Light Candles can also be found on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Pinterest.
Thank you so much to Spiral Light Candles for the opportunity to review their product. All opinions shared are my own.
I'm talking about Spiral Light Candles.
A few weeks ago I was asked to review the Spiral Candle. Now I have never heard of the product until that moment and was quite intrigued.
When I received the box and opened it, the first thing that hit me was the amazing scent. Oh goodness, it wafted through the entire kitchen and even the kids asked what it was.
Cranberry Mango and oh my word does that smell divine. Not a combination I would have thought to put together, and usually I steer away from fruity smells, they're not my favorite, but this one is amazing.
Here's the candle when first lit up. The concept of these candles is so neat, unlike anything I had seen before.
Spiral Light self-filling candles are a new twist on an old staple. The self-filling candle is first lit, using the horizontal wick on the upper edge. The candle burns around the hollow center with the wooded wick allowing the wax to drain inward, filling in the center.
The horizontal spiraling wick self extinguishes when the inside wax level reaches the top of the spiral, to prevent any spilling.This creates a solid pillar candle.
I let it burn for a few nights, and when it wasn't burning it was almost like an air freshener, it is THAT fragrant.
Once the candle burns all the way to the bottom, it creates a pool and there is a second wick in there for you to burn. So you're technically getting two candles for one, how cool is that???
The great thing about the spiral wick is that it extinguishes itself to prevent spilling, and it leaves just a solid pillar candle.
The kids and I were fascinated watching the candle when it was burning, it is so unlike any other candle I had ever used.
Here you can see the candle in action so you'll get a better idea of what I'm referring to.
Now I've only tried the Cranberry Mango, which is the one that was sent to me, but I am really excited to try the other scents, and there are so many wonderful sounding ones to pick from. Just head on over to Spiral Light Candles and browse through their huge selection.
Spiral Light Candles can also be found on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Pinterest.
Thank you so much to Spiral Light Candles for the opportunity to review their product. All opinions shared are my own.
Monday, March 09, 2015
Jamberry Nails - Another review and GIVEAWAY!!
Well ladies, I am here to talk about Jamberry Nails, once again.
I did a review on these nail wraps, not that long ago and at the time I was trying them out for the very first time and though I liked them, I recognized that due to operator error, my own, they didn't last long at all.
I was a bit disappointed but knew that I would be trying them again and would do my very best to really take my time with the application.
A few weeks ago, another friend and fellow military wife, asked me if I would be willing to try them again. She is a Jamberry Consultant and I'm always more than happy to help boost up their business.
Anna sent me the wraps of my choice, which at the time were very Valentine's Day inspired, but I love hearts and red and white and I will use them throughout the year.
Let me show you the results this time around.....
Totally in love with these, just jaw dropping gorgeous. What do you think?
I got them on pretty quick and had no issues at all with them falling off. I kept these on for 2 weeks and only took them off because I wanted to try the other design. Good thing about these is that the sheets allow for at least two applications, but I have such tiny nails that I know I will get a lot more uses out of that one single sheet.
So now to show you the second set I received.
These are so cool and funky looking, I just love them. The only issue I have ever had is with the nails feeling a little scratchy at the tip, or snagging on clothes etc. But here's a great tip for solving that issue:
So let me tell you a little more about these Jamberry Nails, give you some info, some videos and then I'll talk about the Giveaway I am going to do.
Looking for the most popular new designs??? Here you go, check them out here.
According to Anna, these are proving very popular amongst her customers and I can see why, oh my goodness, they are gorgeous.
Did you know you can also design your own??? Just imagine being able to put your own designs and personalize them to your like. You can go over to the Nail Art Studio to see how to get started. Just a heads up from Anna though "just be careful with copyrighted stuff. Jamberrry will not print anything with Disney, Star Wars, Minions etc. They've received cease and desist letters and been threatened with lawsuits...".
Now, how to apply the nails, here are a few videos to get you started:
Have curvy nails? I do and I struggle with little bubbles at the tip of the nail, so here is a super easy way to fix those.
If you've never given these a try, you really need to. I used to get the Walmart ones and I hated them, they never went on right, they fell right off and I always felt like I was just wasting money.
The great thing about these is that they're vinyl and adhere so well to the nail. And just imagine the cool looking nails you will have all year through.
You can find Anna on her Jamberry Consultant page, she is super sweet and friendly and helpful and she will get you started right away. You can also find her on Facebook.
Now for the giveaway.....
I want one of you to have the chance to try these awesome nail wraps, so I'm offering a set to a winner that I will draw at random.
All you have to do is visit the new Spring/Summer inspired designs page, decide which one you would like to try, and then leave me a comment telling me which one you prefer. Also, please like Anna's page on Facebook.
The contest is open to US residents only.
I will draw a winner next week Monday, so go on and make your choice, and tell your family and friends. Good Luck!!!
I did a review on these nail wraps, not that long ago and at the time I was trying them out for the very first time and though I liked them, I recognized that due to operator error, my own, they didn't last long at all.
I was a bit disappointed but knew that I would be trying them again and would do my very best to really take my time with the application.
A few weeks ago, another friend and fellow military wife, asked me if I would be willing to try them again. She is a Jamberry Consultant and I'm always more than happy to help boost up their business.
Anna sent me the wraps of my choice, which at the time were very Valentine's Day inspired, but I love hearts and red and white and I will use them throughout the year.
Let me show you the results this time around.....
Totally in love with these, just jaw dropping gorgeous. What do you think?
I got them on pretty quick and had no issues at all with them falling off. I kept these on for 2 weeks and only took them off because I wanted to try the other design. Good thing about these is that the sheets allow for at least two applications, but I have such tiny nails that I know I will get a lot more uses out of that one single sheet.
So now to show you the second set I received.
These are so cool and funky looking, I just love them. The only issue I have ever had is with the nails feeling a little scratchy at the tip, or snagging on clothes etc. But here's a great tip for solving that issue:
Get a finer grit file (glass files are awesome!) or try filing at a *slight* angle to leave the tiniest bit of nail at the tip.
So let me tell you a little more about these Jamberry Nails, give you some info, some videos and then I'll talk about the Giveaway I am going to do.
- Brand new Spring/Summer designs just released. Always Buy3Get1FREE.
- One sheet of wraps does 2 manis and 2 pedis.
- Wraps last up to 2 weeks on fingers and 6 weeks on toes.
Looking for the most popular new designs??? Here you go, check them out here.
According to Anna, these are proving very popular amongst her customers and I can see why, oh my goodness, they are gorgeous.
Did you know you can also design your own??? Just imagine being able to put your own designs and personalize them to your like. You can go over to the Nail Art Studio to see how to get started. Just a heads up from Anna though "just be careful with copyrighted stuff. Jamberrry will not print anything with Disney, Star Wars, Minions etc. They've received cease and desist letters and been threatened with lawsuits...".
Now, how to apply the nails, here are a few videos to get you started:
Have curvy nails? I do and I struggle with little bubbles at the tip of the nail, so here is a super easy way to fix those.
If you've never given these a try, you really need to. I used to get the Walmart ones and I hated them, they never went on right, they fell right off and I always felt like I was just wasting money.
The great thing about these is that they're vinyl and adhere so well to the nail. And just imagine the cool looking nails you will have all year through.
You can find Anna on her Jamberry Consultant page, she is super sweet and friendly and helpful and she will get you started right away. You can also find her on Facebook.
Now for the giveaway.....
I want one of you to have the chance to try these awesome nail wraps, so I'm offering a set to a winner that I will draw at random.
All you have to do is visit the new Spring/Summer inspired designs page, decide which one you would like to try, and then leave me a comment telling me which one you prefer. Also, please like Anna's page on Facebook.
The contest is open to US residents only.
I will draw a winner next week Monday, so go on and make your choice, and tell your family and friends. Good Luck!!!
Happy Homemaker Monday - 03/09/2015
Good morning everyone, hope you had a fantastic weekend. I did, had some wonderful dinner with the family at a great Mexican Restaurant, purchased some delicious fruit and veggies at a local stand and then enjoyed a night of yummy food and Walking Dead at my brother's house. All in all, a good relaxing weekend.
Now it's on to another week of crazy busy life. It's Monday, it's time for another Happy Homemaker Monday. As always, thank you all for joining in, and please let me know if you would like some different categories and have any suggestions :)
The Following
Secrets and Lies
My Haunted House
The Haunting of
Ghost Adventures
Monday - Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes and Beans
Tuesday - Chicken Sandwiches, Fries
Wednesday - Tacos, Mexican Rice
Thursday - Pizza
Friday - Family over for dinner, I'm making a Seafood rice.
Saturday - *grocery shopping*
Sunday -
Psalm 37:5-6
PLEASE, don't add links to this list that are not part of the Happy Homemaker Monday. I've asked numerous times, and I'm frankly quite tired of having to remove links to other posts that shouldn't be in this list. Please be respectful of my request!
Now it's on to another week of crazy busy life. It's Monday, it's time for another Happy Homemaker Monday. As always, thank you all for joining in, and please let me know if you would like some different categories and have any suggestions :)
The weather outside is::::
It is 41 degrees right now, and the highest is supposed to be 61. We have had some really nice days of warmth and I'm loving it. So ready for spring and summer.
On the breakfast plate this morning::::
For the moment just my coffee with some Caramel Macchiato Creamer. Delicious! I will either have toast or a bagel here in a bit.
As I look outside my window:::
Beautiful morning, clear skies and bright sun shining. It's actually quiet, usually there is a lot of traffic going by but it seems to be quite slow at the moment.
Right now I am::::
Sitting on the couch typing up this post. Still in my pjs and I know I need to get out of them soon but I'm so warm and comfy that I put it off as long as I can. Want to finish typing up this post then I have to put up the Candle review and the Jamberry review and giveaway.
As I look around the house::::
It is clean. I have realized, and yes, my children have told me many times that I'm nut when it comes to cleaning. Matter of fact yesterday while we were driving, Jasmine says "Mom, you're like so anal with cleaning, if you see a wrapper on the ground you are like "WHO put the wrapper there, clean it up, now, my house is a mess because of you dirty kids". LOL I am NOT that bad, but yes, I like my house clean and tidy.
On today's to do list::::
Currently reading::::
Don't have a book at the moment, but I've missed reading and have started looking through my Kindle to see if I can grab something. I also have a pile on my shelf that I haven't yet made it to. Thinking maybe one of those.
On the TV today::::
My Portuguese SoapsThe Following
Secrets and Lies
My Haunted House
The Haunting of
Ghost Adventures
On the menu this week::::
Monday - Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes and Beans
Tuesday - Chicken Sandwiches, Fries
Wednesday - Tacos, Mexican Rice
Thursday - Pizza
Friday - Family over for dinner, I'm making a Seafood rice.
Saturday - *grocery shopping*
Sunday -
What I am creating at the moment::::
Nothing special.
Favorite photo from the camera::::
My beautiful children.....this time apart from hubby hasn't been easy but we're getting by as best as we can
My beautiful children.....this time apart from hubby hasn't been easy but we're getting by as best as we can
Prayers, Inspirational Quotes or Devotionals::::
Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.Psalm 37:5-6
PLEASE, don't add links to this list that are not part of the Happy Homemaker Monday. I've asked numerous times, and I'm frankly quite tired of having to remove links to other posts that shouldn't be in this list. Please be respectful of my request!
Monday, March 02, 2015
Happy Homemaker Monday - 03/02/2015
Good morning everyone, how was your weekend?
Mine was quiet and relaxing, as always. I just realized that my last post on here was last week's Happy Homemaker Monday, oh boy. I do have a Jamberry Nails review coming up later today, PLUS an actual post with pictures and all, can you believe that?
Right, let's get on with today's though.....
The weather outside is::::
Actually nice today, and I mean sky wise, because temperature wise it is 22 degrees, oh goodness. . On the breakfast plate this morning::::
Just coffee, and I may have a Cinnamon Raisin Bagel here shortly. As I look outside my window:::
Sun is shining, cars are driving by. It looks like a bit of snow on the mountain. Right now I am::::
In the living room with a sleeping Lola next to me. I have a mental list going and I should be writing it down because I know I will forget something. I am still in my pjs too, need to get up and ready for the day soon. As I look around the house::::
There are boxes everywhere, and empty walls and shelves. I know I still have 3 months but I am choosing to do as much as I can now without rushing it at the end.On today's to do list::::
Currently reading::::
Nothing at the moment, but do have a book on the way for a review On the TV today::::
All caught up with my Portuguese soaps, bummer. I love being able to binge watch something.I started Expedition Unknown with Josh Gates and I'm enjoying that one, so I'll probably catch up.
Jasmine and I also want to catch up on Ghost Adventures.
On the menu this week::::
Monday - Honey Mustard Chicken Fingers
Tuesday - Pancakes
Wednesday - Pork Chops with rice
Thursday - Chicken Sandwiches
Friday - Tuna Salad
Saturday - Bacon, Eggs, Toast
Sunday - Meatloaf, Mashed potatoes, beans
What I am creating at the moment::::
Nothing, but I have pulled out my crochet stuff and am wanting to start something today. Favorite photo from the camera::::
Prayers, Inspirational Quotes or Devotionals::::
I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death.Philippians 3:10
PLEASE, don't add links to this list that are not part of the Happy Homemaker Monday. I've asked numerous times, and I'm frankly quite tired of having to remove links to other posts that shouldn't be in this list. Please be respectful of my request!
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