Jasmine: What are you doing mommy?
Me: I'm cleaning the house.
Jasmine: Why?
Me: Umm because that's what I do everyday.
Jasmine: EVERYDAY?!?!?! You do all this everyday??? Wow, I'm never getting married cause I don't want to do this.
Me: Well honey, it's not that bad, I actually enjoy it and it keeps me busy while you are at school and daddy is at work.
Jasmine: Oh I didn't know you did this everyday!
Me: What did you think I did?
Jasmine: I thought you wrote in your blog!!!
SNAP, crack that whip!!!!! So she thought I wrote on my blog all day LOL
I wish, is all I can say, if I could just sit on the computer and write and read all day, that would be wonderful.
So with kids being out of school I've had to come up with some sort of schedule for the summer. While school is in session I usually don't need to do this because we're so busy with errands, school projects etc.
If I don't do it now though, I have to deal with the sibling rivalry, the fight over who gets control of the TV, the constant whining "I want a snack", "I'm bored play with me". You know what it's like right?
So I've decided that everyday we do a craft together. The kids LOVE crafts and making cool things and it gives me time to bond with them too, plus we get free homemade decorations. I get this catalog from Oriental Trading Company and they have tons of craft kits and supplies. I just ordered a whole bunch that we can do together, and they are very inexpensive.
Like this one, I ordered this Flower Recipe Holder, Magic-Scratch Bookmarks, Smile Face Fun Pencil Toppers and some others.
My MIL had given Nicholas a Foam Picture Frame Kit, so yesterday we sat down and made those, the kids had fun decorating their own.

Today we're baking cookies. Heath Bits Peanut Butter Cookies. They are SO yummy, if you love toffee, peanut butter and chocolate then you have GOT to try these.
Tomorrow morning we are picking up report cards at the school. Jasmine is excited just to see her teacher. She LOVES her and is very relieved to know that next year she can still go visit her and see her at school. Amazing how much they bond with the teachers, especially the good ones.
Well that's it for me, I have housework to do, cookies to bake and kids to love. It's a lotta work I tell ya :)
Hope you all have a fantastic day and I'll see you back tomorrow :)
Tomorrow morning we are picking up report cards at the school. Jasmine is excited just to see her teacher. She LOVES her and is very relieved to know that next year she can still go visit her and see her at school. Amazing how much they bond with the teachers, especially the good ones.
Well that's it for me, I have housework to do, cookies to bake and kids to love. It's a lotta work I tell ya :)
Hope you all have a fantastic day and I'll see you back tomorrow :)