Tuesday, June 30, 2015
One of those days....
I've been scrambling around getting the house finished, in anticipation for family arriving this coming 4th of July weekend.
I love having family over, there's nothing like it, being able to sit and visit and enjoy good food. But I'm weird in the sense that I want things done right, and I don't have a dirty or untidy house, but I always feel like I have to go the extra mile.
With just having moved in here a month ago, things are a bit more stressful because not everything is in it's place or completely unpacked. I really could just leave it be, I know my family wouldn't care one bit if something is out of place of it there's a box lurking around. Problem is....I can't do it, it kills me LOL
My kids will tell you that I'm always behind them picking things up and cleaning. I disagree, I don't think I'm THAT bad, but what do I know?
See what moving does? I finally got my kitchen benches put together only to find that I'm missing some hardware for the yellow one and the bottom for the blue one. Where did they go? I have no clue, I'm assuming somewhere in the garage and I'll eventually come across them.
They also took quite a beating and the paint has completely come off in some areas, which means, I need to retouch or sand down or whatever, decisions, decisions.
Got my chalkboard up in this kitchen. I don't know, but I always feel much happier when I have one on the wall. I still need to do some touch ups around the edges, and actually want to find some sort of trimming to place around, but for now, I couldn't resist getting it ready for the weekend.
I'm no artist and I'm terrible at drawing, but it's cute nonetheless.
I've had some books come in for review this past week, which I'm quite excited to read. I reviewed a Charles Todd book not too long ago and enjoyed it so much. I'm thrilled to be asked to review his other two.
I did have another book come in for review this afternoon, so I have plenty of reading to keep me busy over the summer.
Something else keeping me busy is the costume I'm working on for Jasmine. This is the pattern I made for her shoulder pieces, and the design is just random free hand shapes that will be embroidered in gold thread once on the actual white satin.
My living room is now done. I will take photos of it tomorrow as I plan on doing a house tour for tomorrow's post, so if you're interested in seeing my new home, be sure to come on back :)
Mind you, some rooms are not finished, I am still missing some furniture and some wall stuff, and my bedroom and office NEED to be painted because I can't handle the pink walls any longer. Driving me insane.
But, I will still show you how things look and introduce you to this huge house I now call home.
Will save the outside for another day.
And speaking of outside, ever wonder what a dandelion looks like up close? I know I did, and was so surprised to see just how stunning it is.
It never ceases to amaze me just how gorgeous nature really is. How intricate the designs and colors on the simplest of things. We take so much for granted, just knowing it's there.
Like this guy. He was playing hide and seek with me.
Here's the thing, I don't like Lizards, like....ugh, they move too fast for my liking LOL But even I have to admit that he's beautiful, there's no denying that.
Well friends, it's almost 10pm and 5am comes around too fast. I'm going to head to bed and try to get some much needed rest, I've been feeling very tired and unwell and I think I need to really take some time to myself.
Have a great night :)
Monday, June 29, 2015
Happy Homemaker Monday - 06/29/2015
Good morning everyone, how was your weekend?
Well I'm glad to say that mine was quiet but also productive. Hubby and I got working on the house, trying to unpack the last few boxes in the garage and getting everything looking the way we wanted. We're almost completely done, there are a few things like family pictures that still need to go up and small touches here and there, but for the most part we are pretty much moved in and I'm still very much in love with this house.
I have to apologize for this post going up so late today, but I have had the worst insomnia and couldn't fall asleep until close to 3am and then was up at 5am with hubby, after he left for work I tried to go back to sleep but that wasn't happening either, so I'm moving super slow today. Apologies, but here we go....
The weather in my neck of the woods:
Very cloudy and dark skies this morning, I think we're supposed to get rain.
Things that make me happy:
Feeling content, loving where I am, there is nothing quite like it
Menu for this week:
I only have meals planned until Wednesday, then I need to go grocery shopping for the next two weeks and also for 4th of July, we're having a get together at our house with a few family members coming over, should be fun.
Monday - Pork Chops with Gravy and rice
Tuesday - Mini Meatloaves with Mashed Potatoes
Wednesday - Grilled Cheeseburger Wraps
What's on my TV today:
I've been catching up on all my shows from the past month, and I'm caught up with the Portuguese soaps, somewhat. I also started The Whispers which is such a creepy show, but quite good, I'm enjoying it. During the day if I have time and mostly at night, Jasmine and I have been watching Heroes of Cosplay.
Looking around the house:
It looks like a home, my belongings are finally all out and placed here and there and it no longer looks like an empty house with boxes in it. You know home is wherever I am with my family, so no matter where we may live, as long as they are there, and as long as my belongings are there, it's HOME.
On my To Do List:
Menu Planning
Painting mine and Curt's side tables (want to paint them black to match the bed set)
Changing out the bedding on my bed
Order some craft foam for Jasmine's Cosplay Costume
New Recipe I tried or want to try soon:
I have a bunch of recipes I am going to be trying out, now that I'm back to cooking full time. I will have them on the food blog as I make them.
In the craft basket:
My newest crochet project. Chest pieces in foam and fabric for Jasmine's cosplay. We have an Anime Convention coming up in September, which we want to attend, and Jasmine wants to dress up as one of her game characters from League of Legends. This is the character which I'm making the whole costume, including the armor and the sewing and embroidery. A HUGE undertaking but I'm up for the challenge.
Looking forward to this week:
Getting the house ready for our 4th of July get together. We'll have 7 family members spending the weekend with us, thankfully this house is big enough to house everyone, but I just need to figure out who is sleeping where. Also need to figure out the menu so that I can pass it on to everyone because they want to know what they can bring.
Tips and Tricks:
Make your own curtains, there is no need to go spend tons of money when you can easily make your own. I like Walmart's clearance fabric shelf, I can usually find really cute fabric for a dollar a yard.
My favorite blog post this week:
I've always enjoyed Bunny Mummy's blog. Last week she took us on a walk around Green Dales and oh my goodness, how I wish I was there.
Blog Hopping (a new discovered blog you would like to share with the readers):
I came across Three Stories High and it's such a lovely blog, go on and check it out.
No words needed (favorite photo or picture):
Lesson learned the past few days:
That I am Christian, and I will not forsake my Lord.....but I don't need to get into debates and screaming matches and ugly fights on social media to stand my ground. It's not who I am, I don't need to answer to anyone but God and quite honestly, I don't need to make a fool of myself just to try and veer people to my way of thinking.
On my mind:
STILL trying to get the kids into connections academy here in Texas, they have some very strange and strict laws going on. I'm leaving it in the Lord's hands and I'm sure He'll see us through this.
Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:
“Few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”
Luke10:42 NIV
Well I'm glad to say that mine was quiet but also productive. Hubby and I got working on the house, trying to unpack the last few boxes in the garage and getting everything looking the way we wanted. We're almost completely done, there are a few things like family pictures that still need to go up and small touches here and there, but for the most part we are pretty much moved in and I'm still very much in love with this house.
I have to apologize for this post going up so late today, but I have had the worst insomnia and couldn't fall asleep until close to 3am and then was up at 5am with hubby, after he left for work I tried to go back to sleep but that wasn't happening either, so I'm moving super slow today. Apologies, but here we go....
Very cloudy and dark skies this morning, I think we're supposed to get rain.
Things that make me happy:
Feeling content, loving where I am, there is nothing quite like it
Menu for this week:
I only have meals planned until Wednesday, then I need to go grocery shopping for the next two weeks and also for 4th of July, we're having a get together at our house with a few family members coming over, should be fun.
Monday - Pork Chops with Gravy and rice
Tuesday - Mini Meatloaves with Mashed Potatoes
Wednesday - Grilled Cheeseburger Wraps
What's on my TV today:
I've been catching up on all my shows from the past month, and I'm caught up with the Portuguese soaps, somewhat. I also started The Whispers which is such a creepy show, but quite good, I'm enjoying it. During the day if I have time and mostly at night, Jasmine and I have been watching Heroes of Cosplay.
Looking around the house:
It looks like a home, my belongings are finally all out and placed here and there and it no longer looks like an empty house with boxes in it. You know home is wherever I am with my family, so no matter where we may live, as long as they are there, and as long as my belongings are there, it's HOME.
On my To Do List:
Menu Planning
Painting mine and Curt's side tables (want to paint them black to match the bed set)
Changing out the bedding on my bed
Order some craft foam for Jasmine's Cosplay Costume
New Recipe I tried or want to try soon:
I have a bunch of recipes I am going to be trying out, now that I'm back to cooking full time. I will have them on the food blog as I make them.
In the craft basket:
My newest crochet project. Chest pieces in foam and fabric for Jasmine's cosplay. We have an Anime Convention coming up in September, which we want to attend, and Jasmine wants to dress up as one of her game characters from League of Legends. This is the character which I'm making the whole costume, including the armor and the sewing and embroidery. A HUGE undertaking but I'm up for the challenge.
Looking forward to this week:
Getting the house ready for our 4th of July get together. We'll have 7 family members spending the weekend with us, thankfully this house is big enough to house everyone, but I just need to figure out who is sleeping where. Also need to figure out the menu so that I can pass it on to everyone because they want to know what they can bring.
Tips and Tricks:
Make your own curtains, there is no need to go spend tons of money when you can easily make your own. I like Walmart's clearance fabric shelf, I can usually find really cute fabric for a dollar a yard.
My favorite blog post this week:
I've always enjoyed Bunny Mummy's blog. Last week she took us on a walk around Green Dales and oh my goodness, how I wish I was there.
Blog Hopping (a new discovered blog you would like to share with the readers):
I came across Three Stories High and it's such a lovely blog, go on and check it out.
No words needed (favorite photo or picture):
Lesson learned the past few days:
That I am Christian, and I will not forsake my Lord.....but I don't need to get into debates and screaming matches and ugly fights on social media to stand my ground. It's not who I am, I don't need to answer to anyone but God and quite honestly, I don't need to make a fool of myself just to try and veer people to my way of thinking.
On my mind:
STILL trying to get the kids into connections academy here in Texas, they have some very strange and strict laws going on. I'm leaving it in the Lord's hands and I'm sure He'll see us through this.
Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:
“Few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”
Luke10:42 NIV
Thursday, June 25, 2015
My Wednesday
Yesterday saw me back, first time in forever, to my normal homemaking schedule.
To say that it felt good and right, would be a very big understatement. Contentment is the word I would use, utter and pure contentment.
I'm not opposed to change, I actually welcome it and deal it with it pretty well, unlike some of my family and friends. My husband for example, detests change and gets quite frustrated and stressed about it.
But as much as I don't fight the change, it does feel good to get back to a comfortable and normal routine and with the craziness that has surrounded me for so many months, it was something I was very happy to embrace again.
Hope you're prepared for a photo heavy post, it's been a while since I did one of those, but I want to take you along on my day and show you what I was busy with.
Breakfast, of course. Cup of coffee, toast with real butter and some orange marmalade. I do think this is one of my favorite breakfasts ever.
Laundry, because it's never ending. But I will tell you that I'm enjoying it a lot more now that I have such a cute laundry area. I have to take pictures of each room and show you around the house, I keep forgetting to do that.
Took a break to check the mail. I don't know what it is about mailboxes out in the country that really make me smile. There's just something about them.
My favorite cleaner and of course, Lavender scented.
I gave the whole house a really good cleaning, just have to work on the bathrooms today. I have 3 bathrooms to clean, oh boy.
While the laundry was going, I grabbed the camera and headed out to the back yard. The other day I was in the front, walking around and seeing what I could find, but I hadn't yet checked out the back yard, not all of it. And I still haven't seen it all, it's that big.
But what a huge surprise I got when I came across this tree. I was snapping pictures of the crape myrtle below and noticed something to my right. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. We have a Pear tree in the back yard. Oh my word, I'm excited!!!
I don't know if there are any other fruit trees out there, I need to get exploring more, but the grass is tall again and needs mowing and with the last two snakes we found in the yard, I am a little freaked out and not exactly comfortable walking around out there.
One thing that our property has a lot of, are crape myrtle trees and they sure are gorgeous.
Lots of flowers too, so far I've spotted Black Eyed Susans and Honeysuckle.
Open fields, lots of open fields and barbed wire fences. I really do get the sense of openness and country life, I couldn't be happier here.
Also have a lot of weeds, different kinds and big and small. With the property having been left alone for so long, they have set roots and pretty much lay claim to the yards.
I think we're going to have quite a battle on our hands getting rid of them all, or trying to at least.
There is so much to see out here, things that for some may seem inconsequential or boring, but for me, a person who loves nature, it's been absolutely wonderful. I don't know how many times I've been out in the yard and saw or felt or smelled something that took me back to my childhood and reminded me of the times my brothers and I would go to the fields behind our neighborhood and walk around, pick flowers, roll down the hills and just enjoy being outside.
I've never been a city girl and I don't think I ever will be.
As the day died down, I got busy in the kitchen with dinner.
Friends, for someone who loves cooking and hadn't really been able to do it in months, this was a big deal. Felt so good being able to cook a meal for my family.
As we prepared to sit down to dinner, I said a silent prayer, thanking the Lord for the food, for the house and for the moments we get to spend together.
And really, how can you not enjoy your meal when you have these views to keep you company?
Mexican Lasagna is what I made, it was so good, so filling and the family were thrilled to have a home cooked meal in front of them.
There's only so much take out a person can take and I am frankly sick of it.
If you want to give the Mexican Lasagna a try, I've already posted it on the food blog, go on over and take a look or just follow this link.
Alrighty, I have tons to do and so I must get cracking. I'm baking a Magic Custart Cake at the moment, recipe will follow later. Also need to make some curtains for two of the bathrooms, so yep, lots to do.
Have a wonderful rest of Thursday and I'll see you all tomorrow :)
To say that it felt good and right, would be a very big understatement. Contentment is the word I would use, utter and pure contentment.
I'm not opposed to change, I actually welcome it and deal it with it pretty well, unlike some of my family and friends. My husband for example, detests change and gets quite frustrated and stressed about it.
But as much as I don't fight the change, it does feel good to get back to a comfortable and normal routine and with the craziness that has surrounded me for so many months, it was something I was very happy to embrace again.
Hope you're prepared for a photo heavy post, it's been a while since I did one of those, but I want to take you along on my day and show you what I was busy with.
Breakfast, of course. Cup of coffee, toast with real butter and some orange marmalade. I do think this is one of my favorite breakfasts ever.
Laundry, because it's never ending. But I will tell you that I'm enjoying it a lot more now that I have such a cute laundry area. I have to take pictures of each room and show you around the house, I keep forgetting to do that.
Took a break to check the mail. I don't know what it is about mailboxes out in the country that really make me smile. There's just something about them.
My favorite cleaner and of course, Lavender scented.
I gave the whole house a really good cleaning, just have to work on the bathrooms today. I have 3 bathrooms to clean, oh boy.
While the laundry was going, I grabbed the camera and headed out to the back yard. The other day I was in the front, walking around and seeing what I could find, but I hadn't yet checked out the back yard, not all of it. And I still haven't seen it all, it's that big.
But what a huge surprise I got when I came across this tree. I was snapping pictures of the crape myrtle below and noticed something to my right. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. We have a Pear tree in the back yard. Oh my word, I'm excited!!!
I don't know if there are any other fruit trees out there, I need to get exploring more, but the grass is tall again and needs mowing and with the last two snakes we found in the yard, I am a little freaked out and not exactly comfortable walking around out there.
One thing that our property has a lot of, are crape myrtle trees and they sure are gorgeous.
Lots of flowers too, so far I've spotted Black Eyed Susans and Honeysuckle.
Open fields, lots of open fields and barbed wire fences. I really do get the sense of openness and country life, I couldn't be happier here.
Also have a lot of weeds, different kinds and big and small. With the property having been left alone for so long, they have set roots and pretty much lay claim to the yards.
I think we're going to have quite a battle on our hands getting rid of them all, or trying to at least.
There is so much to see out here, things that for some may seem inconsequential or boring, but for me, a person who loves nature, it's been absolutely wonderful. I don't know how many times I've been out in the yard and saw or felt or smelled something that took me back to my childhood and reminded me of the times my brothers and I would go to the fields behind our neighborhood and walk around, pick flowers, roll down the hills and just enjoy being outside.
I've never been a city girl and I don't think I ever will be.
As the day died down, I got busy in the kitchen with dinner.
Friends, for someone who loves cooking and hadn't really been able to do it in months, this was a big deal. Felt so good being able to cook a meal for my family.
As we prepared to sit down to dinner, I said a silent prayer, thanking the Lord for the food, for the house and for the moments we get to spend together.
And really, how can you not enjoy your meal when you have these views to keep you company?
Mexican Lasagna is what I made, it was so good, so filling and the family were thrilled to have a home cooked meal in front of them.
There's only so much take out a person can take and I am frankly sick of it.
If you want to give the Mexican Lasagna a try, I've already posted it on the food blog, go on over and take a look or just follow this link.
Alrighty, I have tons to do and so I must get cracking. I'm baking a Magic Custart Cake at the moment, recipe will follow later. Also need to make some curtains for two of the bathrooms, so yep, lots to do.
Have a wonderful rest of Thursday and I'll see you all tomorrow :)
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Welcome to Burkburnett!!!
Before moving to Texas, I will be honest, I had never heard of Burkburnett. Never!
I know a few cities in Texas, from visiting the State previously and from family that lives here, but this is one I had no clue existed. So with that in mind, I thought it would be fun to tell you a bit about the town and how it came to be.
I don't have a lot of info but just a few fun tidbits that you might find interesting.
Ok now that is cool. I had heard of the movie Boom Town but haven't watched it and definitely didn't make the connection at all. I guess I'll have to watch it now.
Burk Burnett was named after Samuel Burk Burnett who owned the 6666 Ranch.
Teddy Roosevelt was a guest of Burnett on a 1904 wolf hunt and pulled some strings with the P.O. Department in naming the town.
The discovery of oil in 1918 changed the town into one of the more famous oil boomtowns in Texas. 20 Trains a day ran between Burkburnett and Wichita Falls.
As I've researched online, I've found quite interesting stories about the town. You never really know what you'll discover until you start digging and it seems that Burkburnett, or "Burk" as it seems to be referred to by the locals, has quite an interesting start.
Burkburnett, Electra and Ranger's oil fields made north Texas a worldwide leader in petroleum production.
Eventually, the oil boom dies out.
The town was also affected by the Great Depression, which causes it's population to decline. Today though the population is over 10 000 and I think in great part to the nearby Sheppard AFB.
I have so much to discover and so much to see around here, and I really can't wait to get out there. Museums and historic buildings and nearby Wichita Falls will definitely keep us busy.
I know a few cities in Texas, from visiting the State previously and from family that lives here, but this is one I had no clue existed. So with that in mind, I thought it would be fun to tell you a bit about the town and how it came to be.
I don't have a lot of info but just a few fun tidbits that you might find interesting.
A major oil discovery on a small farm in North Texas in 1918 launches a drilling boom that makes Burkburnett famous and leads to a popular Hollywood movie.
Ok now that is cool. I had heard of the movie Boom Town but haven't watched it and definitely didn't make the connection at all. I guess I'll have to watch it now.
Quanah with Samuel Burk Burnett. Burnett leased Indian land for grazing.
Burk Burnett was named after Samuel Burk Burnett who owned the 6666 Ranch.
Teddy Roosevelt was a guest of Burnett on a 1904 wolf hunt and pulled some strings with the P.O. Department in naming the town.
The discovery of oil in 1918 changed the town into one of the more famous oil boomtowns in Texas. 20 Trains a day ran between Burkburnett and Wichita Falls.
As I've researched online, I've found quite interesting stories about the town. You never really know what you'll discover until you start digging and it seems that Burkburnett, or "Burk" as it seems to be referred to by the locals, has quite an interesting start.
Photo courtesy of Barclay Gibson
Burkburnett, Electra and Ranger's oil fields made north Texas a worldwide leader in petroleum production.
Eventually, the oil boom dies out.
The town was also affected by the Great Depression, which causes it's population to decline. Today though the population is over 10 000 and I think in great part to the nearby Sheppard AFB.
I have so much to discover and so much to see around here, and I really can't wait to get out there. Museums and historic buildings and nearby Wichita Falls will definitely keep us busy.
Monday, June 22, 2015
Picking flowers....
The first time I walked around my yard, I felt like I was in a scene from Secret Garden.
There is something absolutely magical and calming about being surrounded by trees, green grass, and flowers. I have always enjoyed sitting under the shade of a big tall tree, over being inside the house on the couch.
I get visions of hammocks hung between huge tree trunks, and summer afternoons spent lazily swinging back and forth.
I don't have the hammock.....yet.....but I certainly enjoy lazily strolling through my yards.
What first caught my eye this morning, and actually made me grab the camera and a basket, was the glimpse of these beautiful pink blossoms waving in the wind.
I really didn't realize what they were, until I got closer and immediately smelled their lovely scent. Very similar to Magnolia, they smell amazing. Pink Crape Myrtles, that is what they are, and I have a huge tree filled with these gorgeous light pink blooms. Oh my, what a blessing for sure.
Also came upon a few bushes of Chinese Privet, so pretty.
And this tree, with it's bark pulling off which creates quite an interesting pattern.
I grabbed quite a handful of blossoms and continued walking around the property, really trying to take in all that I could. There is so much out there and it's such a large property that I'm afraid I will always find something I had no clue was there. I guess afraid is not the right word, really, because it makes me excited just thinking of everything that I have around me and just how peaceful it is.
One thing that I found a ton of, are old tree stumps. Most will be turned into fire wood for the cold months, but I'm keeping a few to turn into little side tables for my living room, and also some candle holders. I have been wanting to do this for many years but frankly, living in the areas we did the past few years didn't really provide much opportunity for finding tree stumps.
Hubby and I will be working on these in the coming weeks, as we settle in and as we finally get some time to ourselves. I will show you all how it turns out.
The field across the street is one of the reasons I so love living in this area. It reminds me of Little House on the Prairie when the girls come running down the hill and the little one falls.
I can almost picture their house just beyond those trees and it makes me think that aside from all their hardships in making a life in a bare place, it also must have been wonderful to be surrounded by such beauty.
I walked back into the house with a big smile on my face and an armful of different colored flowers.
I've always loved fresh picked flowers in little mason jars, they immediately change up a room, and when you pair them with a crocheted blanket?
Oh it's pure heaven!!!
I have yet to see and find all the different wildflowers around here, but I will get to it, if anything it gives me a reason to take a morning walk every day, right?
Well friends, I need to finish my laundry and check on my crockpot chicken that has been cooking all day. It was a throw together meal using what I had on hand as I still need to go grocery shopping, so fingers crossed it tastes good. I'll let you know though.
Happy Homemaker Monday - 06/22/2015
Good morning friends and happy Monday. Yes, I'm finally back to my Happy Homemaker Monday, I apologize for the lack in posts the past few weeks.
It's been a busy weekend but I'm ready to tackle on the new week and see what is ahead, are you?
The weather in my neck of the woods:
Hot and humid, two things I don't particularly care for though I'll take the heat over the humidity, any day. Here's what we have coming up this week:
Things that make me happy:
Sitting down with a good book and relaxing.
Menu for this week:
I need to go grocery shopping today so don't really have anything planned yet, have to work on the menu and the grocery list this morning. I do have some chicken thighs and I may put them in the crockpot for dinner.
What's on my TV today:
Have so many shows to catch up on, with not having internet for a while everything has been put on hold and now I am ready to sit down and crack on. I do love my shows and I watch them while doing house chores so it helps the time pass quicker.
Looking around the house:
Actually sitting in bed at the moment, typing up this post. I have my curtains and blinds open and the sun is coming in and washing the bedroom in a beautiful golden light. Early morning is my favorite time of day.
On my To Do List:
Menu Planning and grocery shopping
New Recipe I tried or want to try soon:
I have a bunch of recipes I am going to be trying out, now that I'm back to cooking full time. I will have them on the food blog as I make them.
In the craft basket:
Finally picked up my crochet again, I've missed it so much. I currently have a stripey cushion on the hook. I already have one but wanted to make another for the living room.
Looking forward to this week:
Finishing up my house, unpacking the last few boxes and really getting back into a normal routine for our family. We've been so rushed and so busy lately that it's just getting a little tiring to be honest, so I'm ready to just stop, take a breath and relax.
Tips and Tricks:
When moving to a new State, look at it as a fun adventure and not a scary change in your life. Take a look around, research your new area online, take a drive and see what the locals have to say, you'll be surprised at the fun things you can find out.
My favorite blog post this week:
Nothing yet, haven't started reading the blogs and replying to anyone, hoping to start again this week.
Blog Hopping (a new discovered blog you would like to share with the readers):
Ask me next week, I'm sure I'll have something for you :)
No words needed (favorite photo or picture):
Love this guy
Lesson learned the past few days:
That life is so short and that time flies by at the blink of an eye. Having been away from all family for so many years and then seeing everyone again, makes you realize just how things change.
On my mind:
At the moment I would say the kid's schooling. Trying to get them enrolled for the next year and still juggling the whole Texas Connections thing. Just want to get it all taken care of finalized so that I can really relax and enjoy the rest of summer.
Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:
Lord, be gracious to us; we long for you. Be our strength every morning, our salvation in time of distress.
– Isaiah 33:2 (NIV)
It's been a busy weekend but I'm ready to tackle on the new week and see what is ahead, are you?
Hot and humid, two things I don't particularly care for though I'll take the heat over the humidity, any day. Here's what we have coming up this week:
Things that make me happy:
Sitting down with a good book and relaxing.
Menu for this week:
I need to go grocery shopping today so don't really have anything planned yet, have to work on the menu and the grocery list this morning. I do have some chicken thighs and I may put them in the crockpot for dinner.
What's on my TV today:
Have so many shows to catch up on, with not having internet for a while everything has been put on hold and now I am ready to sit down and crack on. I do love my shows and I watch them while doing house chores so it helps the time pass quicker.
Looking around the house:
Actually sitting in bed at the moment, typing up this post. I have my curtains and blinds open and the sun is coming in and washing the bedroom in a beautiful golden light. Early morning is my favorite time of day.
On my To Do List:
Menu Planning and grocery shopping
New Recipe I tried or want to try soon:
I have a bunch of recipes I am going to be trying out, now that I'm back to cooking full time. I will have them on the food blog as I make them.
In the craft basket:
Finally picked up my crochet again, I've missed it so much. I currently have a stripey cushion on the hook. I already have one but wanted to make another for the living room.
Looking forward to this week:
Finishing up my house, unpacking the last few boxes and really getting back into a normal routine for our family. We've been so rushed and so busy lately that it's just getting a little tiring to be honest, so I'm ready to just stop, take a breath and relax.
Tips and Tricks:
When moving to a new State, look at it as a fun adventure and not a scary change in your life. Take a look around, research your new area online, take a drive and see what the locals have to say, you'll be surprised at the fun things you can find out.
My favorite blog post this week:
Nothing yet, haven't started reading the blogs and replying to anyone, hoping to start again this week.
Blog Hopping (a new discovered blog you would like to share with the readers):
Ask me next week, I'm sure I'll have something for you :)
No words needed (favorite photo or picture):
Love this guy
Lesson learned the past few days:
That life is so short and that time flies by at the blink of an eye. Having been away from all family for so many years and then seeing everyone again, makes you realize just how things change.
On my mind:
At the moment I would say the kid's schooling. Trying to get them enrolled for the next year and still juggling the whole Texas Connections thing. Just want to get it all taken care of finalized so that I can really relax and enjoy the rest of summer.
Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:
Lord, be gracious to us; we long for you. Be our strength every morning, our salvation in time of distress.
– Isaiah 33:2 (NIV)
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