I'm issuing you a challenge, but don't worry it doesn't mean that I'll sit on the sidelines and just monitor, I'll be doing it right along with you.
It's not scary, well maybe a little but for the right reasons and I think it's one that will bring far more rewards and benefits than if you don't do it.
I saw this over at my friend Jen's blog "Reflections in the Window", and this is what she said:
Today a challenge was made to me on an email group I belong to, the writer challenged us to read through the Bible in 4 months! WOW I thought...at first I said to myself....no way could I do that! But when I read further in the email I realized it was only 12 chapters per day. Four chapters 3 times a day OR Three chapters 4 times a day. That is so reachable. I read easily 12 chapters of other books everyday. WHY can't I do the same in the Bible? There is NO reason why I can't!
And all I can say to that is AMEN!
Let's face it, I'm not going to lie and tell you that I've read the whole Bible, I haven't.
I'm not going to lie and tell you that when I start reading it that I find it absolutely fascinating and can't put it down like a fiction novel, because I don't. It doesn't mean that I don't like the Bible or that I don't enjoy the Lord's word, it means FOR ME, that I have a hard time reading through it because at times there are just way too many things in there that I just don't comprehend.
I can zip through a novel, I can zip through cookbooks, but why can't I do the same with the Bible?

Oh I'm not completely oblivious, I have read the Bible before just not in it's entirety and I do know most of the names in there and I do have one or two scriptures that speak to me.
But it's not the same as those who have read it all, who know it like the back of their hands.
I want that!
So I'm taking the challenge, I can still read my novels and my other books, but I can also add the Bible to my reading time, and that's exactly what I'm planning on doing.
I plan to get to December and proudly announce, here on my blog and for anyone that will listen, that yes, I Sandra have finally read through the whole Bible!
Here is the schedule:
Genesis - 1 Chronicles 22
1 Chronicles 23 - Isaiah 54
Isaiah 55 - Galatians 3
Galatians 4 - Revelations 22
I'm actually going to change my template to include one or two sidebars so that I can have this recorded and will cross it off as I read. IT will help me stay focused, but it will also show you that it can be done.
Believe me, if I can do it, YOU can do it too.
So what do you say, are you up for the challenge???