I love doing this meme every year, it sort of brings the whole blogging year to an end and also takes me back in time to reflect on what I was doing.
Post the first sentence of your first blog post of each month. You can also add a favorite picture from each month.
I would love for you to join me, just leave me a comment and I'll come by and check yours out :)
Happy New Year everyone!
All my slow cooking recipes are now online and starting today, I will add all the recipes shared weekly to my online del.icio.us site too.
I feel that behind every wonderful blogging woman I have come to know, there is an amazing man, they are the ones working in the background.
It's been a quiet, relaxing, go with the flow weekend. My favorites.
I've been wanting to make Homemade Laundry Detergent for a long time
I feel like it's been years since I've blogged anything other than the meme's
On my bedside table:
Country roads take me home, to the place I belong.....
I've been busy and running around and sorta kinda crazy lately.
Back to school blog tour...
Indonesian Chicken in Peanut Sauce

Beautiful blue skies but nippy outside.
I keep looking at the calendar and hoping that by some miracle it will just stop or rewind or something, anything, to make the time slow down.
I did a similar meme over at my food blog, highlighting all the best recipes of 2009. Go on over and take a look "Best of 2009".