I've been so busy the past week. There have been things to decide, things to discuss, things to finalize, and a house that I have been giving a good clean, top to bottom.
The homemaking bug started nibbling at me, the week prior. This niggling need to clean and organize. Perhaps as a precursor to Spring coming up, or perhaps just my need to keep my hands busy while other more important issues, are out of my control.
I will say, that as in true Godly fashion, one of the issues seemed so impossible for us to get around, but after casting it upon the Lord, in no time it was fixed and easily dealt with. Praise the Lord for always coming through.

The past two years, my Bible has become my trusty friend. I find myself reaching for it when I need inspiration, or when I need clarification for a specific issue at hand, or even current events in the world. It's all right there, in those pages, all you have to do is open it up and let the glory flow through.
But as I've been leaning on my Bible so much, it has been showing wear and tear. Specifically my tabs, which sometimes end up folded over, or tearing, or pulling this way and that.
I spent some time the other morning, going through and methodically applying pieces of tape to the back and front of the tabs. It is now reinforced and hopefully able to withstand my constant flipping of pages, back and forth.

Last weekend, we had the most glorious of weather. 83 degrees. Everyone was out in shorts, tank tops, dresses, flip flops or sandals. There was a bright sun shining in the sky, which seemed to lift people's spirits. I have not seen as many smiling faces as I that weekend. Beaming smiles, happy, content, joyful.
I took full advantage, slipped on some cute sandals and a cute dress, and hung some laundry to dry. I didn't place it outside because my husband and I , along with my sister in law Hayley and my brother Miguel, were headed to Oklahoma for the day. The weather mentioned some high winds, and I really didn't want to think of returning home, to find my laundry had flown away.
Funny though how even just the scent of drying laundry, indoors, seems to lift the spirits.
But that was then, and here we are today, 25 degrees, expecting a last winter storm for tomorrow and leading into the weekend. Snow and some wintry mix. My mind says I should scream at the top of my lungs, or stomp my feet and beg this weather to leave, but that wouldn't be productive would it? I don't think the weather would hear a single word I said, and in the end it would just do what it wants to anyway.
So, I will just say nothing and ride out this last winter hoorah.

Although, days like these, are perfect for reading, especially if it's a good book. I guess that's also subjective to the reader, and their taste. Me, I prefer old books, stories of pioneers, or quilts, history novels, biographies from people who played important roles in history, the holocaust and tudor times......I think you get the idea.
I've been sending out books through paperbackswap, there have been many requests lately, which mean I've managed to get rid of the books I no longer need or want to keep in my library, and in return, I've been collecting those that I've had on a wish list for many years.......like the Janette Oke's Women of the West Series.

And this one above. A Lantern in her Hand by Bess Streeter Aldrich. Oh I've been eyeing this one for so long, and could never find a copy, until last week. I managed to find one, and as you can tell it is an old, very much used and loved book. Some may dislike books in this condition, but I happen to love them.
See I believe that books tell a story, not only within it's pages, but also of the hands that have picked it up, flipped though, read each word. It's these old books that I find fascinating.
If you're wondering what A Lantern in Her Hand is about, here is the summary for you:
"Sometimes it all comes
over me," young Abbie said to her fiance, "that I can do big things.
It's ahead of me...kind of like a light in the woods that shines and
stays far away. And when I read verse or hear music...or...sing...it
beckons me one, and my throat hurts with wanting to do something great."
Abbie Deal did do something great, even if it wasn't what she had
dreamed of. And years later, when her children, raised in a rude sod
hut, were prosperous men and women of a thriving state, she could say
proudly, "I've seen everything...and I've hardly been away from this
yard. I've seen the feeble beginnings of a raw state and the
civilization that developed there, and I've been part of the beginning
and part of the growth. But it's funny," she added, "I was always too
busy filling up the youngsters and getting patches on the overalls to
notice that I was part of the epic."
A strong an vigorous
picture of pioneer life. The magnificent story of a young girl who went
West as a bride -- and helped to build a nation.

Women of the West is also a series that I'm quite looking forward to reading. I'm actually debating setting aside the books in my pile for this year, and slipping these in first.
These books are about the pioneers and the women who made their way west, some alone, some with their families. There are 12 books in the series, and you can find all the titles over on

As always, between all this, good food still abounds. I made an amazing Dulce de Leche Cheesecake last week. I think it was the first time that I made a cheesecake that didn't crack on the top, it set beautifully and is so good, sooooooo good. I will try to pass the recipe on to you all, either later today or tomorrow.
Last night for dinner, I made scrumptious calzones, using my usual
honey pizza dough. They turned out amazing, and I even managed to send one to work with hubby, for his lunch. If you're looking for an easy pizza dough, this is the one. It's been my go to for 15 years or so.

I am hoping this week is a bit more quiet and calmer than last, so that I can get a few more blog posts in. We will have to see how it goes.
Today I am carpet cleaning the office and hallway, and I also need to go by the post office to mail off one more book. I'm going to try and get that all done this morning, so that I have the rest of the day indoors, away from the cold.
I hope you're all having a wonderful week so far, I hope it's blessed, I hope you are happy and content, and staying strong and focused through these difficult times we're all living.
Remember if you need encouragement and help, you just need to look no further than the Bible, and our Lord who is always there ready, listening, waiting.