Monday, April 29, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday - 04/29/2024

Good morning ladies, and a very happy Monday to you all.
It is a gorgeous morning here in Texas, after a weekend of pretty strong tornadoes and thunderstorms.  It was intense, it was scary, we had the sirens actually go off and we were on the edge of our seats from 3pm to 1am.  
We have a lot of family in Oklahoma too and some of them were in the path of these tornadoes as well.  If you haven't seen it it yet, Sulphur Oklahoma was completely destroyed.  It is heartbreaking to see.  So this morning, before we even start our post, I want you to take a moment and pray for all those affected, for the 4 lives lost, and for the entire community.  Also, we are just getting started with Tornado season here in Tornado Alley, so please keep us all in your prayers.
Now, let's get on with today's post.  Have a blessed week my friends and stay safe.

*** The Weather *** 
We got through the horrible storms, but we have more coming in the next few days. 
Monday - Cloudy, 81
Tuesday - Mostly sunny, 88
Wednesday - Partly cloudy, 84
Thursday - Thunderstorms, 82
Friday- Mostly sunny, 75
Saturday - Scattered thunderstorms, 74
Sunday - Scattered thunderstorms, 77
*** Right now I am *** 
Listening to one of Julie Green's teachings on TV, and working on this post. 
*** Thinking and pondering *** 
Nothing specific, just the usual daily life.    
*** How I am feeling ***
I'm doing well, I am now down 26 pounds and feeling amazing.  I have my blood test on Friday, it kept getting pushed back.  Will see how my triglycerides are doing, and will let you know. 
*** On the breakfast plate *** 
I have had a cup of coffee, but nothing else yet.  Will probably have 2 scrambled eggs with spinach and a piece of toast, for breakfast.  
*** On the lunch plate *** 
I have a burrito bowl that I made on Friday.  Chicken strips, cauliflower rice, corn and avocado.  It was really good.     
*** On the dinner plate ***
Homemade Rotisserie Chicken, roast potatoes, squash in tomato sauce. 
*** On the menu *** 

Homemade Rotisserie Chicken, roast potatoes, squash in tomato sauce.
Chicken and Spinach Pie, Salad   
Shrimp Fajitas, Mexican rice
Italian Sausage Soup with Tortellini, Grilled Cheese and Tomato Sandwiches
Bacon Spaghetti, Garlic Bread, Salad
Sheet Pan Chicken Thighs with Brussel Sprouts and Gnocchi, Cucumber Tomato Salad
Meatball Bake with Chickpea Salad

*** What I am wearing *** 
Summer nightgown.  Will put on some shorts and a tshirt for the day.    

*** On my reading pile *** 
Almost done with the book of Exodus in the Bible.  You should read it, it is almost mirror image to what we are seeing in our world today and what we are facing.  It's incredible. 
Venetia by Georgette Heyer

*** On my TV this week ***
Youtube - Brazilian and Portuguese Homemaking Vlogs, Slow Living and Quiet Vlogs 
Turkish shows - Ruzgarli Tepe, Gelin, Kara Agac Destani
Sic Portugal TV - Senhora do Mar
Paramount - Star Trek Discovery with my hubby

*** Looking around the house *** 
Monday morning, means the usual tidy and clean up and setting the house in order for the week ahead. 
*** To do list *** 
Usual homemaking - dishes, laundry
Bible and Devotional time
Reading time
Crochet time
Make Baklava
*** From the camera *** 
After 5 years, we finally had another Air Show at our base, and it was amazing.  We were blessed with tickets to the VIP tent which gives you an up close and personal experience, lunch, drinks, shade and the ability to meet and greet the pilots of the air show.    
I have hundreds of photos to go through and edit, and will be adding them to my Flickr account, you can see them all as I post them, in my Sheppard AFB Air Show 2024.




*** What I am crocheting or sewing ***
I still need to get my chickens and birds sewn up.  I keep saying I will do it today, then get busy and don't get around to it.  
Also still working on the Nordic Blanket. 
*** Devotional, Prayers, Bible Verses *** 
Jesus commands you to take up your cross and follow Him, and then He gives you the strength to carry the load. - New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp

Monday, April 22, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday - 04/22/2024

Good morning everyone, welcome back to my little blog.
It is 7am and Curt has just left for work.  And so our new week begins.  I've been a little out of it this past week, just been dealing with an ear infection and it's kind of knocked me on my behind.  Oh how we take our health for granted, don't we?  When something is off we then realize just how much we take it for granted.
I am about 99% better now, thankfully.
Anyway, I have a full day of cleaning and basically resetting for the week, ahead.  I know many of you may not agree, but I love Mondays, I don't know why.
So, with that said, let's get going.  Have a wonderful blessed week friends.

*** The Weather *** 
We have had so much rain this year already.  I love it, not just because I love rain, but I just love how everything is so green.  There is more rain in the forecast for this week, but also warm temperatures.   
Monday - Sunny, 73
Tuesday - Mostly sunny, 84
Wednesday - Cloudy, 80
Thursday - Cloudy, 82
Friday- AM Thunderstorms, 88
Saturday - Thunderstorms, 83
Sunday - Partly cloudy, 83
*** Right now I am *** 
Watching one of my favorite Brazilian vloggers on tv, while typing up this post. 
*** Thinking and pondering *** 
I have so many thoughts in my mind, just the usual list of to dos, things I want to start, things I want to finish.  
And then I have these constant thoughts about how much I want to get back into my blog, and how I miss the days where blogging was a part of me, where I woke up knowing that I needed to record my day, to be able to share it later.
I keep trying to get back on it, and keep falling off the wagon.  I don't know why.  But in a way I feel that I'm busier now that my children are adults, than I was when they were toddlers.  Does that even make any sense?  I don't get it.  I really need to evaluate my time and sort it out and get back to doing what I love.    
*** How I am feeling ***
I will be on my cycle this week, if that tells you how I'm feeling at the moment.  Hahaha 
*** On the breakfast plate *** 
I have had my coffee, will have some oatmeal in about an hour.  
*** On the lunch plate *** 
Not sure, might have some salad or a smoothie, or some yogurt with blueberries and walnuts.    
*** On the dinner plate ***
Stuffed Eggplant, Tomato and Cucumber Salad. 
*** On the menu *** 
It is that time again, to start working on the new meal plan, which will start on Thursday when I go grocery shopping.

Stuffed Eggplant, Tomato and Cucumber Salad
Moroccan Fish, Quinoa and steamed broccoli   
Chili Mac, Garlic Bread, Greek Salad

*** What I am wearing *** 
Summer nightgown, not sure what I'll put on after.    

*** On my reading pile *** 
Book of Exodus in the Bible 
Finishing The Return of the Gods by Jonathan Cahn
Venetia by Georgette Heyer

*** On my TV this week ***
Youtube - Brazilian and Portuguese Homemaking Vlogs, Slow Living and Quiet Vlogs 
Turkish shows - Ruzgarli Tepe, Gelin, Kara Agac Destani
Sic Portugal TV - Senhora do Mar
Paramount - Star Trek Discovery, with my hubby

*** Looking around the house *** 
Just the usual pick up needs done. 
*** To do list *** 
Usual homemaking - dishes, laundry
Bible and Devotional time
Reading time
Crochet time
Meal planning and grocery list
*** From the camera *** 
I was looking through my photos and came across this one from 2014, when we lived in Idaho.  A bird had made a nest in one of our Lilac bushes, and it was close enough to our deck that I could just lean over and see the babies.  How adorable is this? 
*** What I am crocheting or sewing ***
I finally finished Part 4, and almost ran out of yarn, so had to go buy more this weekend.  But, I have started Part 5, which are the Nordic Snowflakes.  

*** Devotional, Prayers, Bible Verses *** 
If God intended for all the days of your life to be easy, they would be.  No, in grace, He intends for your days to be His tools of refinement.  - New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Rain, Books, Cows, Ducks and Baby Chicks...oh my!


It has just gone past 10am, and I've come in to sit for just a few minutes to chat a little.  

I used to keep up with my blog and made sure to have daily updates, a record for myself and for my children one day, to be able to look back at where I've been, what we've done and what was happening around us.  We live in such a high paced technologically filled life, that it's often hard to take some moments to record our lives.

It sounds strange to say that, I mean everyone has a phone stuck to them at all times, and we have no shortage of videos and photographic evidence anytime anything happens.  But have you noticed that it is not really used for family time?

We are so eager to capture anything news worthy, but not our lives, and I find that quite sad and disheartening.  

And trust me, I say all this knowing that I am part of the problem too.  I may not be out there doing tik toks (can't stand that app), or filming world news, but I also get caught up in daily life and forget to see what is around me.


It also doesn't help that my children are now grown and don't like being photographed, or talked about on my blog.  Hence no birthday pictures from Nick's birthday on the 11th and there will be none from Jasmine's either on the 25th.  It bums me out, but I have to respect their wishes.
But, I digress!
So let's rather talk about the things that I can talk about, or want to talk about, which is what I've been up to around here.
Tea.....lot's of cups of tea, some times milky tea, sometimes plain black tea.  The weather has been rainy and wet, which always puts me in the mood for a nice cuppa while I read a book.



I've been using my free credits on Paperbackswap, to pick up some new reads, like this one from Lucy Maud Montgomery.  It is actually a compilation of 2 of her books, The Story Girl and The Golden Road.

I've also received Georgette Heyer's Venetia which I'm quite excited to get into.  Georgette Heyer is fantastic and I don't think there is a single book of hers that I didn't like.




Last week we also had quite an interesting thing happen on our property.  Every evening, after dinner, our family plays games, whether a card game or a board game, even sometimes some tv games.  It's a way that we bond and spend time together.

It was during one of these evenings, that we looked out the big dining room window and noticed a huge cow, just casually walking across our yard.  It's nothing new, and it's certainly not the first and I'm sure the last time that a cow happens upon our property.  We live surrounded by land and there are about 5 or 6 homes in the area that own cows.

We put the game on hold and my husband headed outside, right as a truck pulled into our driveway.  The man was not the owner of the cow but he did know the owner.  

About 35 minutes went by, the cow just stayed behind my house, just hanging out doing nothing.

We had a neighbor from just up the street, come down to us, who also knew the owner of the cow, and said he would grab her and deliver her to the ranch.

Next thing we know, we have cowboys, cowboy hats, horses and a full on cow chase with lassos going on. 







It was quite fascinating to watch, especially since on the 2 horses, were a father and son.  The young boy looked to be about 8 or 9.

They went around the back and chased the cow towards the front where a huge trailer with other men were waiting.  It was over pretty quickly once they got the horse to our property.

I swear, never a dull moment in my life.  




Our duck friends have also returned, we get them every year.  There are about 8 or 9 them, they show up during the day for an hour or so, then they leave, and come back again.

One of these times, they decided to leave us an egg.  I chuckled so hard when my husband came inside with an egg in his hand and completely confused Hahahahah

We feed so many animals in our area, I wonder if this was their way of thanking us for food and water.

Whatever the case, I think it was sweet.

Last but not least, our little baby chick is doing amazing.  Puffy is such a good mama to this baby.  She brings the baby out every morning and then takes it back into the coop every night.  Until 2 days ago, we would have to go out every evening, and let puffy into the coop, then help the baby in because it was too small to climb the ramp.  Our ramp has a little space between it and the coop entrance, and the baby was just too small to make that jump.  Now it's big enough.  

I swear, we may have lost our other 3 chicks but it's been such a wonderful, fascinating and informative journey just watching all of this from start to finish.

How long have I been wanting chickens?  If you know me, you will surely know that it's been years if not a decade that I've been talking about this.  It seems surreal sometimes that we now have our own coop and flock and we've had the pleasure of seeing chicks hatch, from egg laying to brooding to hatching.  All of it.  So thankful to God for this blessing.

Anyway, you are now caught up on what has been happening around here.

I sure hope you all are doing well, and please friends remember to stay close to God, to stay in prayer and above all to cover yourselves and your families, homes, cars, finances and health, with the blood of Jesus.  It is so important to do that right now.

I love you all, stay blessed and until next time,

Monday, April 15, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday - 04/15/2024


Good morning ladies, and a very happy Monday to you all.  
It is a cloudy, dreary morning, and even though I love Spring and Summer weather, I really enjoy a dark rainy day too.  
I have a lot of cleaning to do today, as is always the case after the weekend.  I know some people don't like Mondays but I am one of the few that actually loves them.  The start to a new week, the chance to start fresh, renew, change our attitude and perspectives.  I always see it as a reset.  
So I'm going to get this post up, and move on with my day, so that I may get everything done that I need to, and still enjoy some time to relax and do the things I enjoy, such as crocheting, reading, or watching a tv show.
I hope you all have a blessed week friends.

*** The Weather *** 
We are definitely in the season for thunderstorms and sometimes severe weather.  I don't enjoy this time of year, but I've learned to move through it with prayer, and not let it scare me.  We have quite a few storms in the coming weeks. 
Monday - Scattered thunderstorms, 80
Tuesday - Mostly sunny, 87
Wednesday - Mostly sunny, 86
Thursday - Mostly sunny, 91
Friday- Cloudy, 65
Saturday - Thunderstorms, 59
Sunday - Mostly cloudy, 63
*** Right now I am *** 
Sat in bed, typing up this post while listening to Julie Green on TV.           
*** Thinking and pondering *** 
My Nick turned 21 last Thursday, the 11th, and my Jasmine turns 25 in two weeks, on the 25th.  I definitely feel old, goodness.       
Other thought....yesterday I decided to have a cheat day, which I haven't done in 3 months.  I ate carbs, which was one hot cross bun with a little butter, and I had some cake.  It was a pound cake, so I guess slightly better than a cake full of frosting......but.....I have now confirmed that I am pretty much done with carbs, or at least, lots of carbs like I used to eat in one day.  
Within a few hours of eating those, I was exhausted, and that is exactly how I used to feel before this change in diet, constantly exhausted, run out, and just wanted to lay around and nap.  It's crazy how food affects your body.       
*** How I am feeling ***
Much better this morning, and ready to get cracking on with a good week ahead of healthy, clean eating and hopefully getting rid of the nasty carbs I ingested yesterday.  
*** On the breakfast plate *** 
Just had a cup of coffee with almond milk.  For breakfast I will have a Keto Waffle Sandwich with just ham. 

*** On the lunch plate *** 
Tuna Salad with Chickpeas and boiled egg.      
*** On the dinner plate ***
Pita bowl, steamed broccoli. 
*** On the menu *** 
Pita bowl, steamed broccoli
Turkey Meatballs, Brown Rice (Cauliflower rice for me), Salad   
Butter chili crisp pasta, Garlic Bread (I will have a small serving of the pasta and will make myself keto garlic bread) 
Chicken Florentine, Polenta (leftover pasta for my son who hates anything corn or polenta), Garlic Spinach
Cauliflower Veggie Pizza, and Cauliflower Crust Pepperoni Pizza
Slow Cooker Thai Veggie Curry, Brown Rice
Moroccan Fish, Quinoa and Salad

*** What I am wearing *** 
Summer nightgown, it's been really hot here lately.  Will put on a dress for the day.    

*** On my reading pile *** 
Book of Exodus in the Bible 
Finishing The Return of the Gods by Jonathan Cahn
Venetia by Georgette Heyer

*** On my TV this week ***
Youtube - Brazilian and Portuguese Homemaking Vlogs, Slow Living and Quiet Vlogs 
Turkish shows - Ruzgarli Tepe, Gelin, Kara Agac Destani
Sic Portugal TV - Senhora do Mar

*** Looking around the house *** 
It needs a good clean and tidy up.  Weekends are usually spent doing yard work which means people are in and out constantly, bringing in dust.  Then you mix in some rainy weather and a puppy and you have muddy paws.  Ugh!!!!
*** To do list *** 
Usual homemaking - dishes, carpet cleaning, laundry
Bible and Devotional time
Reading time
Crochet time

*** From the camera *** 
I took some pictures during the solar eclipse.  I set my camera to a delayed shutter and then shot off a few pics at a time, during the different phases.  I then decided to create a composite showing the eclipse from start to finish.
What a gorgeous creation God has done for us.  Just look at this amazing sight below.  Truly magnificent to see. 

*** What I am crocheting or sewing ***
Am now finishing off the last 2 rows of Part 4, finalllyyyyyy.  Will start on Part 5 tomorrow.  Yes I know I haven't shown you the progress, but I promise I will take a picture later after I finish the fourth part so you can see.   If you follow me on Instagram, I did share a quick snap of it on my stories, so you will have seen it there.
*** Devotional, Prayers, Bible Verses *** 
Since my word for spiritual help is so great, the Bible teaches that I need the daily intervention of the body of Christ. - New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp

Monday, April 08, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday - 04/08/2024

Good morning ladies, welcome.  Come on in out of the cold and sit with me a little, let's share what is happening in our households this week, over a cup of hot coffee.  
Just a quick update, we have a baby chick that hatched last week, and unfortunately due to a series of unfortunate events, lost the other 3 that weren't ready to hatch yet.  Let's just say that having chickens is exciting but you do have to prepare for some traumatizing events.  
Baby chick is doing well though, it's with mama, the other hen and the rooster.  They share a coop and everyone is happy with the baby.  I think it's easier this way to, so that it gets integrated into the flock easier.  
Anyway, let's get on with our post.  Enjoy the solar eclipse folks, but remember to keep your eye on the Lord above, at all times.  We are in the path of totality here so will have complete darkness.  Should be interesting.
Have a blessed week friends.
 *** The Weather *** 
Looks like a week with quite a bit of rain, and some severe storms, which is normal for us here in Texas. 
Monday - Scattered thunderstorms, 81
Tuesday - Rain, 67
Wednesday - Thunder Showers, 64
Thursday - Sunny, 71
Friday- Mostly sunny, 79
Saturday - Partly cloudy, 82
Sunday - Partly cloudy, 86
*** Right now I am *** 
Working on this post, eating my oatmeal and listening to a video on the TV.         
*** Thinking and pondering *** 
On Friday I have to get another blood test done, to see if my Triglyceride levels have gone down.  I'm certain they have, but I'm also quite curious to see how my weight loss (22 pounds) and new healthier diet, has affected my health.            
*** How I am feeling ***
I'm feeling well.  A bit sad over losing our chicks, but it's all part of the process and we do the best we can, but nature takes it's course. 
*** On the breakfast plate *** 
Coffee with almond milk and Instant Pot Oatmeal with coconut and walnuts.

*** On the lunch plate *** 
Lentil salad with tuna      
*** On the dinner plate ***
Tuna meatballs, Roasted Broccoli, Brown Rice 
*** On the menu *** 
It's time to start working on the new menu again, so I'll be doing that this week.  You know the drill, there will be meals listed below until Thursday, that's when I'll be grocery shopping, then the new menu kicks in.
Stuffed Green Peppers with Ground Turkey and Cauliflower Rice
Shrimp and Sausage Bake with Curried Quinoa, Salad   
Lentil Chili with Polenta, Sauteed Cabbage

*** What I am wearing *** 
Still in my nightgown.  Will either put on a dress later or some shorts.  

*** On my reading pile *** 
Book of Exodus in the Bible 
The Wind in the Willows

*** On my TV this week ***
Youtube - Brazilian and Portuguese Homemaking Vlogs, Slow Living and Quiet Vlogs 
Turkish shows - Hudutsuz Sevda, Ruzgarli Tepe, Bir Sevdadir, Gelin, Uc Kiz Kardes, Kara Agac Destani, Emanet 
Sic Portugal TV - Senhora do Mar

*** Looking around the house *** 
I have a drying rack with a sheet over it, that I placed yesterday afternoon.  Sheet is dry, so need to get that out of the way.  The house itself is clean and tidy so I don't have much to do in that sense.   
*** To do list *** 
Usual homemaking
Bible and Devotional time
Reading time
Crochet time
Meal plan and grocery list
Grocery Shopping on Thursday
Blood work on Friday
*** From the camera *** 
One of my favorites since starting this healthier diet, is Lentil Salad.  I'm following a Mediterranean Diet, Lower carb and lower sugar diet.  Loving it. 

*** What I am crocheting or sewing ***
Bit frustrated, was not able to pick up my crochet at all last week, what with the chicken hatching and then my hands hurting from yard work.  Really need to get this part finished on the blanket so I can move on.
*** Devotional, Prayers, Bible Verses *** 
God uses the picture of physical food to point to universal spiritual hunger.  Life is all about what we look to, to fill us.  - New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp

Monday, April 01, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday - 04/01/2024

Good morning everyone, welcome back to my blog.  I hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend with your families.
I had a pretty busy week last week, so the posts I wanted to get up, ended up not making it to the blog.  Hopefully this week is different.  
We are officially on baby chick watch.  Our beautiful girl Puffy, has been trying to hatch eggs for 20 days, tomorrow will be 21.  She has 4 eggs under her, we've been removing the others as our Penny lays them, and even had to mark the ones Puffy has been sitting on, so we don't get confused.
This is all very new to us, so we are just blindly following the progress, but it's such a wonderful blessing to witness creation at it's best.  I'll definitely keep you updated.
Now, let's get on with our post for today.
I wish you all a very blessed week!
 *** The Weather *** 
It is cloudy and pretty dark today.  I think we're expecting some more rain later on.  It's definitely been a year of rain already, which is very much welcome after the drought we had 2 years ago, and the spotty rain the previous year. 
Monday - Scattered thunderstorms, 80
Tuesday - Partly cloudy, 59
Wednesday - Sunny, 74
Thursday - Sunny, 73
Friday- Mostly sunny, 80
Saturday - Partly cloudy, 76
Sunday - Sunny, 75
*** Right now I am *** 
Working on this post and listening to a video on the TV.       
*** Thinking and pondering *** 
Nothing in particular, aside from the fact that I did have some cake yesterday and a hot cross bun, and feel absolutely cruddy today.  I think I'm definitely over the bad stuff, haven't had it for 3 months and this one time just reiterated the fact that I don't need it or want it.          
*** How I am feeling ***
Like I said above, a bit cruddy.  But I'm back on track today so I know I'll feel much better. 
*** On the breakfast plate *** 
Coffee and some Greek yogurt with blueberries and granola

*** On the lunch plate *** 
Chickpea Salad      
*** On the dinner plate ***
Tuna meatballs, Roasted Broccoli, Brown Rice 
*** On the menu *** 
Tuna meatballs, Roasted Broccoli, Brown Rice
Italian Baked Chicken, Olive oil pasta   
Lemon Pepper Tilapia, Tomato Rice, Salad
Stuffed Peppers, Lentil Salad
Lavash Bread pizza 
Chicken Pesto Pasta
BBQ Burgers and Hotdogs, Oven Fries

*** What I am wearing *** 
In my nightgown still, it's been pretty hot around here.  I'll probably change into a summer dress later.   

*** On my reading pile *** 
Book of Exodus in the Bible 
The Wind in the Willows

*** On my TV this week ***
Youtube - Brazilian and Portuguese Homemaking Vlogs, Slow Living and Quiet Vlogs 
Turkish shows - Hudutsuz Sevda, Ruzgarli Tepe, Bir Sevdadir, Gelin, Uc Kiz Kardes, Kara Agac Destani 
Sic Portugal TV - Senhora do Mar

*** Looking around the house *** 
We had family over yesterday for Easter, so I need to tidy up and clean up after that. 
*** To do list *** 
Usual homemaking
Bible and Devotional time
Reading time
Crochet time
Dropping my car off at dealership, it's been giving me some issues
*** From the camera *** 
Books and more books.  I love baskets of books in different corners of the house.

*** What I am crocheting or sewing ***
Still slowly getting through the last few rows of Part 4.  
Today, I am hoping to finally sew up some chickens and birds, and also since I'll have the sewing machine out, make some book sleeves as well.
*** Devotional, Prayers, Bible Verses *** 
Worshiping with other believers helps you view all of life from the vantage point of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. - New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp