Good morning friends, welcome back to my blog. Hope you've had a wonderful weekend with your family.
The past few days I've been so busy, that I didn't get to post my daily posts, and I missed them. Isn't it weird, I wasn't posting daily for the longest time, then did so for a week and the minute I miss a post or two, I actually felt it and missed them. It's a good thing to miss though :)
So, welcome back, hope you're all doing well, and let's see what is happening around our homes.
Have a blessed week friends ♥

♥♥ The Weather ♥♥
Still waiting for all the snow and ice to melt, but thankfully it is almost gone. I am hoping that was the last winter storm of the season. Woke up this morning to icy car windows and 20 degrees, but we're warming up to 67 this afternoon, and the rest of the week we are well into the high 70s. Looking forward to that.
Monday - Partly cloudy, 67
Tuesday - Partly cloudy, 74
Wednesday - Sunny, 76
Thursday - Mostly sunny, 78
Friday - Partly cloudy, 78
Saturday - Sunny, 80
Sunday - AM thunderstorms, 72
♥♥ How I am feeling ♥♥
Really well. I've been sleeping well the past two weeks, and I've also started taking probiotics which have made a huge difference with my stomach and overall feeling.
Curt and I went to pick up Jasmine from work last night, and as we were driving I was looking out the window and just thinking, how content and happy and joyful, I felt. There is is this peace over me, and a general feeling of contentment, which I hadn't felt in many many years. It's wonderful.
♥♥ On the breakfast plate ♥♥
Had a cup of coffee and some toast, with butter and homemade cream cheese.
♥♥ On my reading pile ♥
Started The Sugar Camp Quilt by Jennifer Chiaverini. Also have Who are You Following by Sadie Robertson, for a review coming up.
♥♥ On my TV ♥♥
* My Portuguese soaps, Quero e Viver, Serra and Para Sempre.
* My Family Secrets Revealed - It is over on Britbox and is very similar to Who do You think you Are and Finding Your Roots. I love shows like these, it's fascinating to me seeing other people's genealogy discovered.
* Lark Rise to Candleford - rewatching this favorite of mine. (btw, you can watch on Hulu)
♥♥ On the menu ♥♥
This week I'll start working on the new menu, I think I want to try and keep it budget friendly again, make some family favorites, some easy and inexpensive meals.
Chicken and Pork Pastries, Oven roast potatoes, salad
(I have some leftover chicken, and pork from meals last week, that I'm going to use to make these pastries. I always try to used things up and not waste any food, and especially nowadays, I feel it's something we should all be doing.)
Baked Ziti, Garlic Bread, sauteed zucchini
Skillet Spanish Rice, Steamed Broccoli
Fried Chicken with Milk Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, Salad

*Grocery Shopping*
♥♥ From the camera ♥♥
I have so much enjoyed having the fireplace going, last week. We made s'mores, I cooked toast over the open fire, and it kept our home nice and warm without having to rely, as much, on the central heating.
The family gathered around it. I found the kids just sitting in front of the fire, chatting or watching videos on their phones. It's wonderful to see them just sitting there, and makes me reminisce back to when they were little one.
♥♥ Looking around the house ♥♥
The house is quiet, both Curt and Jasmine are off to work, and Nick is still asleep. Elliott is sleeping as well, at my feet, while I type up this post.
There is a basket of clean laundry needing folding, just sitting on my couch. I set it there this morning before heading out the door.
At this moment, the house is lit up by the warm sun, and I honestly believe there is nothing like that early morning glow covering the entire house.
♥♥ To do list ♥♥
* Vacuum and dust living room and dining room
* Start new menu plan * Fold laundry, and do another load
* Pick up Jasmine at 3
* Pull out my older cookbooks for meal inspiration
♥♥ Today's Devotional ♥♥
If wrong were right, grace wouldn't be necessary. If sin weren't evil and wrong, Jesus would never have had to come.
- New Morning Mercies Devotional by Paul David Tripp