Good morning everyone, hope you've had a wonderful weekend.
Mine was quite busy, as usual, but it did include lots of family time which is something we were needing.
I need to start this post by saying a huge heartfelt thank you, to all of you who left such sweet and kind comments on my last Happy Homemaker Monday. I love my blog readers, and most of you have been following me for many many years, some even from the beginning. We have become friends, and knowing I have your support and prayers means the world to me.
I'm slowly coming out of this season I'm in, but there is still a lot of work ahead, especially as we were dealt a blow on Friday that left us all reeling.
My sister in law's biopsy results came back, and she has been diagnosed with Breast Cancer. Please hold her in your prayers, as she begins this fight, and we as a family help her through this. I feel in my heart she is going to be just fine, but we do have a long road ahead.
Marley is no closer to a diagnosis yet, they did test him for Lyme and a few others, and they all came back negative. This afternoon he goes in for more blood work to test for deer tick diseases, but we won't know the results to that until middle of the week.
There is a lot on our plate at the moment, and all of it has contributed to my anxiety, but I'm fighting it, and putting it in God's hands and allowing Him to take over. No matter the outcome, no matter what happens in the next few months, I have to remind myself that it is out of my control. Accepting God's plan is hard to do at times, especially when it involves the pain or possibility of losing a loved one or pet.
Anyway, let's get on with this post, just please continue to hold us all in your prayers!

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The weather:::
The summer heat has arrived, we've been in the triple digits already the past few days, and I'm just not enjoying it at all.
Monday - Partly cloudy, 95
Tuesday - Sunny, 96
Wednesday - Sunny, 97
Thursday - Sunny, 99
Friday - Sunny, 99
Saturday - Mostly sunny, 96
Sunday - Mostly sunny, 98
On my reading pile:::
Starting the next review book called Night Bloomers by Michelle Pearce.
Started Luke in the Bible, and also reading Corrie Ten Boom's The Hiding Place, again.
On my TV:::
Started The Chosen with hubby. He hasn't watched it and I haven't watched it all, so we started it last night.
On the menu for this week:::
Monday - Chili Dog Casserole with Cheese Fries
Tuesday - Crockpot French Dip Sandwiches
Wednesday - Spaghetti Pie, Garlic Bread, Salad
Thursday - AppleBee's Ribs, Baked Potatoes
Friday - Knock your socks off Burgers
Saturday - Copycat Hamburger Helper, Salad
Sunday - Leftovers
On my to do list:::
Vet - As I mentioned above, Marley was tested on Friday for Lyme disease, Anaplast, heartwork and ringworm and thankfully it all came back negative. We have to take him back up at lunch time for them to get another blood test to send to the lab. She is going to do a full panel for Tick Bite Diseases. It takes 3 days at least, so we will know at the end of the week if that is what is going on.
If it is all negative then we move on to a biopsy of the lymph nodes.
Taking Jasmine to work this morning.
Laundry, changing bed linens, giving the house a good clean.
What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating:::
My blanket is sitting in the basket waiting for me to pick it back up, but I have to pull back a row or two and really don't want to deal with that right now. Will just have to sit there a little longer for now.
Something fun to share:::
Here is a short sweet video for you all. It is called Escape to the Forest. Hope you enjoy ♥
On my prayer list:::
Our Marley. For answers so that we can start treating him for whatever is causing the swelling. ♥♥
My sister in law Hayley, for this new giant that has been placed in her path.
♥♥ For my continued peace of mind and well being.
Hi Sandra , I'm so happy to have found your blog. I was born & raised in Cape Town, SA. Also married an American and have lived in the midwest for almost 20 years. I now have to go catch up on your older posts.
I will be praying for everyone on your prayer list. God bless!
I'm so glad to hear you're feeling a bit better, but sorry to hear that your SIL's results came back poorly and that Marley is no better either. Keeping them both in my prayers. I pray your SIL's diagnosis came at an early point. Treatment can be so much better these days and I pray that is the case. Poor Marley. I also feel really bad for animals as they don't always understand the process.
I'm sorry to hear that the triple digits have come to your area so early in June. I was hoping for a more mellow summer for your area.
I'm glad you're working on your food blog again. I hope that you again feel up to doing the Food and Faith Friday you began. :D
Have a blessed week my friend.
Thinking of your sister-in-law and Marley. ((hugs))
Have a great week
God has beat breast cancer twice for me. If she is HER2+ breast cancer I can answer questions about treatment, what helps, etc. God will beat this. There are lots of wonderful treatment and science has come a long way. Believe and trust that God will heal! Sending lots of prayers!!
Ptays coming your way. Your tempature looks like us. Chili Dog recipe looks interesting is it on your blog? Have a great week
Blessings to you. God's comfort. Hugs. I know that it seems like when it rains it pours. Don't forget the umbrella. Hang in there, the sun will come out pretty soon.
Hoping that your SIL's treatment goes well and that Marley gets his diagnosis soon so he can start to get better. I don't like the heat much either.
I have been and will continue to pray for you, for your sweet boy Marley and for Hayley. I know you're anxious to find out what is wrong with Marley and get him to feeling better. I hope you get answers soon. As for Hayley, so many strides have been made in the fight against breast cancer, hopefully it was found in the early stages and her doctors can devise a treatment plan for her. And you're right, she'll be okay in the end, just trust God. Prayers for all of you.
Glad to hear all those tests came back negative for Marley. Have a great week.
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