Day 2 brings us a Christmas tag. It's one I did many years ago too, and thought I would redo it this year. Feel free to join in and do your own.
✨Whats Your Favourite Holiday Movie?
National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. I have to watch it every single year and it never gets old. Funniest, cutest movie ever. Just love it :)
National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. I have to watch it every single year and it never gets old. Funniest, cutest movie ever. Just love it :)
✨Whats Your Favourite Christmas Colour?
Red, absolutely red.
✨Do You Like To Stay in Your PJs Or Dress Up For Christmas?
We celebrate Christmas on the 24th, and always have a full house so I don't stay in my pajamas, that is for the day after. I also don't dress up, really, just wear something comfortable and cute.
✨If You Could Only Buy One Person a Present This Year Who Would It Be?
This is a hard one. I love buying presents for everyone. I would have to say my husband though, because he works so hard all year round to provide for us and allow me to stay at home and take care of the kids and everything else. He deserves to be spoiled, for sure.
✨Do You Open Your Present Christmas Eve Or Christmas Morning?
Christmas Eve. Always have and always will. Though we do save the Santa presents for Christmas morning.
✨ What Do You Like To Do On Your Christmas Break?
As a mom and wife in general, I
don't ever get a break, but when I do, I like to relax as much as possible. Watch movies, or catch up on
shows, do some crochet, read a book and drink coffee or tea.
✨Any Christmas Wishes?
For health for everyone in my family, and currently, for this country to pull together and stop being so divisive.
✨Favorite Christmas Smell?
Pine tree. One of the reasons I always get real trees for Christmas, there is nothing like the smell of the pine needles in the house.
✨Favourite Christmas Meal Or Treat?
All our Portuguese goodies we have on Christmas Eve.
✨What are you doing for the holidays this year?
Staying home and having family visit.
✨What’s your favorite holiday drink?
Eggnog and peppermint hot chocolate. LOVE IT.
✨Candy cane or Gingerbread men?
Ooohhhh I like both, but I would probably go with the gingerbread men.
✨What’s your favourite holiday/Christmas song?
White Christmas
✨What is most important to you about the holidays?
Being with family and remembering the real reason for the season. I don't like to make it too commercialized, I prefer to keep it simple and as much as the old days as possible.
LOVE your answers! For me it's hard to pick a movie, but a close friend's is A Christmas Story and this year a bunch of us are going to go have a nice dinner and see it as a play at our local community college. I like a nice Buffalo plaid, but I lean towards red also and definitely comfy, but cute and fairly casual. I do an Angel tree program with foster kids every year and would have to buy for that. When I was a kid we opened presents on Christmas eve, but since I've been married it's always on Christmas morning. Love your answer for Christmas wishes and I can't top that! Cinnamon for a smell and homemade cinnamon rolls for the treat too! We'll be at home having a hot buttered rum with a sugar cookie or gingerbread man, my favorite. I 100% agree with your song choice and the importance of the season.
Love reading your answers dear Friend! Going to try to do a blogmas post with my own list today. :) Thanks for sharing. Yay for snuggly holiday season!! ❤️💚
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