Good morning dear friends, and welcome to the very last Happy Homemaker Monday, of 2024. Can you believe that we are at the very end of this year?
I always go into the end of a year, and beginning of a new one, with a bit of anxiety and trepidation, not ever knowing what to expect and that leaves me a bit overwhelmed. But this year, I have decided not to allow that feeling to overtake me, but rather to embrace the year that is coming upon us, with love and excitement instead.
We are blessed to be here, and no matter what may come our way, we have to stand in faith. I've been thinking about this for days and I really want to change things around me, to remove myself from social media (not completely but a LOT), and to focus more on living, on being in the moment, of spending time with those who truly matter and doing things that I love. Returning to my blog, returning to daily posts, to reading wholesome books, and watching wholesome shows. That is my hope!
Anyway, let's get on with our last HHM for this year. I wish you all a very happy and blessed new year, for you and your families. May God continue to bless you immensely, in every single area of your life. Thank you for being here with me, even though I've been a terrible blogger for the past year, but seeing your sweet comments every week, just brings the biggest smile to my face, so thank you.
Have a blessed week friends! ♥
Monday - Clear and Windy, 75
Amazon Prime

You Lord are forgiving and good, abounding in love to all who call to you. - Psalm 86:5
*** The weather in my neck of the woods***
The weather has been strange. A bit too warm for this time of the year, tornadoes ravaging our State, just weird.
Tuesday - Sunny, 54
Wednesday - Partly cloudy, 50
Thursday - Partly cloudy, 58
Friday - Partly cloudy, 58
Saturday - Mostly cloudy, 67
Sunday - Partly cloudy, 45
*** Things that make me happy ***
God. Everything about Him, everything He's done for me and continues doing. Reading the Bible replenishes my soul and faith and just leaves me feeling happy.
*** Book I'm reading ***
I am going to read the whole Bible again, starting January 1st.
Women of the West series, by Janette Oke.
*** What's on my tv today ***
Homemaking Vlogs
Great American Pure Flix
Christmas movies
Emily of New Moon (very similar to Anne of Green Gables)
*** On the breakfast plate ***
Cup of cinnamon honey coffee, and some scrambled eggs with turkey sausage.
*** On the lunch plate ***
I'll be having some chickpea tuna salad.
*** On the dinner plate ***
Tomato and Onion Fish Fillets, Curried Rice, Salad.
*** On the menu ***
Will be working on the new meal plan today, so as usual, meals are only until Wednesday.
Tomato and Onion Fish Fillets, Curried Rice, Salad
Fettucine Alfredo, Garlic BreadWednesday
*** On my to do list ***
Change bed linensGym workout
Meal plan and grocery list
Oil change in my car
I have a few written down to try this week, one of those will be for a Turkish Pasta. Can't wait to try and share with you. I've neglected my food blog for far too long, need to really get back on that.
*** New Recipe I tried or want to try ***
*** What I am creating ***
This week I'm working on my Reading list for the month of January. Reading is something I fell back in love with last year, but December was not a good month for me, I've been so busy that I have not read a single book. Ugh!But yes, I will be sharing my January reading list, this week.
*** No words needed (favorite photo or picture) ***
Foggy mornings, something I love so much during this time of the year.
*** Devotional, Prayers, Bible Verses ***
Today's verse:
I love your thoughts about the new year.
Fun fact, one of our favorite provincial parks in PEI was where much of Emily of New Moon was filmed. On one of our visits many years ago we were able to see some of the buildings constructed for the set.
Zo ver verwijderd van elkaar, maar toch als ik door mijn raam kijk, zie ik net zoiets als door jouw raam...mist.
Ook mijn voornemen is om komend jaar de Bijbel helemaal te lezen. Ik wens jou (sst en mezelf er veel zegen bij.
Goede jaarwisseling en alle goeds voor 2025 gewenst.
Oh that is amazing! I love PEI, it's a place I would love to visit one day.
Fog is beautiful though isn't it? I wish you and your family a very blessed New Year of 2025. Will be praying for you as you read the Bible, it's such a crazy amazing journey. This will be my second time reading the whole Bible and I'm so excited to see what I learn and what I see that I missed the first time.
Wishing you so many abundant blessings for this year ahead dear Friend! Thank you so much for sharing this time with us here each week. I truly treasure it. I hope you have a wonderful NYE with your loved ones and I could not agree more that God is everything. That our faith is the most important thing for anything and everything we face. Blessings always. 🙏🏻❤️
Happy New Year! I love your beautiful photo of that fog.
Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and have a very blessed 2025!
I hope you and your family have a wonderful New Year! I was down for so long, not reading anything, not even the Bible. I finally broke through and it is so wonderful to be back to a more normal place! I plan to re-read through the Bible next year too.
Happy New Year Sandra! I pray this new beginning will fill you with hope and excitement (even though we never know what adventure God will take us on). We are having some foggy mornings too, down in S.E. Texas. Next week will be freezing, they say. I kind of wish it would just pick a temp and stick with it :) I enjoyed your blog this year and all of your book and tv recommendations. I'm looking forward to being a better blogger next year too :)
HAPPY NEW YEAR Sandra! I usually have that same anxiety and trepidation, but have been thinking awhile on that myself will be posting about it on the 6th. I agree that love and excitement is the way to go. It will be so much easier to do now that my endless time on hold for the TRICARE change of contract end of year payment fiasco is over. I will have to switch my PCM back in a few weeks, but that should be easier. "SIGH" the never ending military red tape...
I always knew we were kindred spirits. I've been doing the same move from most social media - just been so busy I realized how little needed it.
We've been too warm too only exacerbating the back to back to back heavy atmospheric rivers we're having here.
I'm so far behind on updating my food blog that I've considered combining them just to make life easier!
Happy New year - see you in 2025!
Happy New Year! I'm new here and just found your site recently but I love homemaking blogs!
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