I don't do yearly goals. I think I did it many many ages ago and then ended up putting so much pressure on myself, that when I didn't achieve them, I felt absolutely horrible. So I stopped doing that.
Instead I just think of things that I want to continue doing or would like to do, but no pressure whatsoever, if it happens it does, if it doesn't, then it doesn't.
Here are my ins and outs for 2025. Things I want to try and achieve, and things I really want to try and get rid of.
- mindlessly scrolling on social media (Instagram and X)
I think this is a habit that many of us can relate to. If I have some spare time I usually sit and scroll, mindlessly. Just scrolling and scrolling. I want to try and get rid of that habit. I would like to open the apps, scroll through once and then move on.
- putting pressure on myself to post on the blog or share on Instagram story
I am trying very hard to get back to daily blogging, but I know myself and know that if I put that pressure to do it, I won't enjoy it and will fail miserably, again. So I'm giving myself grace and so far, I have loved posting daily, I missed it, I look forward to it and don't feel like I HAVE to, I just do because I want to and enjoy it so much.
Same with Instagram. I do love sharing my days on the stories, and many of my followers there constantly message me thanking me and saying that I inspire them whether to cook more, workout, appreciate the simple things in life, and get closer to God. But, like blogging, I want to share when I feel like it, not because I feel I HAVE to every day.
- not be so judgemental at times
I try very hard to not judge, even if I don't agree with something I see or read or hear. But, I am human and sometimes have the tendency to quickly judge before catching myself. I would like to work on rather not judging immediately.
- not compare myself to others
This is a hard one, it's very easy especially on social media, to see other people's lives and feel less than. I would like to get rid of that feeling, and if need be, get rid of accounts on my feed that may indirectly conjure up those feelings in me. Don't get me wrong, I'm not blaming those people, but if something is a temptation or causes certain feelings, then it's up to ME to move away from it, not expect others to change who they are.
- stop trying to live so caught up in the chaos around me and the world
Another difficult one to do because everywhere you turn there is chaos and grief and craziness going on. Also, as humans we have a tendency to try and be like others, to go with the cool thing of the moment, to do what everyone else is doing, watch what they're watching etc. That is going for sure, I've realized over time that I'm not happy living in the modern times, I am happier when I pull away, live simply and hold on to the memories and a way of living that is more in touch with my culture and my upbringing.
- processed foods, excessive sugars and unhealthy foods
I've done really well this past year, but the truth is that at times, I still fall back into old habits. The holidays especially are terrible to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I have had too much sugar, too many processed foods and carbs etc. That is going away again.

- more time with God
I don't know why we neglect this important time. We tend to give excuses for not reading the Bible, for not spending time with the Lord. I am making a big effort to change all that, I want more time with Him this year.
- learning more about the history of Portugal
I only did my first year of school in Portugal, so even though I'm Portuguese, sadly, I don't know too much about our history and I want to change that. This year I am determined to learn more. I actually have a book on the way from Portugal about one of the Kings and Queens. I intend to get more and really learn our history.
- more period dramas and family shows and movies
I'm just going to say it, I don't like the movies and tv shows of today. Aside from When Calls the Heart, I truly do not enjoy anything that is put out. I'm sick of gross storylines, disgusting characters, politicized TV. I want to go back to enjoying watching it. It's supposed to take you away, to take you to another place and time, not make you feel judged, disgusted or angry.
- blogging
More and more blogging. Daily posts, recipes, sharing my life and recording those memories the best I can. It is something that brings me so much joy.
- continue focusing on my health journey
Continue working out, continue eating healthy, continue focusing on filling my body (temple) with good things. I think of my body as the temple that the Holy spirit and Jesus abide in, so why destroy that temple and create a place that is sick or unhealthy? God deserves the best of me, and this is a small way to do it.
- reading my Bible daily and learning more scripture
I am currently doing the Bible Recap, so I'll be reading the Bible every day anyway, but I really want to stick with it and create a habit for myself. I also want to do more scripture writing and memorizing.
- spend more days like my great grandma and grandma
I miss the life they lived, the life that I remember as a child. I really want to do either a day or two a week, where I retrace their steps, live the day as they did, and do things like they did. I guess a step back in time, I think it would be fun to do.
- listen to more Portuguese music and watch more Portuguese shows
I am fluent in Portuguese and English, but the truth is that, if I don't keep listening and immersing myself in my native language, eventually it will be forgotten or hard to speak. I do speak it daily with my stepmother and when my brother is over for dinner, we speak Portuguese to each other. But, I want to watch more of live TV, or shows or movies in Portuguese.
- go outside more
Step outside, do more gardening, spend more time in the sun and working on my yard, or just being out in the fresh air.
- making my home a cozy place, going back to older ways
I'm sorry guys, but I have to be honest, I don't like homes that look like museums and are way too put together. I am all for a clean and tidy home, but there's a difference between a tidy clean lived in home, and a home that filled with all the coolest, newest trends. I want more doilies, more thrifted, more things from my grandparents, more family photos, old blankets draped on couches. That is what I'm feeling for this year.
- read more
Read, read and read again. Read a ton of books, old books, new books, but not exactly following the trend. I am sensing a pattern with me. I want nothing to do with the mass production of ideas, things, books, shows, homes and so forth. It's like being a borg, where there is one collective mind and all the millions of little bodies just nod and follow along. Everyone eats the same, dresses the same, thinks the same. Just NO. Books seem to have fallen into that category too, where everyone reads the same thing because someone on Youtube or Tiktok or whatever, said that it's the IT book of the month. Nope, not interested. So I plan on reading more, but reading more good, homey, old, classic beautifully written books
I have many more ins and outs that I could list, but I would end up being here forever, so this will do for now. I am excited for the new year and will probably do a look back at the end of 2025, to see how many of these ins and outs I actually stuck to.
Love how you did this as ins and outs. I need to have that mindlessly scrolling as an out as well, so easy to get sucked into and then look up wondering how I could possibly have been doing it for so long. Great things to be "in" for 2025!
I love this idea. I wrote a post yesterday about not making new years resolutions this year but plans. I also want to spend more time with God and outside. I actually went out yesterday to shovel some snow and enjoyed the time I was outside. We often complain about the weather, but we should be thankful that we are able to see the snow, smell the air, etc.
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