I have said many times that I love living where we do. I used to enjoy living on base, I felt like I always had someone next door, everything was close by, there was so many people around and constant noise. Loved it!
Then I got older and started craving a quiet place, surrounded by nature and not many neighbors. A place I could listen to the birds and the surrounding animals, a place that didn't mean the constant noise of cars going by, or neighbors playing loud music.
God placed this home in our hands, he handpicked it knowing exactly what our hearts had desired for so long.

Anyway, our Sunday was a busy one. There was a lot of cleaning, organizing and moving things around. We've had an extra fridge in my husband's office for a long time, but it's big and it makes things look cluttered, so yesterday, the boys all went into the garage, gave it a really good organizing and cleaning, took tons of trash to the dump and extra bed frames and headboards, even a bunk bed, to our local thrift store, and then moved the big ol' fridge to the garage.
This coming weekend we will be moving the chest freezer out there too.
However, the office has been left in disarray and I would do it myself, but my husband wants to sort it out after work today, since it's his office, and you know how guys are with their things right? Right!
While the boys worked outside, I worked inside with the usual chores, I got all the laundry finished, I baked them my grandfather's Vanilla Cake as a thank you for all the hard work they put in, and I made a delicious chicken curry for dinner with naan bread.
I also vacuumed and dusted, got things ready for the week, the litter changed etc. These are all things that I do practically daily, but I couldn't help them outside because my osteoarthritis has made my hands so weak that I don't trust pushing big fridges or helping with anything like that. I don't want to hurt myself or someone else because my hands are too weak.

Sunday's are family meal days, my daughter and her boyfriend come over for dinner and family time, which usually consists of playing games, listening to music, laughing and chatting etc. It's something we all look forward to every week.
In the Bible, I am now in Exodus and right at the point where Moses is dealing with Pharaoh to let his people go. I love the book of Exodus, I find it so interesting.
It was a good productive Sunday, but by the time I got into bed, I was knackered and quickly fell asleep. Nothing better than a good night's sleep to get us ready for the week ahead.
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