Dear Sinus....I know, you are an important part of our bodies, but could you maybe not bug me as much as you have been doing the past week? Just ease up a bit on the sinus headaches and pressure. Thanks!
Dear Life....I am so thankful to God for breathing air into my lungs every morning, and allowing me one more day on this planet. But, with life comes death, and we have seen our share last week, from my uncle Tony to Curt's aunt Jean just a few days after my uncle passed. It's been a sad week.
Dear Hallmark movies....You are predictable, from the girl to the guy to the situation and the way it all ends, but yet, you are very much a comfort thing for me and so many others. I have been watching your movies nonstop this past week, it's helped me keep my sanity and brought me some calm and peace through the sadness.
Dear Chickens....Oh how I love you. You stopped laying about two months ago and just started again, and you don't know how happy I am to see those gorgeous big brown eggs. Eggs are expensive at the store, so thank you for helping your human mama out.
Dear Plants....I am thrilled that you have forgiven me for the years upon years of abuse and death that I unwillingly bestowed upon you. I wanted to much to have plants and just could never keep you alive. The past 10 years I have tried and learned and researched and finally found the way to keep you alive, and now I can't live without you around me. I am slowly becoming a crazy plant lady.
Dear Bible....I have read you many times, but every time I open you up it feels like it's the first time. I learn something new, I understand something I couldn't understand before, and I am retaining so much of your scripture. I may finally become one of those Christians I've always wanted to be, you know the ones? They rattle off scripture like it's second nature.
Dear Blog.....I have fallen in love with you again. I thought I had a few times over the past few years, but I guess I didn't, because I fell off the wagon immediately. However, this year (ok I know it hasn't been that long, but still), as I post every day, I am finding myself loving the process again and looking forward to it. It's a different feeling from before, and very reminiscent of when I first began blogging in 2006. It's actually hard to believe that yesterday was 19 years since that very first post.
Loved this post and the format (letters) you used.
I might like to try it too.
Thanks for the inspiration.
Enjoyed this post! I have recently returned to blogging after a long, long break.
What a fun idea - Friday Letters! And I just saw your pecan pie recipe! That looks amazing and pecan pie is my favorite :)
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