The rain began last night. At first just a few heavy drops here and there, followed by loud thunder, bright lightning and the constant barrage of millions of raindrops pounding down on the roof.
The temperatures dropped, meaning the blankets I had already folded and put in the basket near the couch, were pulled back out to warm my achy bones. Arthritis, my arch nemesis. I never in a million years would have thought that I would develop osteoarthritis, especially before I even turned 50, and when it appeared I was quite sad about it, but I have learned to live with it and to accept that things happen, we don't control all the ailments that come upon our bodies as we age, and some things, just become part of the aging process. It's ok.
It's a Saturday morning, the slowness of the weekend has arrived bringing with it a laziness that has become synonymous with naps, slowness, pottering around, snacking, drinking coffee and tea, reading or watching a show on the telly. I'm all for it.
So I'm bringing you along on this rainy day, from morning to night. You might want to grab a cuppa and settle in, there are quite a few photos in this post.
:::: MORNING ::::
Before the world starts stirring, I am up. I am an early riser, I guess because I go to sleep every night, around 8 or 8:30, so by 4:30am, I am wide awake and ready to start the day. Week days or weekends, it doesn't matter, I am up. You may think it is too early, but I find that I get so much more out of my day when I am up this early.
I make my coffee, I sit on the couch under a blanket and I read a little and then watch some quiet slow vlogs. This morning however, I had the added ambience of a thunderstorm, some lit candles, and just the coziness that comes with this kind of weather.
After about an hour, I start waking the house up. While everyone else sleeps, I open the front door, open the curtains, and head into the kitchen to make my breakfast. I love eating my breakfast back on the couch, while watching something on the tv.
It's the slowness of the day that I really enjoy. Dark, quiet, just me and my kitty.
I start a load of laundry and fold the one that just came out of the dryer.
Tidy up the couches, fold blankets and put the dining table back to order, runner, flowers and lamp and put back in place after being removed the night before for dinner and family games.
Some nights I get to do this before retiring for the day, but other nights I am the first to head to my bedroom, and the boys stay up playing, so this kind of chore moves to the morning.
I also water the plants. I have recently set up our little indoor greenhouse with some of the first veggies and flowers we have started.
As the sun starts rising, and the day starts waking up, I open the back door, light the scentsy warmer and fluff up the pillows on these couches. There's a sense of accomplishment when the day starts with the house fresh and tidy for the day. No matter what comes our way later, everything seems to just fall into place.
:::: AFTERNOON ::::
The rain continues, sometimes a slow and steady drizzle, other times bringing all it's force with loud thunder that comes out of nowhere, making you jump out of your skin. Yes it happens to me a lot.
I do like stepping outside during the storms, to just smell the wet earth, to listen to the rain and to take in nature in all it's glory. I love being outside in the rain, well, not exactly out in the rain itself, but sitting on my porch, just listening and taking it all in.
We went to the gym in the morning, not even the rain would keep us away. I find though that the days we go to the gym, I am always slower and tired and just want to sleep the afternoon away. I don't do it, but it definitely tires your body out.
This afternoon, I chose to turn on the fairy lights on the bookshelf, and settle in bed with a warm blanket, and my Ellliott asleep nearby. If you don't see him, he is right on the bottom of the picture, under a blanket. He stayed in my bed all day long, under that blanket, only getting up once to use the litter box and eat some food, and then went right back to his spot. He loves rainy days as much as I do.
:::: NIGHT ::::
As the evening rolled around, I start the preparations for dinner. Since it's been raining all day, I had a craving for chili, so after the gym this morning, we went by the base commissary and picked up what we needed. I came back home and popped it all in the slow cooker.
There's nothing quite like a rainy day, with the scent of a delicious chili bubbling away in your slow cooker. I get to go about my day without worrying about dinner.
Every night before dinner, and while I actually get dinner finished, I have my apple cider vinegar shot. I've mentioned it before, but basically, I do 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of honey and a sprinkle of cinnamon, then I fill the rest of the little measuring cup with cold water. I think it's about 8 ounces all together.
It helps me a lot with my stomach. I used to have horrible issues from perimenopause, constant stomach cramps, runny tummy, gurgling, indigestion and just unwell stomach most of the time. This mixture has helped me a lot. You can look up the benefits of taking apple cider vinegar every day, and remember that with everything, talk to your doctor first, don't take my word for it. I am merely sharing what I do and what works for me.
I made some homemade pita chips for myself and anyone else that wanted, because I don't eat tortilla chips or chips of any kind. These are a great way to make homemade chips that are much healthier than store bought, and they go great with a chili or soup.
We had our delicious chili, played a game of cards, and I retired to my bedroom. Took my wonderful shower, and by 8:30am I was asleep.
The rain continues pounding outside and will more than likely go all night.
I sure do hope you enjoyed spending the day with me and having a peek at what I do on a weekend day.
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