Friday, March 07, 2025

{ March Reading list }


March has quickly crept up on us.  I blinked my eyes in February and the month was gone, just like that.
So here we are, a new month, a blank slate, a chance to catch up on all the books we've been wanting to get to, but haven't yet managed to.  I didn't read much in January and practically nothing in February, I may have managed one book, if I'm being honest.
But since March arrived, and albeit it only a few days ago, I have already made it through 2 books and am well into my third.  I tend to go through phases, some months I read non stop, other months I hardly touch a book, and that's ok.  

It used to bother me, I couldn't figure out why I could read so much and enjoy reading, and then be ok without a single word making it from a page through my eyes and into my mind.  But just like normal life with it's ever changing phases, so goes reading for me.  I've embraced it and so now, when the reading bug bites, I enjoy it as much as I can.
So, here are my books for this month.  This is just a general idea because I do have some books coming in the mail from Paperbackswap.   I've had 4 credits sitting there for a while, and was able to use them last week.  Those books will either be added to this list, or moved to April.  We will see!



The first one, which I'm actually already reading, is The Lost Memoirs of Jane Austen by Syrie James.  I am quite enjoying it.  I am a huge Jane Austen fan, I have all her books and have watched every movie and adaptation of each movie available.
But in this book, we are privy to Jane Austen's personal life, as she takes us through her younger years, pre famous book author, to even talking about a mysterious gentleman that may have been the love of her life.  There's always been rumors of this, but never anything concrete to prove or disprove.  A few years back, apparently the lost memoirs of Jane Austen were discovered behind a wall at Chawton Cottage.  The author created a fiction novel but based on those memoirs, giving us an insight into Jane Austen.  It's fascinating and like I said above, I'm really enjoying it so far.







I get pretty much all of my books, at Thriftbooks online and Paperbackswap, with very few books purchased new. I know most people prefer new books that no one has ever had, but I love old books, and don't mind used books that have been loved by previous hands. I think it gives them a certain kind of charm. 
Recently, I also came across Book Outlet online which is like Thriftbooks. I haven't purchased any books from there yet, but will be giving it a try soon and will let you know what I think. What are you reading for March? Do you have a stack of books or do you prefer to just read as your fancy strikes?

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