I feel like someone returning to their birthplace after living away for years LOL
Is anyone even here still?
I'm sure by now some of you have moved on to greener pastures and more exciting blogs than my little poorly neglected corner of the world, after all what fun is there when all I have been doing or the past few weeks is posting the Happy Homemaker Monday and Slow Cooking Thursday and don't even have the time to go and visit all my lovely participants.
My apologies and I'll definitely do better from now on, it's just been, well.....crazy and busy and overwhelming. Too many things to do and not enough time.
You know everywhere I look and everyone I talk to has been complaining about the very same thing, the fact that time just seems to fly lately, the days run from one to the other and the weekends seem to be the same way. It's a little unnerving actually, I don't want to age that fast LOL
So what have I been up to, oh boy, I would tell you everything but you would more than likely fall asleep at the computer, nothing major or that interesting has been happening other than life in general. It also doesn't help that this Fall season coming up seems to have a ton and I mean a TON of new amazing shows on television.
Like Flash Forward and The Forgotten and The Goodwife, oh and Supernatural and Vampire Diaries and Cougar Town and Eastwich and we can't forget V and Modern Family and.....now you may understand more what I'm talking about *snicker*
But it hasn't been all about tv, though I have been devouring the Little House on the Prairie series and I'm now up to Series 6 and still loving every minute. I've also had a bunch of books for reviewing and when I mean a bunch, I mean a LOT, like stack my bookshelf kinda lot and all the extra copies to giveaway, but I know you like that part right?
Speaking of which, there's another coming soon :)
The kids are doing great in school, Nicholas is finally getting settled into the routine and is no longer driving me insane every morning.
Jasmine is absolutely loving 5th grade and loving being 10 years old, but I'm not loving the attitude and the overnight growth of girl stuff, like the fact that I need to go and get a training bra and I'm not ready for any of this stuff.....or the fact that she's talking about highlights and low lights and getting her hair cut all funky and the slang coming out of her mouth. "It's SMOKING" and "Tru Dat" when in fact, I have no clue what some of these things mean.
I do admit that I've neglected my cooking blog and I miss it, I want to get back into the rythmn of cooking and trying new recipes but since it's been so busy here I've fallen into the habit of cooking old family favorites and a lot of them have already been shared on "Full Bellies, Happy Kids". What's a girl to do huh?
Am I boring you yet?
I hope not.
So let's see....what else.....oh hubby's work injury or rather PT injury. He's doing a little better, he can move his arm a little higher but he's still on Motrin and Percocet, which of course he's not complaining about, it takes the pain away and knocks him out.
Hopefully the injury will heal on it's own and he won't need surgery. Keeping our fingers crossed and our prayers in the Lord's hand.
Here's what my days pretty much consist of lately
Just how many dishes can a woman wash in one day? Not just by hand but using the dishwasher too? Too many is what I say.
Because I don't believe in throwing out something that is still good just because of a tiny hole or tear....that's what my Great Grandma taught me and that is what I will always hold dear to my heart.
Oh for all you Cindy Woodsmall fans, this book is SO good and so sweet, and guess what? I will be reviewing it soon and one of you will get a copy too.
Forget the dishes, how much laundry can a woman do in a day? Cause the way things are at this house I'm seriously considering moving to a Nudist Colony just to avoid this mess LOL
Growing up one of my Great Grandma's desserts were the "cornucopias" or Cream Horns. Oh man, I could eat those by the dozen and it was one of those desserts that didn't get made very often. Well I've been craving them and I just got my order of Cream Horn molds.
Guess what I'll make this weekend? And yes I'll post a recipe, it's so easy.
My love for LHOTP doesn't just mean the show on tv, any book I can get my hands on I am enjoying. Like this one, the crafts book, I am loving browsing the pages and remembering hearing certain crafts talked about on the show and the books. We're making the Corn Husk Dolls just as soon as my husks are dry.
For the past few weekends we've been indulging in some good....no I repeat REALLY GOOD Korean and Japanese food.
There is this little place just down the street, it's actually one of those holes in the wall kinda places, you don't see it unless you know it's there but man alive, they have the best food.
It's been all kinds of Kimchi and Bulgogi and last week this was my Beef Yakisoba. YUMMY!
Now I have to go and drink some coffee because I'm tired, like keep my eyes open and shove toothpicks in there kinda tired...this is what happens when I stay up way late watching Supernatural LOL
Anyway, I hope you're all still around and I hope that you're doing well and most of all I hope I get a few minutes to come around and say hi.
God Bless,