Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Good morning from Texas!
Hello my friends, I know it's been a while but so much has happened that I haven't had a chance to come in and update you.
I don't have Internet at the new house yet, not until next week so I'm actually posting this on my phone, which is quite the effort considering the small screen.
Anyway, I am now safely in Texas, in our new home which I love. There is a lot to do, there are wall colors that I really don't like, and curtains that I find absolutely yucky and not me at all, but it's something we can change and I'll enjoy doing it.
I will take some photos today to try and show you what the house looks like now and then as I paint, change out curtains and remove some gross looking wallpaper, I'll show you the progress.
This road trip down from Idaho was NOT without incident. First day on the road we traveled for 13 hours, everything went fine. Sunday we traveled for 2 hours and my car broke down 12 miles south of Lamar, Colorado.
We blew a cylinder which is not a good thing because the engine completely shut down. Since it was Sunday and a holiday weekend, we couldn't rent a car to finish the drive because every place was closed. We lucked out in finding someone who had one last Uhaul truck for rent. Unfortunately it was a 26 foot truck and we couldn't attach a car trailer because my car is rear wheel drive.
Know what that means right? My car was towed back to Lamar and had to stay behind until hubby and I can make the 6 hour trip back up there to retrieve it. Oh goodness!
Thankfully we had the money available for the trip, but the towing and the uhaul rental ended up costing us close to $1000. *sigh*
Anyway, we are home now, strapped for cash but safe and sound and everything will work itself out.
We've also had to deal with severe thunderstorms and a couple tornado watches, which I thought would terrify this girl having never lived in an area afflicted by them, but it hasn't worried me or scared me like I thought it would. We do have a storm cellar in our home which is wonderful.
Our moving truck doesn't arrive until the 1st of June and I can tell you that I'm slowly dying here waiting for my stuff. I am so ready to make this house my own and put my things in. Guess I just have to wait a little longer
That's pretty much what has been going on, I'm sure I'm missing something but I'll remember it and let you all know next time I update which should be tomorrow, I think.
Anyway, I have the gas company coming this morning, we've had cold showers since Sunday night and it is not something I am enjoying, though to be truthful, I'm thankful that it is summer and not winter.
Wishing you all a blessed Wednesday, I truly do miss chatting and catching up with everyone.
Monday, May 18, 2015
Happy Homemaker Monday - 05/18/2015
Morning everyone. I have to apologize for the lack of posts this past week but it's down to the crunch time and I haven't had much time for anything at all. I've had to really prioritize things and unfortunately blogging, replying to messages and general chit chat in general is being set aside for the moment.
I'm not sure if I'll be able to post a Happy Homemaker Monday next week, I should be able to as we'll already be in our new house, so you may have a new post all the way from Texas :)
If I don't have internet up yet or something has come up, then I'll try to update you as soon as possible.
The weather in my neck of the woods:
Rainy rainy day, for a few days now and today it's cloudy again and we're expecting more. I don't mind it, I do like the weather, it just becomes a little frustrating when trying to pack up the moving trailer.
Things that make me happy:
Knowing that I'm going to see my husband on Friday and that this long wait is finally over.
Menu for this week:
I don't have a menu, we're eating the last of the food that is in the fridge/freezer and pantry, so it will be a lot of simple meals.
What's on my TV today:
Hopefully some down time tonight to watch my Portuguese soaps on the computer and some vlogs. I am not sure if I'll have time though, so we'll play it by ear.
Looking around the house:
It's empty, there are only a few boxes left to be packed into the truck and also a few items that I'm not taking with me and going to try and sell this week.
On my To Do List:
Finish packing the truck
New Recipe I tried or want to try soon:
I would love to try some good food cooked by me, honestly. I miss being in my kitchen and cooking real meals, I've about had enough of sandwiches and hotdogs and kid friendly stuff.
In the craft basket:
Yarn, and the basket is in the truck so yeah, nothing.
Looking forward to this week:
Finishing up getting the truck packed, selling remaining items, cleaning the house, relaxing at least one day and picking up my husband from the airport on Friday.
Tips and Tricks:
When packing a truck for a move, use every single nook and cranny. Stuff it with blankets, small items, stuffed toys, whatever. And pack that truck like a game of Tetris, as tight as you can.
My favorite blog post this week:
I don't have any, haven't had a chance to read anything.
Blog Hopping (a new discovered blog you would like to share with the readers):
Again, I would suggest you take a look at my sidebar and find something on there, there are great blogs listed :)
No words needed (favorite photo or picture):
Moving trailer was only supposed to be delivered this morning, but the nice driver dropped it off Friday so it's almost done packing. This is me the day it was delivered :)

Lesson learned the past few days:
That I can push through anything, that when things look overwhelming and unattainable, that all I have to do is hold on to the Lord's hand tighter and it will all seem like a little hill to walk over.
On my mind:
Oh goodness, everything about this move. I have to make sure I fit the grill and the turtle tank in that truck. I unfortunately have to leave quite a few things behind and thankfully been able to sell some and my brother and sister in law are buying a few things off me too. Makes me sad, but you know, as long as I have the essentials in there that is what matters.
Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:
Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable. - Isaiah 40:28
I'm not sure if I'll be able to post a Happy Homemaker Monday next week, I should be able to as we'll already be in our new house, so you may have a new post all the way from Texas :)
If I don't have internet up yet or something has come up, then I'll try to update you as soon as possible.
Rainy rainy day, for a few days now and today it's cloudy again and we're expecting more. I don't mind it, I do like the weather, it just becomes a little frustrating when trying to pack up the moving trailer.
Things that make me happy:
Knowing that I'm going to see my husband on Friday and that this long wait is finally over.
Menu for this week:
I don't have a menu, we're eating the last of the food that is in the fridge/freezer and pantry, so it will be a lot of simple meals.
What's on my TV today:
Hopefully some down time tonight to watch my Portuguese soaps on the computer and some vlogs. I am not sure if I'll have time though, so we'll play it by ear.
Looking around the house:
It's empty, there are only a few boxes left to be packed into the truck and also a few items that I'm not taking with me and going to try and sell this week.
On my To Do List:
Finish packing the truck
New Recipe I tried or want to try soon:
I would love to try some good food cooked by me, honestly. I miss being in my kitchen and cooking real meals, I've about had enough of sandwiches and hotdogs and kid friendly stuff.
In the craft basket:
Yarn, and the basket is in the truck so yeah, nothing.
Looking forward to this week:
Finishing up getting the truck packed, selling remaining items, cleaning the house, relaxing at least one day and picking up my husband from the airport on Friday.
Tips and Tricks:
When packing a truck for a move, use every single nook and cranny. Stuff it with blankets, small items, stuffed toys, whatever. And pack that truck like a game of Tetris, as tight as you can.
My favorite blog post this week:
I don't have any, haven't had a chance to read anything.
Blog Hopping (a new discovered blog you would like to share with the readers):
Again, I would suggest you take a look at my sidebar and find something on there, there are great blogs listed :)
No words needed (favorite photo or picture):
Moving trailer was only supposed to be delivered this morning, but the nice driver dropped it off Friday so it's almost done packing. This is me the day it was delivered :)

Lesson learned the past few days:
That I can push through anything, that when things look overwhelming and unattainable, that all I have to do is hold on to the Lord's hand tighter and it will all seem like a little hill to walk over.
On my mind:
Oh goodness, everything about this move. I have to make sure I fit the grill and the turtle tank in that truck. I unfortunately have to leave quite a few things behind and thankfully been able to sell some and my brother and sister in law are buying a few things off me too. Makes me sad, but you know, as long as I have the essentials in there that is what matters.
Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:
Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable. - Isaiah 40:28
Monday, May 11, 2015
Happy Homemaker Monday - 05/11/2015
Good morning my lovelies, how was your weekend? I had a pretty good one, I would say, quiet and full of packing and stuff related to the move. In exactly one week from today, the moving trailer will be delivered for me to start loading, and as excited as I am to get it all done, I'm not looking forward to that part.
*sigh* but it will get done, I've found that I have done things and gotten through situations the past few months that I never thought I would do on my own, or that I was even capable. Thankfully, and in big credit to the Lord, I've made it through.
Right, let's get on with our Happy Homemaker Monday for today.
The weather in my neck of the woods:
Had really warm weather this weekend but also a lot of rain, which I love. The rest of the week doesn't look too bad, but I was looking at next week and there's quite a bit of chance of rain? Please no, I don't want to load a trailer in the rain hahaha
Things that make me happy:
Talking to my children, sometimes we all go lay on my bed at night and just chat and I learn a lot of things from them, we laugh, we talk about funny things and serious things. It's a great bonding moment for all.
Menu for this week:
Monday - Sloppy Joes
Tuesday - Clam Chowder
Wednesday - One pot sausage pasta
Thursday - Grilled Cheese and Onion Sandwiches
Friday - Chili Dogs
Saturday -Not sure, we will be eating from the pantry and freezer
Sunday -Probably pizza
What's on my TV today:
My Portuguese Soaps
Home Fires
Looking around the house:
I can't even anymore, I'm beyond sick of seeing boxes stacked up against walls, by the door, in the garage and every room. I'm not one to be able to relax in a chaotic atmosphere so this is making me very stressed at the moment.
On my To Do List:
Pull apart Nick's bed and finish packing up his closet
Pack up Jasmine's closet completely
New Recipe I tried or want to try soon:
Nothing really, but I did make some yummy garlic and brown sugar chicken for dinner the other night. The kids loved it.
In the craft basket:
Remember the mindless project I wanted to work on? Yeah apparently it's not so mindless because I haven't been able to pick it up, not even for a single minute.
Looking forward to this week:
Getting new tires on my car, desperately needs them before the road trip. Finishing packing up, and being one step closer to reuniting with hubby.
Tips and Tricks:
Here's a great tip for when you're moving and want to get your driveway cleaned up of oil stains. And let me tell you, my driveway had HUGE stains from when my car was leaking oil. Pick up some cheap cat litter, pour it over the oil stain and then get on there with your shoes and rub it and smoosh it into the stain. It lifts it right off and you're left with a great looking driveway. That's what I did yesterday afternoon, and now I have a good as new driveway :)
My favorite blog post this week:
Really didn't get to do any reading, aside from the Happy Homemaker Monday participants last week. I did enjoy that, it was great being back to reading some of your blogs. So I don't have a specific blog to refer to you all, just go on to the sidebar and click on any of those, you'll enjoy them, I promise.
Blog Hopping (a new discovered blog you would like to share with the readers):
Same as the category above, haven't had a chance to really find any new blogs, so for now, I'll just spotlight some of the ones on my sidebar, like Above the River. Go on and check it out, CJ lives in a small market town in South Gloucestershire.
No words needed (favorite photo or picture):
Lesson learned the past few days:
Life is forever changing, people change, we change and it's up to us to either accept it and move on and make the best of it, or to fight it, be miserable and depressed and negative. We have to pick what path we take, and it's on us, not on anyone else to make that choice.
On my mind:
Trying to make sure the kids have everything in school finished this week, I mean, technically we still have next week but it will be in between loading the trailer and by the time night time falls, I doubt any of us will feel like working on school. Nonetheless if need be, that's what we'll do.
Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:
Loneliness can cripple a person emotionally and spiritually. Human beings are not designed to walk through this world alone. We are made for relationship, which God gladly supplies. Lest we forget that the Lord is near, He gave the Bible this consistent theme: I love you and I am with you always.
*sigh* but it will get done, I've found that I have done things and gotten through situations the past few months that I never thought I would do on my own, or that I was even capable. Thankfully, and in big credit to the Lord, I've made it through.
Right, let's get on with our Happy Homemaker Monday for today.
Had really warm weather this weekend but also a lot of rain, which I love. The rest of the week doesn't look too bad, but I was looking at next week and there's quite a bit of chance of rain? Please no, I don't want to load a trailer in the rain hahaha
Things that make me happy:
Talking to my children, sometimes we all go lay on my bed at night and just chat and I learn a lot of things from them, we laugh, we talk about funny things and serious things. It's a great bonding moment for all.
Menu for this week:
Monday - Sloppy Joes
Tuesday - Clam Chowder
Wednesday - One pot sausage pasta
Thursday - Grilled Cheese and Onion Sandwiches
Friday - Chili Dogs
Saturday -Not sure, we will be eating from the pantry and freezer
Sunday -Probably pizza
What's on my TV today:
My Portuguese Soaps
Home Fires
Looking around the house:
I can't even anymore, I'm beyond sick of seeing boxes stacked up against walls, by the door, in the garage and every room. I'm not one to be able to relax in a chaotic atmosphere so this is making me very stressed at the moment.
On my To Do List:
Pull apart Nick's bed and finish packing up his closet
Pack up Jasmine's closet completely
New Recipe I tried or want to try soon:
Nothing really, but I did make some yummy garlic and brown sugar chicken for dinner the other night. The kids loved it.
In the craft basket:
Remember the mindless project I wanted to work on? Yeah apparently it's not so mindless because I haven't been able to pick it up, not even for a single minute.
Looking forward to this week:
Getting new tires on my car, desperately needs them before the road trip. Finishing packing up, and being one step closer to reuniting with hubby.
Tips and Tricks:
Here's a great tip for when you're moving and want to get your driveway cleaned up of oil stains. And let me tell you, my driveway had HUGE stains from when my car was leaking oil. Pick up some cheap cat litter, pour it over the oil stain and then get on there with your shoes and rub it and smoosh it into the stain. It lifts it right off and you're left with a great looking driveway. That's what I did yesterday afternoon, and now I have a good as new driveway :)
My favorite blog post this week:
Really didn't get to do any reading, aside from the Happy Homemaker Monday participants last week. I did enjoy that, it was great being back to reading some of your blogs. So I don't have a specific blog to refer to you all, just go on to the sidebar and click on any of those, you'll enjoy them, I promise.
Blog Hopping (a new discovered blog you would like to share with the readers):
Same as the category above, haven't had a chance to really find any new blogs, so for now, I'll just spotlight some of the ones on my sidebar, like Above the River. Go on and check it out, CJ lives in a small market town in South Gloucestershire.
No words needed (favorite photo or picture):
Lesson learned the past few days:
Life is forever changing, people change, we change and it's up to us to either accept it and move on and make the best of it, or to fight it, be miserable and depressed and negative. We have to pick what path we take, and it's on us, not on anyone else to make that choice.
On my mind:
Trying to make sure the kids have everything in school finished this week, I mean, technically we still have next week but it will be in between loading the trailer and by the time night time falls, I doubt any of us will feel like working on school. Nonetheless if need be, that's what we'll do.
Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:
Loneliness can cripple a person emotionally and spiritually. Human beings are not designed to walk through this world alone. We are made for relationship, which God gladly supplies. Lest we forget that the Lord is near, He gave the Bible this consistent theme: I love you and I am with you always.
Thursday, May 07, 2015
Country Home!!!
Hello everyone, hope you're all having a great week so far. I can't believe it's already Thursday, but thankfully the weekend is literally upon us and I can just relax and get some much needed rest.
I have some sort of stomach bug going on along with a bit of a congestion. Not the best time to be sick at all, I have so much to do and literally ONE week left in this house because the following week I'll be packing up the moving trailer. My word, how time has flown.
Anyway, I'm coming in today to give you a little update and tell you all about our new home. I'm quite excited, we just put the deposit down yesterday and I feel blessed and thankful and definitely relieved to know that I have a place to move into.
A country home!!!
I'm beyond excited about this one. If you've followed my blog for years, you know that I've always wanted a country home with acreage and room to grow. The Lord has certainly blessed us again.
Right, so let me tell you about our new house, and no we haven't bought it, we are currently renting but if things go well, we may just go ahead and buy it.
It's an older home, there is paneling in one of the rooms which I'll tell you right now, is NOT one of my favorite things on earth, and some of the wall colors are not what I would pick either, but the good thing is that we can pain whatever color we want. YAY!!!
It's out in the country but close enough to Sheppard AFB which is a plus for us.
2.96 acres and a 3000 sq feet home.
Once I get moved in, I will take better pictures to show you all, and of course as I paint walls and make it our own little space I will share it. For now I have just a few pictures from the realtors, and yes, hubby and my mother in law both went to see the house and loved it.
Big kitchen, new countertops and I can repaint it. I don't know, but from the picture I'm not quite sure I like the color on the walls, I might feel differently in person, but yeah, not liking it too much right now. I do plan on getting my chalkboard wall back.
Beautiful fireplace, and you can see the paneling.
There are actually like 2 or 3 different living rooms and I was laughing with Curt because I was saying that usually we complain about having too much stuff, but I don't think we have near enough to fill this house. Hahaha
It will be fun getting everything put in and decorated though, I can't wait.
I don't have many more pictures to show you, and I don't think they do it justice. I can tell you that there is a long driveway from the street to the front of the house, I can tell you there is a workshop which my husband will just love. (you can see the workshop in the second picture I posted)
The pantry in the kitchen is a walk in pantry and is pretty big, something else that if you know me, you know I'm excited about.
There is just so much room and I can't wait to have family over to visit and to just enjoy being able to garden and run around and make great memories. I'm even thinking of getting my first chickens this summer. So happy about that.
So yes, everything is looking up, in just 3 week we will already be our new home and I'm absolutely thrilled, to say the least.
Anyway, just wanted to come in and share the good news and a few pictures. I am going to head to bed early and hopefully rest up and get over this bug.
I have some sort of stomach bug going on along with a bit of a congestion. Not the best time to be sick at all, I have so much to do and literally ONE week left in this house because the following week I'll be packing up the moving trailer. My word, how time has flown.
Anyway, I'm coming in today to give you a little update and tell you all about our new home. I'm quite excited, we just put the deposit down yesterday and I feel blessed and thankful and definitely relieved to know that I have a place to move into.
A country home!!!
I'm beyond excited about this one. If you've followed my blog for years, you know that I've always wanted a country home with acreage and room to grow. The Lord has certainly blessed us again.
Right, so let me tell you about our new house, and no we haven't bought it, we are currently renting but if things go well, we may just go ahead and buy it.
It's an older home, there is paneling in one of the rooms which I'll tell you right now, is NOT one of my favorite things on earth, and some of the wall colors are not what I would pick either, but the good thing is that we can pain whatever color we want. YAY!!!
It's out in the country but close enough to Sheppard AFB which is a plus for us.
2.96 acres and a 3000 sq feet home.
Once I get moved in, I will take better pictures to show you all, and of course as I paint walls and make it our own little space I will share it. For now I have just a few pictures from the realtors, and yes, hubby and my mother in law both went to see the house and loved it.
Big kitchen, new countertops and I can repaint it. I don't know, but from the picture I'm not quite sure I like the color on the walls, I might feel differently in person, but yeah, not liking it too much right now. I do plan on getting my chalkboard wall back.
Beautiful fireplace, and you can see the paneling.
There are actually like 2 or 3 different living rooms and I was laughing with Curt because I was saying that usually we complain about having too much stuff, but I don't think we have near enough to fill this house. Hahaha
It will be fun getting everything put in and decorated though, I can't wait.
I don't have many more pictures to show you, and I don't think they do it justice. I can tell you that there is a long driveway from the street to the front of the house, I can tell you there is a workshop which my husband will just love. (you can see the workshop in the second picture I posted)
The pantry in the kitchen is a walk in pantry and is pretty big, something else that if you know me, you know I'm excited about.
There is just so much room and I can't wait to have family over to visit and to just enjoy being able to garden and run around and make great memories. I'm even thinking of getting my first chickens this summer. So happy about that.
So yes, everything is looking up, in just 3 week we will already be our new home and I'm absolutely thrilled, to say the least.
Anyway, just wanted to come in and share the good news and a few pictures. I am going to head to bed early and hopefully rest up and get over this bug.
Tuesday, May 05, 2015
Running Fire - TLC Book Tour
Mass Market Paperback: 384 pages
Publisher: HQN Books (April 28, 2015)
He was a haven in the midst of Hell…
Temporarily assigned to the Shadow Squadron in a troubled region of Afghanistan, Chief Warrant Officer and pilot Leah Mackenzie is no stranger to conflict—even if most of her physical and emotional scars are courtesy of her vicious ex. Still, she’s got a bad feeling about picking up a team of stranded SEALs. A feeling that’s all too justified once enemy fire hits their helicopter and all hell breaks loose…
SEAL Kell Ballard’s goal was to get the injured pilot out of harm’s way and find shelter deep in the labyrinth of caves. It’s a place of dark intimacy, where Leah finds unexpected safety in a man’s arms. Where prohibited attraction burns brightly. And where they’ll hide until the time comes to face the enemy outside…and the enemy within their ranks.
About Lindsay McKenna
A U.S. Navy veteran, she was a meteorologist while serving her country. She pioneered the military romance in 1993 with Captive of Fate, Silhouette Special edition. Her heart and focus is on honoring and showing our military men and women. Creator of the Wyoming Series and Shadow Warriors series for HQN, she writes emotionally and romantically intense suspense stories.
Being a former Military Wife, I knew that this was one book I wanted to read. I love a good military novel, maybe because I can relate so well to some of the feelings and emotions portrayed, or the terms or situations in the story.
I can't say that I liked Leah, she kind of irked me from the get go and try as I did to like her, I don't think I ever did managed to achieve that. Kell on the other hand I liked from the very first moment he is introduced in the book. Maybe because I love a man in uniform? Nah, it's not that, at least not all of it, but he just seemed like the perfect book hero that you fall in love with and can't get enough of.
Overall the book is well written and the story well told, I love that the author did her best to keep the military setting well portrayed and also respectful to the troops, something I really appreciate seeing as many other books don't.
I had never read anything by Lindsay McKenna, but now I'm quite interested to find other books written by her.
Thank you to TLC for providing me with a review copy of this book.
Monday, May 04, 2015
Happy Homemaker Monday - 05/04/2015
Happy Monday everyone!!!
How was your weekend, did you do anything fun? I packed and moved a few things and now I'm sitting here with a very sore back. *sigh*
Anyway, so I was getting a little bored with the current HHM categories I had, and I decided to go back on my blog to older ones and do those, just to change it up a bit. Feel free to continue using the same one we were doing, or use these categories, it's up to you, whatever works :)
The weather in my neck of the woods:
We've had gorgeous weather, 80's and above the whole weekend and I've loved every single second of it. Here's what the rest of my week will look like, aside from the windy day which I detest because of my allergies, I'm quite fine with some rain :)
Things that make me happy:
Sitting down at night with a cup of coffee and my favorite shows.
Menu for this week:
Monday - Fried Smoked Sausage, potatoes and green beans
Tuesday - Homemade Nachos
Wednesday - Barbecue Chicken, Mac and Cheese
Thursday - Sloppy Joes
Friday - Garlic and Brown Sugar Chicken, Rice
Saturday - Smoky Burgers, Homemade Chips
Sunday - One Pot Pasta, Salad
What's on my TV today:
My Portuguese Soaps
New show that started last night on ITV...It's called Home Fires and it looks brilliant. You can watch the first episode HERE.
Looking around the house:
Oh my word, I have huge piles everywhere ready to be moved into the trailer, now if the trailer was here already that would have been wonderful. My poor house is starting to look empty of decorations but very full of boxes, this is the worst part in a move for me, that in between when you're not really completely packed so it looks messy. Ugh!!!
On my To Do List:
Laundry - finish off the last two loads
Sweep and mop
New Recipe I tried or want to try soon:
So since it's just been the kids and I, I haven't done much cooking in the sense of trying new recipes, but this week I do have some meat in the freezer that I need to get rid of, so I've got a few new recipes to try. I just need to get my butt in gear and post the already tried recipes on the food blog. Wish I had 50 hours in a day.
Pretty yarn to work on a mindless project just to relax me during this crazy time.rochet Votive Candle jars
Looking forward to this week:
Hearing if the house we are looking at is ours. If it is, it will be so exciting and I can't wait to share it with you.
Tips and Tricks:
When packing up for a move, fill the boxes as tightly as you can, if there's breakables use towels, blankets, kitchen towels and even pot holders to cushion everything in.
My favorite blog post this week:
Right, I haven't had much time for blog reading, but I want to change that, so yesterday I did do some blog reading, well, to be honest I read ONE blog, but hey it's a start. So I will have to say that my favorite this week was the only one I read from the wonderful Vanessa at Coco Rose Diaries.
Blog Hopping (a new discovered blog you would like to share with the readers):
Flutterby Patch - Just recently found this blog and love it.
No words needed (favorite photo or picture):
Lesson learned the past few days:
That I am stronger than I give myself credit for. That all those things that seem like huge mountains in my mind and unattainable tasks, are really small hills that I can easily conquer. I just need to remind myself that I'm not a weak woman, that I can do this, that I can do what needs to be done and that when it's all over, I can smile and say "Holy cow, I did that on my own".
On my mind:
Oh so many things. First and foremost waiting to hear back from the bank at the moment, waiting to hear about the house we would like to move into, hoping that the kids can get done with school in the next two weeks, hoping I have enough money for the move and the to Texas.
Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:
How was your weekend, did you do anything fun? I packed and moved a few things and now I'm sitting here with a very sore back. *sigh*
Anyway, so I was getting a little bored with the current HHM categories I had, and I decided to go back on my blog to older ones and do those, just to change it up a bit. Feel free to continue using the same one we were doing, or use these categories, it's up to you, whatever works :)
We've had gorgeous weather, 80's and above the whole weekend and I've loved every single second of it. Here's what the rest of my week will look like, aside from the windy day which I detest because of my allergies, I'm quite fine with some rain :)
Things that make me happy:
Sitting down at night with a cup of coffee and my favorite shows.
Menu for this week:
Monday - Fried Smoked Sausage, potatoes and green beans
Tuesday - Homemade Nachos
Wednesday - Barbecue Chicken, Mac and Cheese
Thursday - Sloppy Joes
Friday - Garlic and Brown Sugar Chicken, Rice
Saturday - Smoky Burgers, Homemade Chips
Sunday - One Pot Pasta, Salad
What's on my TV today:
My Portuguese Soaps
New show that started last night on ITV...It's called Home Fires and it looks brilliant. You can watch the first episode HERE.
Looking around the house:
Oh my word, I have huge piles everywhere ready to be moved into the trailer, now if the trailer was here already that would have been wonderful. My poor house is starting to look empty of decorations but very full of boxes, this is the worst part in a move for me, that in between when you're not really completely packed so it looks messy. Ugh!!!
On my To Do List:
Laundry - finish off the last two loads
Sweep and mop
New Recipe I tried or want to try soon:
So since it's just been the kids and I, I haven't done much cooking in the sense of trying new recipes, but this week I do have some meat in the freezer that I need to get rid of, so I've got a few new recipes to try. I just need to get my butt in gear and post the already tried recipes on the food blog. Wish I had 50 hours in a day.
Pretty yarn to work on a mindless project just to relax me during this crazy time.rochet Votive Candle jars
Looking forward to this week:
Hearing if the house we are looking at is ours. If it is, it will be so exciting and I can't wait to share it with you.
Tips and Tricks:
When packing up for a move, fill the boxes as tightly as you can, if there's breakables use towels, blankets, kitchen towels and even pot holders to cushion everything in.
My favorite blog post this week:
Right, I haven't had much time for blog reading, but I want to change that, so yesterday I did do some blog reading, well, to be honest I read ONE blog, but hey it's a start. So I will have to say that my favorite this week was the only one I read from the wonderful Vanessa at Coco Rose Diaries.
Blog Hopping (a new discovered blog you would like to share with the readers):
Flutterby Patch - Just recently found this blog and love it.
No words needed (favorite photo or picture):
Lesson learned the past few days:
That I am stronger than I give myself credit for. That all those things that seem like huge mountains in my mind and unattainable tasks, are really small hills that I can easily conquer. I just need to remind myself that I'm not a weak woman, that I can do this, that I can do what needs to be done and that when it's all over, I can smile and say "Holy cow, I did that on my own".
On my mind:
Oh so many things. First and foremost waiting to hear back from the bank at the moment, waiting to hear about the house we would like to move into, hoping that the kids can get done with school in the next two weeks, hoping I have enough money for the move and the to Texas.
Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:
Our eternal home is so different from our current earthly home that it is described by what is missing rather than by what is present—no tears, sorrow, death, crying, or pain. “The former things” (v. 4) of this earth will be no more.
Sunday, May 03, 2015
Week in Review!
Hello everyone, hope you're having a wonderful Sunday so far. I know it's still early, actually it's just hit 9 AM for me, but I've been up since 6:30 AM. On a Sunday? Crazy!
Well, truth be told, my husband woke me up with a text message, they're one hour ahead so he was getting up and getting dressed to head to Lawton with his mom.
My mother in law spent the weekend with him, which makes me so happy because he's really been pretty lonely out there by himself. There is a lot of family in Texas and Oklahoma but they're all busy with their own lives and it's not always easy to meet up.
She was there though because they did a little house hunting, and guess what? We may have just found our new home, I won't tell you about it quite yet as it's not official there is still paperwork to fill out etc, but as soon as I can and if it pans out the way we wish, I will tell you ALL about it.
Right, so week in review, I've had quite the busy week, lots of packing and errands and things to take care of.
:::: Monday was a catch up day for school, we had a lot of lessons to try and get ahead on. My kids need to be done by the week of the 18th and right now, I'm kind of freaking out and hoping we do get it all completed in time.
:::: Tuesday was a packing day, of course, in between more schooling and State Testing for the kids and then Zumba at night.
:::: Wednesday found us again at the library for State Testing, I was driving back and forth like a maniac. I could have just stayed there since it's not even 5 minutes from my house, but I wasn't going to waste packing time and errand time. I wanted so badly to check out some books but had to force myself not to and remember that I only have 2 weeks left here, it would be absolutely pointless to do it.
:::: Thursday morning I had to take my car to Walmart for an oil change and service. I don't know why I've never taken it there before, they're pretty inexpensive and it took but 30 minutes and I feel much better knowing I got this done before the big road trip. Then I realized, with my crazy airhead that I'm sporting lately, that my car registration was up that same day, so off to the DMV I went. I am now sporting a very pretty white 30 day Temporary Registration sticker on the back window of my car. Why? Because my car was still using Arizona plates and because I didn't realize it was expiring that same day so I didn't have time to contact the car loan company and ask for them to send the title to the DMV. I'm telling you, I'm so overwhelmed and ragged that my brain is not functioning right. Also had our Zumba night, which I'm going to really really really miss when I leave.
:::: Friday was a bit of a relaxing day, I didn't get much done, I just needed one day to sit back, relax and take a breather. Felt good to do it. I did go pay the rent for the house and run a few errands, but nothing else.
:::: Saturday was laundry day, and I'm still not done, but I'll get to it today. I also worked on getting the oil stains off my driveway. My car had a HUGE oil leak and dumped pretty much all the quarts poured in, into the driveway. I used oven cleaner which seemed to get quite a bit of it off, but it's still looking pretty bad so I need to figure that out before we do the walk through of the house.

Next thing on the list, I gave my car a good wash and a polish. The weather was phenomenal, 81 degrees and it felt amazing to be in shorts and flipflops out there washing the car.
I'll do the inside of it today, clean out the trash the kids leave in, vacuum, do the windows and the dash etc.
By late afternoon, I had a photo session with my niece. Now I'm NOT a professional photographer, don't claim to be, never want to be quite honestly, I just take photos for fun. She asked me to do her Senior Pictures and I of course agreed.
Here are some of my favorites.
What a blast it was playing around out there at the old drive in movie theatre. My Jasmine wants me to take her there later and snap some photos of her too, so we'll see how that goes.
Overall, this was a pretty busy week for me but I have two more equally and I'm thinking even worse weeks ahead, so I'm stocking up on coffee and just plowing through, it's all I can do right?
Speaking of which, it's 10AM and I really need to get off this couch, load the dishwasher and get packing and spackling and painting walls etc.

I'll catch up on my shows while I pack so it makes it go easier and faster. Now if I could just muster the energy to get up when I'm so incredibly comfortable.
Here we go..............
Friday, May 01, 2015
A good Friday
I had hoped to get this post up early this morning, but life got in the way and before I knew it, the sun was setting and I was sitting on my couch, in my pj's and wondering just where did the day go?
It wasn't a bad or overly busy day though, I think I'm so used to be being on the go that I took a break today and ended up doing nothing really, of anything, except for driving kids around.
Started my morning with a cup of coffee and some computer work. Had emails and some bills to pay etc. Then I headed to the bank and then to pay the rent. It felt so weird paying the last rent on this house, I have to be honest, I'm going to miss this house, it has been such a great little home for my family and initally we had planned on staying here for at least 2 years and possibly looking into buying it had we stayed in Mountain Home.
Wasn't in God's plan though and I've learned over the years, NOT to question Him, He always knows best.
I also had to run by Walmart to pick up more packing tape, and while there I grabbed the cheap 4 stack $1 plastic plates that they have as part of their spring/summer sale. This weekend I plan on packing up most of my kitchen and leaving really only some essentials.
Oh I'm so ready to be done with this move. You'll hear me say that a lot in the next few weeks, sorry.
We have had the most beautiful warm days lately, today actually reached 80 degrees and I just had to step outside and enjoy it. I think Spring is one of my favorite seasons, there is just such beauty all around us, new life, new growth, new beginnings.
As I sat on the deck watching it all around me, it dawned on me that this move to Texas is almost like Spring in our lives. We're starting fresh, yet again, we have all these hopes and dreams, we've had to grow as individuals and as a family the past few months and we're about to start a blank new slate, a new beginning.
I used to be absolutely terrified of change and the possibility of doing something completely out of my normal routine, but I have to thank the many years as an active duty family, for teaching me how to embrace change and not be terrified by it.

I now see every new adventure chapter in our lives, as an adventure, as a story waiting to be told by us. An opportunity to see new places and try new things, and who doesn't like that?
And speaking of new things, I have left out some of my yarn so that I can work on a quick project. I miss my crochet so very much and I feel the need to make something pretty and yet simple, just a project that I don't have to pay too much attention to or worry about counting stitches etc.
Can't wait to get started.
It's getting pretty late here and I have quite a bit to get done tomorrow and need to get an early start, so I'm going to close this post off and head on to bed.
Goodnight :)
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