It's a quiet Wednesday night.
I can't believe it's already Wednesday, I feel like last week I was running around like a chicken with it's head cut off, preparing for the con and all the kids that were coming over on Thursday.
If you follow me on Instagram then you'll know that I am once again unwell. You know I totally chalk this up to the craziness I've been under the past few months, I mean the whole year for me has been one of chaos and constant on the go and I'm thinking my body is desperately trying to take a break.
I feel like I'm coming down with a cold, and unfortunately my Nick is already there. He's had a sore throat for the past 2 days, sneezing and runny nose, and it's all being shared with me. Ugh!!!

But back to my post title and getting back on track. As I mentioned in my previous post, it's time for me to get back at it, back to the basics of homemaking and child rearing and all that goodness.
Here's what I'm doing to accomplish that.
**Crochet and Craft Wise**
I pulled out my gorgeous Cath Kidston crochet bag and filled it with some of my cotton yarn. It gave me the biggest smile to see it full and ready to go. I have so many projects that I want to crack on with, starting with some mitered dishcloths.
I'm not sure which pattern I'll use yet, I've found a few and it's just a matter of picking out the easiest one. Listen, I'm all about quick and easy and simple, something that I can work on while watching TV or talking with the family. I may sell the dishcloths to make some extra money for Christmas, or I may not, I haven't decided yet but I'll see when the time comes.

I also have a lot of scrap yarn that I want to get rid of, so I'm thinking I may get some lap blankets going using different colored yarn, it will be a way to get through my stash but also maybe get a pile of blankets going for gifts.
Feels so good to get back on track and know that I can create whatever I wish without feeling rushed or unable to because I have other things to focus on.
While unpacking some boxes, yes I still have a few left, I also came upon my fabric stash and I have a quilt in the making that I want to finish up, and also found a pattern for a really easy way to throw a quilt together, which I'm going to use for these really pretty fabrics that I have.
Before I started feeling sick, I managed to also pull out my Fall Decorations box. I am hoping that maybe tomorrow I'll feel well enough to start the decorating. I'm so ready for the season to come around.

I have to concentrate a little more on my home and making it ours. It's time to finish unpacking all the last few boxes in the garage.
I have the tree stumps outside that I need to sand down and varnish etc, to use as coffee tables for the green living room. Another project that I can now focus on.
**Cooking and Food Blog**
One more aspect of getting back on track, has to do with my cooking. I'm so excited to get back to that, I feel like I haven't been able to cook anything properly in so long.
This morning I pulled out my Menu planning book and then started looking for meal inspirations.
I've talked about menu planning at length before, you can read those posts here on the blog:
I want to menu plan but don't know how
Recipes and Grocery Lists
Today flew by and Menu Planning
The past few months have been a little off when it comes to menu planning, I still tried to do it but there was just so much going, always different guests coming by and never a for sure day of anything. It threw me completely off track and I ended up not sticking to my two week grocery shopping and menu planning that I've been doing forever.
I'm going back to that starting this weekend, so I'm planning for two weeks at a time and grocery shopping accordingly.
I sat this morning and practically every spare moment I had today, jotting down and saving recipes I want to try, we're going to be eating a lot of Portuguese meals, I've just been craving them like crazy.
I have a lot of things I want to get done on my food blog, need a little organizing, some recipes and photos need to be redone and touch ups here and there, so I'm looking forward to getting that done as well.
Oh and by the way, I was planning on sharing my weekly meals in review here on this blog as well, do you think that's a good idea or would you rather I kept it just on the food blog and shared the link here? I don't know how many of you make it over there, so it might be easier to actually post it here too. I'm up for suggestions!!!
The first 2 weeks have already been posted over there, you can check them out here, Week 1 and Week 2.
Well my crochet is calling my name so I'm grabbing the hook and casting on.
Wishing you all a wonderful night. Oh and I'll be back to my Thursday Cooking feature tomorrow, it's been FOREVER since I've done that :)
Here is to hoping you and Nick feel better soon, I am fighting something myself....urgh.......can't wait to see some new crochet projects and your fun quilt........
Have a great day!
Hope you and Nick feel much better soon and that Jasmine and your hubby don't get it too.
I'd love to see your cooking on this blog, it's all part of your life.
Now that you are settled into your new home your body should calm down into a quieter routine. You've been under a LOT of different stresses.
Happy Fall to you and your family in your new home.
Love, hugs & prayers ~ FlowerLady
Hope you feel better soon! Have a great week.
Oh my, your meals look absolutely delicious! My suggestion would be to post a teaser on this blog, perhaps one photo, and then the link to your food blog. That way it gets us over there to see what other goodies you have posted.
I meal plan a month in advance and I find it so much easier! I can still swap things around and sometimes I we will totally skip something or add other things in, but it really helps to know what is being eaten when! I hope that you can get some time to relax with your crochet and that it will help you to feel much better again very soon. Don't forget to take care of yourself. xx
Hope you and Nick are feeling a bit better! It feels so good to get back on track doesn't it? I'm so happy it's back to school so I'm getting more of a regular schedule again. ;)
I'll follow your recipes and reviews wherever you put them! Lol
Looking forward to cooking thursdays again and will link up!
Blessings. xo
Hope that cold goes away quickly!
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