And then I blinked, and I opened my eyes and here we are, Saturday night. Like, how did that even happen???
So, how are you all doing, how have the past two days been for you? I've been busy, and I think that's why I let these two days go by without even realizing it.
Let's have a little chat and I'll tell you what I've been doing, but don't expect anything super fun or awesome, it's usually just he same ol' stuff around here.
I'm so proud of myself, I did my workouts every single day last week, and I couldn't be more excited to keep going. I always feel so much better with my body and with my mind, when I'm working out and making the conscious effort to take care of myself.
I took these two photos on Friday morning, it just looked so beautiful and peaceful and I had to capture it.
I love how in the top photo you can see Mars shining brightly behind the branch, such a pretty shot.

And in this one, this eagle had come to perch itself on the high branches and just watch as I took the pugs out to potty. I always keep an eye on these guys because we have eagles and owls and coyotes etc. Speaking of coyotes, they were quite loud last night, it was a little unnerving.
This was my breakfast on Friday, I'm really enjoying my yogurt parfaits in the morning, and I think I've had it pretty much every day for the past month.
With me starting my workout routine, I have also started enjoying smoothies right after my workout. I didn't have spinach when I made the one above, but it was almond milk, mixed frozen fruit and blueberries. So good.
I worked on my menu plan and grocery list so that I could go to the commissary this morning.
And I did, and then I came home and recorded a grocery haul, and then proceeded to deleted it by accident and ended up with no haul. I am so annoyed with myself because it's not the first time I have done this, my word.
After I got everything put away, I took an hour break just to straighten up the house and cleaned my bathroom and then Curt and I ran up to the Family Dollar so I could pick up some big storage tubs.
We are working on the garage tomorrow, cleaning, organizing and I really want to get rid of all the cardboard boxes and switch to plastic tubs, I think it looks better, I can stack them, and it also keeps the mice and other bugs from getting inside and ruining everything.
I'll take pictures tomorrow of the progress so you can see what it looks like now and then the finished product.
Just had to share this picture, she is so cute, and I love how she's laying on top of the couch with that little leg splayed out. LOL
Anyway, I know this post is not very long, but I just wanted to come in and say a quick hello, tell you what I've been up to and share some pictures.
I'm hoping to get some crochet done here in a minute, and watch some shows, but I've had the worst headache for the past hour and I've taken something for it so I'm waiting for the pain to go away. If it does then I can crack on with my plans, if it doesn't, then I may have to just put everything away and try to get some rest, which I'm hoping is not the case. It's only 8pm and it's a Saturday night and I would much rather enjoy it.
Let's see how this goes.