We are under an extreme cold warning for our area. The kind of cold that cuts through, leaves you gasping for air and makes it feel like your extremities are going to fall right off. These kind of temperatures are not usually normal for Texas, but yet here we are.
Temps have been in the single digits with the wind chill bringing them down to -17. It is bitterly cold, and with that it brings a myriad of little annoying things. Our chickens are doing well but they've been hiding in the closed in run, and refusing to go into the open runs. It's just too cold for them, poor things.
We've also been dealing with frozen bathroom pipes, even though we do everything we're supposed to, without fail, when we have these horrible winter freezes, the pipes go.

We've stayed indoors as much as possible, there have been large amounts of hot coffee and tea, some digestive biscuits throw in too, and some really good reading. My newest read is this one above by heather Fawcett. It is called Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of Fairies. So far, I am really enjoying it.

The babies have been hiding under warm blankets, and practically napping all day long. They get up, use the bathroom have a bite to eat and they're back on my bed. Elliott has to make some biscuits before sleeping, while Kaia just crawls under the blanket and goes straight to dreamland.
They make me want to do the same, but I can't, there's things to do, a house to keep in order, food to cook, laundry to wash, exercise, steps to get in and bills and you know, everything that goes into running a home.

In my daily Bible recap reading, we are in Leviticus. It is not an easy book to read, there is so much information, so much detail and we are dealing with all sorts of sin and sacrifices and so forth. Definitely a book that makes you work for it, both to get through the daily reading but through the animal sacrifices and all in between.
But, with God's help, we are pushing through.
I have found that it helps me to have the audio of the verses I am reading, on my phone through Youversion Bible App, while I follow along in the Bible.

I have also been getting back into my habit of taking my daily shot. I choose to take it about 30 minutes before dinner time, and it's something I've really grown to look forward to an enjoy. Apple cider vinegar is so good for you, especially with gut health.
Some people will take it straight, some will mix it with a little bit of water, but I am doing a different combination that I learned from a nutritionist online.
Apple Cider Vinegar Shot
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp honey
a sprinkle of cinnamon
filtered water
I am using a small glass measuring cup with measurements in tablespoons, ounces and ml. I basically add the vinegar, lemon juice, honey and cinnamon then fill there rest of the cup up to 10 oz (150 ml) with filtered cold water.
Mix it well and drink it.
It has helped my stomach immensely. I used to have gut issues that started as I got into perimenopause and the closer I get to menopause. This helps a lot, it also helps with weight loss or maintaining the weight.
I do this and haven't had any issues at all, but I do know some people may find it hard, or it may give them a bit of a stomach ache because of the vinegar and lemon, but the honey and cinnamon help with that. As always, and as with anything you see online, this is not something I am recommending or telling you to do, I am not a doctor, obviously.

It's been a slow, cold day, but I've loved every minute of being in my home, in the warmth, surrounded by the things I love.