Friday, February 28, 2025

{ Friday's Letters }

Dear Wind....I love everything that God creates and I know everything has a purpose, but for you, I have only found the purpose of throwing my hair in a million directions, and kicking up my allergies something fierce.  So, could you maybe just wind it down a little?  Like a little or even leave altogether?    
Dear Hunger....You are something fierce to deal with when it's that time of the month.  Where do you even get off making me eat everything in sight, like I'm starved?  For goodness sakes, calm down! 
Dear Gym....I used to dislike you and could never understand why people flocked to you daily, or even a couple times a week.  The seemed to happy to go there.  Now I get it.  I understand, I feel what they do and I look forward to you every Saturday and Sunday.  I love you, I love working out, I love being amongst people who feel the way I do, and I love how you push me physically and mentally.  You are awesome!      

Dear Spring....Please hurry up!  I have a few vegetables started already and I'm just itching to get everything planted and my garden sorted out.  I know I may seem impatient, but I guess I just can't wait for you to come around.  
Dear Christian Fiction Books....You make me so happy.  I love your good family centered, sweet stories.  They make it easy for me to read and in a way, help me become a better reader.  Thank you!       

Thursday, February 27, 2025

{ Cooking Thursday - Cream Cheese Pound Cake }

 My son's favorite cake, he even requests it for his birthday.  It rises beautifully, is soft and airy and not too sweet, just makes the perfect cake for a gathering, or even to have with a hot cup of coffee.

Cream Cheese Pound Cake

  • 1 1/2 cups unsalted butter, softened (3 sticks)
  • 8 ounces cream cheese, softened
  • 3 cups granulated sugar, divided
  • 6 large eggs
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 3 cups all-purpose flour
  • Set out the butter, eggs, and cream cheese to come to room temperature. Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F. Move one oven rack to the center of the oven and remove any racks above it.
  • Pull out a standard 12-cup capacity bundt pan. Grease the bundt pan with extra butter or shortening, then scoop 1/4 cup sugar into the pan and shake it around until the fat is well coated in sugar. Dump out any excess sugar. Set aside.
  • Place the softened butter and cream cheese in the bowl on an electric. Beat on high until the mixture is totally smooth. Scrape the bowl with a rubber spatula, then add the remaining 2 3/4 cups sugar. Beat on high again for 3-5 minutes to cream the ingredients until very light and fluffy. Scrape the bowl again.
  • Turn the mixer on low and beat in the eggs, vanilla extract, baking powder, and salt. Then slowly add the flour a little at a time, until fully combined. Once the batter is smooth, turn off the mixer, as to not overmix the batter.
  • Scoop the batter into the prepared pan. Bake on the center rack for 80-90 minutes. After 80 minutes, test the cake by inserting a toothpick deep into the center of the cake. If it comes out clean, take the pound cake out of the oven.
  • Let the cream cheese pound cake rest in the pan for 15 minutes. Then carefully flip the cake onto a platter or baking rack.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

{ Tackle it Tuesday }

This kitchen drawer holds all my foil, parchment paper, wax paper and ziploc bags, but it used to drive me insane.  I could never fit all the boxes and would sometimes have to remove the bags and leave them in the drawer, which would just cause a whole other issue.
Imagine you're looking for a freezer bag and it's mixed with hundreds of other bags of all different sizes.
I decided this weekend that I had enough and needed to change it up, make it better and organize it.  So I found this organizer on Shein and ordered it.  It came within 2 days, which is super fast.
I am in love with it.  It brings the stickers for all different sizes, you can use whichever you need and there are quite a few leftover.

It was quite inexpensive too.   So if you're looking for something like this, give Shein a quick look.

Bamboo Ziploc Plastic Bag Organizer
And no, I don't get a kickback and am not sponsored for this at all.  Just love sharing a good tip and a good buy.  

Monday, February 24, 2025

{ Happy Homemaker Monday - 02/24/2025 }

Good morning everyone, welcome to our last Happy Homemaker Monday of February 2025.  I'll be making a new image for March in anticipation of Spring.  How was your weekend?  I hope you're all doing well, healthy, happy and ready for the week ahead.  
We had a very cold week and thankfully are past that, and heading to some pretty warm days.  I'm over the freeze, it's ridiculous.  I need warm days, so that I can get my plants and garden going.  I think it's one of my favorite times of year, when you start planning the garden and start growing everything.
Right, now let's see what is going on around our homes.

Have a wonderful blessed week my friends ♥ 

The weather in my neck of the woods:::
So cold, but thankfully we are done, for now, or at least I'm hoping we are done for good.  We have some gorgeous 70s temperatures coming up and I intend to enjoy those to the fullest.  

Monday - Sunny 77
Tuesday - Sunny, 77
Wednesday - Partly cloudy, 68
Thursday - Sunny, 70
Friday - Mostly sunny, 77
Saturday - Partly cloudy, 75
Sunday - Partly cloudy, 73

As I look outside my window:::
The sun is just starting to rise.  The sky is a beautiful shade of pink, orange and blue.  

Right now I am:::
Sitting in bed.  Kaia and Elliott have gone back to sleep, after I tucked them in their blankets.  Yes, I am that fur mommy that tucks her babies in for their naps.  Hahahah  
I am working on this post while watching a video on youtube.     
Something fun to share (a blog, a video, a tip):::
One of my favorite channels on YouTube is Ambient Mode.  I usually pop a video on the television while I clean the house and am busy with something.  I love having that ambience in the background.  
Thinking and pondering:::
I was talking to my stepmom yesterday, about the old days, my childhood, the fun family things we did together, and how much I miss it sometimes.  I love my life now, wouldn't trade it for anything in this world, but sometimes I miss the old days.
It's good to reminisce, but it does make you sad and nostalgic and even brings tears to your eyes.  The trick is to not dwell and stay stuck in those memories because it will undoubtedly make you depressed.  Like I was saying to her, I love the old days and love the new days, and am just incredibly thankful to God for everything in my life.  It's easy to be thankful during the good times but we often forget to thank Him even for the bad ones.   

On my bedside table:::
My empty cup of coffee (just took the last COLD sip, yuck)My phone, a bottle of water, some kleenex, my nivea lotion and my current book.    

On my tv:::
Last night's When Calls the Heart
Homemaking vlogs
Book vlogs

Listening to:::
Television in the background with a book video right now. 
The filter in the turtle tank, sounds like a waterfall.
The tinitus in my right ear (usually I don't even notice it, but if it's especially quiet then yes, the static sound is quiet loud)

On the menu for this week:::
It's that time again for a new meal plan, which I'll be working on this week.  I will be going back to mostly Mediterranean meals.  I got a bit off track the past few weeks and need to cut back again.  

Monday - Slow Cooker Cowboy Casserole, Tomato and Cucumber Salad
Tuesday - Ham Carbonara, Garlic Bread, Salad  
Wednesday - Lebanese Kafta, Rice Pilaf, Lentil Salad
Thursday - Eggplant and Ground Turkey Casserole, Sauteed Cabbage
Friday -

On my to do list:::
Change Bed linens
Set up indoor greenhouse
Daily Bible reading and daily decree
Water plants
Daily home pickup and chores 
Meal plan and grocery list

Happening this week:::
Monday - Set up greenhouse
Tuesday - Meal plan and grocery list
Wednesday - Put in for Walmart pickup
Thursday - Walmart pickup and base commissary for groceries
Friday - Start planting
What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating:::
Nordic Afghan
Reading nook

My simple pleasure:::
Having my daughter and her boyfriend over every Sunday, for dinner and family games.  

Lesson learned the past week:::
That even though I allowed myself to eat whatever I wanted the past 2 weeks or so, my body does not do well with the old me and the old way of eating.  With that said, today I am starting back on minimal sugar and minimal carbs.      

Looking around the house:::

The house is very quiet at the moment, which makes me happy.  I love the look and sound of an early morning house, where the sun is just starting to rise, and slowly waking up the sleepy home.  It's like watching everything come to life before your eyes.
From the camera:::
Books, books and more books.  I don't know why I love them so much or why they bring such joy to my heart, but they do.   

Prayer List:::
My stepmom - she is still very much in the grieving process for my uncle and there are good days and bad days.  

Bible verse, Devotional::: 
For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” - Galatians 5:14

Sunday, February 23, 2025

{ A bookish Sunday }

 March 31, 2023
My Sundays are a mixture of quiet and bustling about, resetting the house for the incoming week.
There's gym, there's a nap in there (because always, after my shower after returning home, and a quick lunch, I find myself asleep for about 20 minutes),  there's dinner preparations because Jasmine and her boyfriend come over for dinner every week, there's laundry and picking up here and there, but there's also books and tv.
I watched quite a few YouTube book videos, I am currently in a book phase which means everything in my life revolves around books, buying books, hauling books, new books, old books, book reviews and so on.
I used to be a huge romance book reader, and even though I still love the romance genre, lately, I have been enjoying fantasy and Christian fiction.  So, while at the gym today and doing my 30 minute run on the treadmill, I watched a new to me channel on YouTube.  It is called Chantel Reads All Day.  She focuses on mainly on Christian fiction and recently did a collaboration with other Christian channels, talking about their favorite Christian reads for the year of 2024.  Found quiet a few books on there that I am looking forward to reading.
One that caught my eye, is by Tessa Afshar, an author that writes Biblical fiction.  She takes stories from the Bible and creates a story of what could have been.  The book that caught my eye is called Land of Silence and it is about the bleeding woman in the Bible.  So Tessa takes her story, which is quite a short account in the Bible, and she writes a fiction story of what her life could have been like up to the moment she meets Jesus, and after.

I watched Chantel's video from last year as well, with the best Christian books of 2023, and while doing that, I cleaned and reorganized my book shelf.  I have 3 bookshelves in my bedroom, and my plan and hope is that I can turn the whole wall, into a huge bookshelf.  Curt and I have plans for that, but in the meantime, there is a tiny space between the shelf and the wall, about 7 inches which is perfect for small paperbacks.
I asked hubby to cut me some wood, 7 inches long, and I shoved them in that space and was able to place my smaller paperbacks.  It gave me more room for more books, and I love it.  I will take some pictures later.
The rest of the afternoon, I spent faffing around doing the usual Sunday reset chores.  Curt worked out front, cleaning the porch and bringing our planters back out, in preparation for Spring.  I can not wait to get all my flowers, herbs and vegetables planted.  
Also, got all the laundry finished, washed, dried and put away, then made a delicious dinner of Ham, Potato Casserole, Green Beans and Garlic Biscuits.
We ended the night with a family game of Five Crowns.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

{ Saturday Photo Meme }

Do you remember back when blogging first kicked off, there would be so many memes going around, and tags?  I was constantly tagged by blogger friends for all sorts of different posts, and it was a fun way to get to know all the amazing bloggers that made up this wonderful community.
But, like everything else, times have changed and some of the things we loved have disappeared and often been replaced by tacky things, or things that leave me scratching my head.  We have a choice, either move on with the times and the flow and become just another voice repeating the same thing, or continue doing what we love and be individuals.
I must say, I have always been the odd one out.  If everyone in the world is screaming and shouting about bananas, I am in my corner giving credit to strawberries.  I don't like to follow a crowd, I don't like the whole herd mentality, I'm just not cut out that way.  So, with that said, I intend to continue posting and talking about the things that I love, and memes is one of the things from the old blogging days, that I miss.
So here's an oldie, and I would tag some of you but I'm not sure if you'll join in or not, so I'll leave it open and if you want to do it, just copy the categories and do your own post, but be sure to let me know if you so that I can come and read it.
How does it work?  Well, you go to Google Images and type in the category and then paste the photo that shows up for it.  That's it!
Your Name

Dad's Name

Mom's Name

Your age on your next birthday

Your favorite color


Your middle name

 The last meal you ate

Your favorite animal

  Your last name 

Favorite Bible passage

Favorite era

Favorite food

Where you want to be in 10 years

Friday, February 21, 2025

{ Friday's Letter's - 02/22/25 }

Dear Neck and headaches....Thank you, thank you and a another thank you.  I am finally free of your constant nagging, and it feels glorious!    
Dear PMS....I know you're important to our bodies, but for goodness sake, can you ease up on the insatiable hunger?  I want to eat everything in sight, everything and the kitchen sink if necessary.  My word.  I do not diet during the week before my period because I am so hungry and I find that it's best to just allow my body to take in what it wants.  The week after, I go right back to be good again.     
Dear books....You have always been and will always be my first love.  I have such an affinity for you.  It's something that was placed within me as a child and has only grown through the years.  You take me on adventures, you make me smile, you make me laugh, sometimes you make me sad, but it's all good.  Thank you for always being there.     

Dear weather....I've just about had it with your nonsense.  Can you please pick a temperature and go with it?  This back and forth is ridiculous.  96 one day and 8 the other with a wind chill of -17.  I just want spring, I'm not even asking for summer and the super hot temperatures, I want spring and green things everywhere and mild wonderful weather.  Help a girl out will ya? 
Dear coffee....You continue to be my favorite.  Cold weather, hot weather, morning, night, it doesn't matter, I love you and will always love you.      

Thursday, February 20, 2025

{ Slow Cooking Thursday - Bean and Bacon Soup }

We've been eating some delicious soups the past few days, while dealing with this extremely cold weather. 
This is a very easy soup that slow cooks all day long, leaving not only the house smelling amazing but your mouth salivating until dinner time.

Crockpot Bean and Bacon Soup
Crockpot Bean and Bacon Soup

32 oz Dried Northern Beans
1.5 lb Bacon
2 Onions diced
1/2 lb Carrots diced
4 cloves Garlic - left whole or you mince it -
4 cup Water
1 Box of Chicken Broth
1 Bay Leaf
1/2 tsp Crushed Red Pepper
Salt & Pepper (to taste)

Sort beans and remove any debris or rocks. Rinse beans under cold water.
Fry bacon in skillet till crispy.

Add all ingredients to slow cooker. Cook on low for 10 hours or on high for 6-8
Add more water if needed. Mash up some of the beans.
Salt & Pepper to taste and enjoy!

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

{ A very cold day }

February 19, 2025
We are under an extreme cold warning for our area.  The kind of cold that cuts through, leaves you gasping for air and makes it feel like your extremities are going to fall right off.  These kind of temperatures are not usually normal for Texas, but yet here we are.
Temps have been in the single digits with the wind chill bringing them down to -17.  It is bitterly cold, and with that it brings a myriad of little annoying things.  Our chickens are doing well but they've been hiding in the closed in run, and refusing to go into the open runs.  It's just too cold for them, poor things.
We've also been dealing with frozen bathroom pipes, even though we do everything we're supposed to, without fail, when we have these horrible winter freezes, the pipes go.   

February 19, 2025

We've stayed indoors as much as possible, there have been large amounts of hot coffee and tea, some digestive biscuits throw in too, and some really good reading.  My newest read is this one above by heather Fawcett.  It is called Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of Fairies.  So far, I am really enjoying it.

February 19, 2025

The babies have been hiding under warm blankets, and practically napping all day long.  They get up, use the bathroom have a bite to eat and they're back on my bed.  Elliott has to make some biscuits before sleeping, while Kaia just crawls under the blanket and goes straight to dreamland.
They make me want to do the same, but I can't, there's things to do, a house to keep in order, food to cook, laundry to wash, exercise, steps to get in and bills and you know, everything that goes into running a home.

February 19, 2025

In my daily Bible recap reading, we are in Leviticus.  It is not an easy book to read, there is so much information, so much detail and we are dealing with all sorts of sin and sacrifices and so forth.  Definitely a book that makes you work for it, both to get through the daily reading but through the animal sacrifices and all in between.
But, with God's help, we are pushing through. 

I have found that it helps me to have the audio of the verses I am reading, on my phone through Youversion Bible App, while I follow along in the Bible.

February 19, 2025

I have also been getting back into my habit of taking my daily shot.  I choose to take it about 30 minutes before dinner time, and it's something I've really grown to look forward to an enjoy.  Apple cider vinegar is so good for you, especially with gut health.  

Some people will take it straight, some will mix it with a little bit of water, but I am doing a different combination that I learned from a nutritionist online.
Apple Cider Vinegar Shot
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp honey
a sprinkle of cinnamon
filtered water
I am using a small glass measuring cup with measurements in tablespoons, ounces and ml.  I basically add the vinegar, lemon juice, honey and cinnamon then fill there rest of the cup up to 10 oz (150 ml) with filtered cold water.
Mix it well and drink it. 

It has helped my stomach immensely.  I used to have gut issues that started as I got into perimenopause and the closer I get to menopause.  This helps a lot, it also helps with weight loss or maintaining the weight.
I do this and haven't had any issues at all, but I do know some people may find it hard, or it may give them a bit of a stomach ache because of the vinegar and lemon, but the honey and cinnamon help with that.  As always, and as with anything you see online, this is not something I am recommending or telling you to do, I am not a doctor, obviously.

February 19, 2025

It's been a slow, cold day, but I've loved every minute of being in my home, in the warmth, surrounded by the things I love.

Monday, February 17, 2025

{ Happy Homemaker Monday - 02/17/2025 }

Good morning everyone, welcome back.  How was your weekend? 
Mine was good, with a mix of busy on Saturday and relaxing on Sunday, just the way I like it.  First, I want to wish you all a Happy President's Day.  If you are off today, enjoy the break, if you unfortunately are working like my daughter, brother and so many others, I still wish you a wonderful blessed day.
Now, let's get on with our post.  I will be coming back after to get the posts up for Saturday and Sunday.  I am really loving not having put this pressure on myself to make sure the posts go up on the actual day.  I find that giving myself the chance to go back and add the posts as I have the time to do so, is helping me to have a daily post up on the blog, and not fall off the wagon.
So far, it's working!
Right, now, let's see what is happening in our households.
Have a wonderful blessed week my friends ♥ 

The weather in my neck of the woods:::
Cold, very cold and we have a warning from Tuesday through Thursday where we will dip down into the single digits, throw in the wind chill and things could get a bit hairy.  I just want my Spring to come, ugh! 

Monday - Partly cloudy, 55
Tuesday - Freezing rain, 38
Wednesday - AM clouds, 23
Thursday - Mostly sunny, 28
Friday - Mostly cloudy, 38
Saturday - Partly cloudy, 48
Sunday - Sunny, 63

As I look outside my window:::
Beautiful sunrise this morning.  And even though you can't really see the cold frigid air, you certainly feel it lingering in the air.

Right now I am:::
I was sitting on my couch but have since come back to the bedroom.  I love my slow mornings when I sit in bed and read or watch a video or like today, working on my Happy Homemaker Monday post.  So this is where I am, I have also, just finished watching the latest episode of When Calls the Heart on the tv.   
Something fun to share (a blog, a video, a tip):::
I recently watched a very interesting video from a Medieval expert, where she answered questions from viewers about all things Medieval.  She even spoke in the beginning how the Medieval English would have sounded like back in the day.  It was quite interesting.  
Thinking and pondering:::
How thankful I am to be feeling well again.  So, I mentioned briefly last week that I was dealing with Tension Headaches.  Yesterday was the first time they disappeared after 15 days of a daily tension headache that would show up around 3pm.  
What brought these on, were actually some arm exercises I did at the gym.  I noticed the day after that I was extremely sore, mainly on my left side.  The next two days, I couldn't get comfortable in bed and my neck hurt so back when I tried to sleep, I spent most of the night switching pillows back and forth, trying to find the right one, but it wasn't working.  
Only today is my neck and back pain completely gone, needless to say, I won't be doing those arm machines again. 

On my bedside table:::
My phone, a bottle of water, some kleenex, my nivea lotion and my current book.    

On my tv:::
Last night's When Calls the Heart
Homemaking vlogs
Really wanting to get into some period dramas, so need to go see what is new and what I can find.  If there's anything good, I'll share it in a post this coming week.

Listening to:::
The hum of the fan above me (no matter how cold it is outside, I only feel comfortable with the fan on low, going all night)
Curt watching something on the tv in his office

On the menu for this week:::

Monday - Chicken Parmesan with Aioli Spaghetti, Garlic Bread, Salad
Tuesday - Creamy smothered chicken and rice, Steamed Broccoli and Cauliflower 
Wednesday - Caldo Verde, Grilled Cheese and Tomato Sandwiches
Thursday - Baked Manicotti, Greek Salad
Friday - Lebanese Kafta, Rice Pilaf, Lentil Salad
Saturday - Swedish Meatballs, Rice, Salad
Sunday - Pizza

On my to do list:::
Change Bed linens
Daily Bible reading and daily decree

Happening this week:::
Monday - Relaxing
Tuesday - Wash all the curtains
Wednesday - Clear out and reorganize the chest freezer
What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating:::
Nordic Afghan

My simple pleasure:::
Watching documentaries on middle ages, medieval times, ancient societies and so on. 

Lesson learned the past week:::
That we take our health for granted, or rather, we take the days we feel great for granted.  It's easy to not even pay attention, but when you are suddenly debilitated with some sort of illness, or headache or whatever the case may be, and you go days feeling unwell, it is unbelievable how you quickly understand what a blessing our health is.    

Looking around the house:::
The sun is shining through every window.  Speaking of windows, I need to wash the big living room and dining room windows again, because Kaia puts her nose up against them while looking outside and they have little nose smudges everywhere. 
From the camera:::
Every week, I make a big batch of boiled eggs for the fridge.  I love using my instant pot for this, they always turn out perfect, are easy to crack and peel and we always have a bowl available for salads, breakfast, or toppings.  

Prayer List:::
So many to mention one by one.  My prayer list is ever growing, but I have found that the easiest way for me not to forget to pray for someone or for a situation, is to do it immediately when I see the request.  I stop what I'm doing and immediately pray.  

Bible verse, Devotional::: 
Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil but what is good. Anyone who does what is good is from God. Anyone who does what is evil has not seen God. - 3 John 1:11

Sunday, February 16, 2025

{ A quiet Sunday }


The perfect Sunday!
A day of relaxing, with nowhere to go, no commitments and no need to do or be anywhere specific.  I love my quiet weekends, there is no rush, I move about slowly, pottering and doing whatever I feel like.
I watched a documentary, I read, I did my daily Bible reading, I listened to worship music, and Curt made dinner.  As much as I love cooking, I will say that having a day where I can lay about and hear the words "Dinner is ready", is quite something.  I think it makes the food taste even better lol

Most of the day was spent here, in the quiet, in the darkness of the cloudy cold day, snuggled under a blanket on the couch.  Nowhere I would rather be!

Saturday, February 15, 2025

{ A busy Saturday }


Saturday was spent basically running around and being super busy.  I had my brother and sister in law come over for dinner, and I made one of our favorites which is Bacalhau com Natas, Cod Fish in a Cream Sauce.  My husband doesn't like cod fish or any fish actually, so anytime I make fish, I make him something separate.
First things first was obviously getting groceries put away, which takes a year and 10 days.  *snicker*
I do a mixture between Walmart and the base commissary.  I usually do a pick up at Walmart of the bulk of the groceries, then head to the commissary for all the meat and some of the vegetables and fruit that I prefer to pick myself.   As much as I like the pickups, I have said many times that it's often a risk, because it has happened that I either don't get something I ordered, get the wrong size and so on.


It used to frustrate me at times, because in the middle of the rush putting everything away, I would often just get it all done, and not notice that something was missing until I went to make a meal and couldn't find the item.  It was annoying to say the least, so what I have started doing now, is, as I take the items out of the bags, I have my grocery list with me and check them off.
Whatever, if anything, is missing, I then circle and the next day head to the store to pickup.  It's been a life saver, honestly, no more frustrating meal time when one of the main ingredients is missing.


While I did this I got the boiled eggs going in the instant pot, made the dessert for dinner, which was Toucinho do Ceu, a Portuguese dessert that when translated word for word, means Bacon from Heaven.  It's a funny name but it is delicious and if you've never made it, it is so quick and easy  but so delicious that I promise it won't last very long.
You can get the recipe over on my food blog. 

Of course, putting away groceries couldn't be possible without my little helper.  He has to inspect every single bag, sniff inside, give a quick bite to the plastic and move on.  He is so cute ♥



Here is the salted cod soaking, it needs to soak for up to 48 hours to get all the salt off otherwise it is extremely salty.  I change the water every few hours, and just keep changing until I cook it.  



We ended off the day with a yummy dinner, followed by some equally yummy dessert and even had some leftover chocolate covered strawberries that I had made for Valentine's Day.
And just like that, another Saturday came to an end!