You know when you have those days that you just draw a blank and have no idea what to blog about???
That's when you turn to what's going on in bloggy land because let's face it there are so many wonderful bloggers out there and there's always a contest or a fun meme or even prayer requests going on.

Jeannene at "
Love Conquers All" is celebrating her first bloggy anniversary, we all know what a big deal that is right? So she's having a giveaway and according to her:

*Stay tuned and be ready in "TWO DAYS", trust me, there will be not one, not two, not even three or four but more winners for my "special one year giveaway" just for YOU!! All you have to do is just let me know you "READ" this post and drop me a comment and will draw a name the night of my Anniversary.
Looks like another Bloggy Giveaway Carnival is getting ready to launch on April 21st, go on over to
Chilihead's blog for more info.

Annie is having her
Time Travel Tuesday today and it's all about the prom baby. That's right, she wants to hear all about it, your dress, your date, memories etc. So go on over and share that with her :)

Niki at
Nostalgia at the Stone House is taking us on a trip to Bath, you'll see such beautiful pictures as this one.

Karon is talking about "
Aging Gracefully" today, boy do I need to read that LOL Lately I feel like even though I'm not old, my age
IS starting to show. Pains hurt more, last longer and seem to show up out of nowhere......weight doesn't come off as easily, the doctor has told me to start taking calcium and just like Karon mentions in her post.....people under 30 have started calling me "ma'm" *blink blink*

Bev at
"Scratching the Surface" has posted something that has left me amazed and wanting to go out and get it NOW, right this minute. Problem is that I can see myself using it all over the house and then it might feel like I'm living in a book or something with words all around me. But I know for sure it's going in my kitchen....and living room.....and bedroom......Oh Bev what have you started?

One of my favorite blogs is "
Simple Folk", I just truly admire Amy, she's a sweetheart. Her and a couple of other ladies who live on farms are doing a six week blog-a-thon and the first week was all about aprons.....ooohhh aprons. Go and take a look.

And then we have our friend Kelli at "
There's no Place like home" and today she's trying to corrupt me with yumminess.
If you don't believe me, I have proof, just look what she's sharing today....tsk tsk tsk LOL

Sheila has a GREAT post today on "
When you don't see eye to eye with your husband". Is she talking about me?? LOL
And that's it, I think I've covered all the major bloggy happenings. I'm off to finished laundry and then I have floors to sweep and mop. HATE doing that.
God Bless,
sandra good posting.I really like the stone house.
Hey Sandra--
Thanks for listing me! And glad you liked my post!
Those chocolate chip squares look really too good :).
Visit To Love, Honor and Vacuum today!
Sandra...thank you soooo much for the prayers you sent on my husband and Mark's behalf....they are most appreciated!!! I hope you are having a lovely day!!xoxo
Hey Sandra,
"YOU ARE TOOOOOOO WONDERFUL!!!!" I love that you advertised, you wait and see my "BIG SURPRISE!!" And yes, you just entered into my "Big Give"...lol!!
Love you girlie,
BTW...you look beautiful in you "new aurthur Pic."(I was going to say HOT, but didn't know how others would take it)..lol, but that too..lol!!
I feel your pain. I'm having a dry spell too! Sometimes you just have to take a break to get inspired again.
A blog called To Love Honor and Vacuum? Oh I loved that book. Thanks for the links!
BTW My little one is much better thank you, her recent tests came back clear, praise God.
Hugs and love.
Im feeling that way today too. Actually have been having my very own pitty party, all day :(
Hey ! I just wrote this post in response to your bloggy love post ! Well ... not really in response, but because of ... oh, you'll see !! :)
Hi Sandra,
I popped on over from Bonnie's blog to see what all the excitment in bloggyland was.
Love your site. Very pretty.
Hehe...sorry for the temptation, Sandra! LOL Thanks for sharing about them, and I will be sure to check out the other links!
-giggles- It does help to read other blogs, when our muse deserts us. I totally agree! :-)
My blog makes you want to put vinyl sayings all over your house; your blog makes me want to cook! At $12 for that sticker it was such a great deal, and easy to boot. Hope you can find some of them, I definitely plan to do at least one more in our rec room - they're just so endearing!
I never know what my sister is going to come up with when she starts redecorating - I love what she did with that wall. And you made me laugh when you said you'd probably get so carried away, it would be like living inside a book.
I did a little catching up here - I hope that passport comes soon! I'm so excited for you, Sandra. I know how much you've longed to make this trip.
Bev's wall looks AMAZING!!!! "Moments" is my word for the year, so I think I should copy her idea! :)
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