I took a break from the trip posts just so that I could talk about OTHER things. Like the newest book series that I'm completely obessed with, so much so that I got all 3 huge, thick, books on thursday and I'm on the last one, because when I'm enjoying a book I just can't put it down.
So now I'm left waiting for the fourth to be released on the 2nd of August and I have to keep myself from biting my nails in anticipation, doesn't help that the movie for the series is coming out in December so then I sit and wish the months fly by. By now I'm sure you're wondering just what the heck I'm talking about, so I'll let you in on it.........
Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer

I am completely in love with Edward and Bella, the main characters in the series. Edward is this gorgeous vampire and Bella is the normal girl next door type, a human....they fall in love and from that point on their lives are turned upside down with obstacle after obstacle. I literally could NOT put the first book *Twilight* down, I took it with me to the kitchen while I made dinner, to the bathroom while I overlooked the kid's bath time....even in the car so that I could sneak in some reading at the parking lot when I arrived at the commissary or the BX or the drive thru. It's THAT addictive and this is coming from a full grown woman, an adult, a mother and wife...not a teenager who the Twilight Saga was actually aimed at.

In the meantime while I wait for the fourth book *Breaking Dawn* and the movie to be released, I think I may just pick up Stephenie's other book...The Host.

In the meantime I've also been getting back into my Netflix watching and I started with the first movies on the Queue which were "Elizabeth I: The Virgin Queen". It started a bit slow and I got frustrated during some parts but it changed and I actually enjoyed it. Next on the list is Elizabeth: The Golden Age.

If only I didn't have this self conscious problem about traumatizing the neighbors with having to see me in a bikini, I too could be throwing myself onto that slide.....but I feel bad for spongebob too, I don't think his idea of fun is my fat butt on his face. LOL
Anyway, I'm out of here, it's time for lunch, I'm going to make some hotdogs on the grill. Yum!
Books are a good thing.the kids haveing fun is good as well.I hope that you are having a great weekend.That's my story and I'm stickng to it.Many Hugs and Gods Blessings comming to you and yours.
oh my word ! I saw the books at Chapter's yesterday ! Great pictures of the kids.Have a great week and hope the hot dogs were yummy..
Enjoy your day off!
I am just like you! I love Edward and Bella!! I didn't think I would but they are wonderful. I am anxiously awaiting the arrival for the 4th book as well. If you do decide to pick up The Host book, let me know what you think of it!!
I love finding a new series of books. I'll have to put this on my wish list!
Oh, I'd think twice before throwing myself down one of them slidey things. I've seen too many clips on "America's Funniest Home Videos" of things going awry when adults try that harmless piece of summer fun. LOL.
Those books are really eye catching.
I LOVEEEEEE this series. I am so with you; I cannot wait for Breaking Dawn. August 2 is my son's birthday. I'm picking the book up that morning. I preordered it. I'm going to attempt to resist reading it until nap time. UGH! I did read The Host. It was a pretty good book. It just wasn't comparable to reading about Edward and Bella. LOVE THEM!
Hi, I'm loving your blog, don't know if I've commented before! So happy about your trip home!
Hope your weekend was great!
I've just started the Twilight series and am enjoying it too - and I am NOT a teenager either LOL!
My daughter loves the Stephanie Meyer books. She has read them all. She told me the other day that the next book is going to be from Edward's viewpoint instead of Bella's.
Omigosh..my daughter is soooo into this series, too!! (and the fact that YOU are a mom, and other "responsible" titles, is no reason not to love a series! Just means you sure haven't grown up yet!) She says there is a movie planned to come out in December, but she doesn't want to see it, because she's afraid that it won't match up to the book. She is also anxiously awaiting that 4th book...the Borders Book store here is actually having a Vampire Party that night before it's released and then at 12:01 a.m. they'll sell the book! That's wayyyy too late for me, but it sure sounds like a fun idea...I'l bet there'll be some great costumes!
Ha-Ha!! Spongebob and the butt..that made me laugh. Seriously, though, you looked great on the beach photos of the trip, so don't be tooo timid about jumping into the sprinkler. Good grief, at 110 degrees it's important to stay cool!
Take care,
I keep resisting picking up any of the Stephanie Meyer's books, because they "just don't sound like me - vampire books?!" But, I hear nothing but rave reviews on them, so I keep rethinking it.
I rented both of those Elizabeth movies from Netflix a couple of months ago and really enjoyed them. :)
Fun, hope you get to go play in the sprinklers and slide, that looks like fun on a hot day!
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