All I need you to do is name the Big Five animals of Africa. I don't care if you have to google or not, it doesn't matter to me, I just want you to name them and you will be entered into the drawing for a genuine African Wildlife fridge magnet handmade in Tshwane, South Africa. I brought it with me from South Africa, so if you're interested, just leave me a comment with your name, email or blog where I can contact you and the list of the Big Five. It's open to US and Canada!
Good Luck!

Let's go back to Ushaka Marine World, I have some great photos to share with you including one that is mine and Curt's favorite....this purple fish, it's just beautiful.
No clue what it's called, I forgot to check the name so if anyone knows what it is, I would love to find out.
This turtle makes me laugh, I can't look at her without hearing that voice from Finding Nemo "DUDE" lol
I was sitting there minding my own business and next thing I know I have the cop yell out "HEY YOU" and call me towards him. CRUD was my first thought, I didn't want to go but everyone pushed me towards him, I could hear Curtis cackling in the background with the camera in hand LOL
Heading out, they have this great little strip mall with all sorts of great shops and restaurants etc.
The next morning was time to return back to Johannesburg but it was also Curt's birthday. The night before we had talked to the staff at the restaurant about singing Happy Birthday to him etc. He had NO idea what was coming and his reaction was priceless LOL
My dad and stepmom
And with that, it's goodbye Scottburgh and goodbye Durban. I will DEFINITELY be returning next time I'm in South Africa.
What fun!
The big five are lion, african elephant, african buffalo, black rhinoceros and leopard.
how about a big ugly fish?
When we used to have a Sea World here in Cleveland we used to go and watch the shows. There was an Otter that used to try to steal the show with it's antics.I loved going there just for that reason.
I hope that you have a Gr8 weekend.Many big time hugs and God's blessings your way.That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
My wish for you friend is that you will return there one day....soon. Hugs
I had to look them up, but this is what I found: lion, leopard, elephant, rhino and buffalo
I'd love to win the magnet - I collect them - you should see my fridge!
How neat that you were involved in the seal show! I've never seen a fish like that purple one!
What a fun trip!!
The big 5 are:
lion, leopard, elephant, buffalo and rhino!
Oh, I would have died! I do think it's funny though when it's not me-hee hee!
The scenery is just beautiful.
That show looks like a lot of fun - if you aren't the one called up front! I loved that story!
That show and marine world looked like lots of fun.
And that purple fish is amazing.
Uhm, the big 5 from what I can see through the plastic package would be: lion, elephant, rhino, buffalo and a leopard?
oh great picture of the purple seeing all of the family...have a great weekend..
I must admit, when I think of Africa, those pics dont come to mind! I think of safari and totally hot, flat landed area!
Thanks for posting pics and telling such good stories about it. You have changed my perspective on it!
Sure looks like you enjoyed your time there!
Have a fun weekend,
That fish is awesome -- wouldn't you love one in a tank in your living room? lol
big five lion, leopard, elephant, buffalo and rhino.
This was the trip of a lifetime....just look at what the kids got to see and experience here.... highly amusing story at the seal show.....and then cake and free champagne....
I have to google to find out the big five! I will come back later after doing so. What a great idea, how generous of you.
I keep thinking about before your trip, and all the headache and stress about the passport. would it arrive in was nail biting.
And then, it came, there were people all over the world praying for you to get it on time...and I was one of them. !
Then your trip, which is very apparent, it surpassed all your expectations.
Your love of South Africa shines through in every post.....
That is funny how you got to be part of the show, it looked like fun. What an awesome Marine.
I wanted to thank you for praying for my mom and let you know she died unexpectedly yesterday. I really appreciate all your prayer.
I'm going to South Africa next year so I would love to have this magnet.
Rhino,Leopard,Lion,Elephant & Buffalo
This is so cool!! I'm so glad you had a great time!
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